How much coffee do you drink?

If I'm at home all day, maybe 2 cups. I love tea as well though, and since my housemate just broke my new cafetiere it'll have to be instant for now -.-
I usually drink three tumblers of coffee at work every day... I don't think I would be able to function very well without it. I like black coffee the best, usually Colombian or Sumatra, but vanilla iced coffee in the summer is pretty awesome.
Like 3-4 cups a day. 1 before school/morning, then the when I get home from school, then evening, and maybe the 4th when I have nothing much else to drink.
i love coffee, coffee candy, coffee cake, coffee jelly beans, coffee icecream, iced coffee...

so yeah, i guess i dig it.

(i drink 4-5 cups)
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None, but I enjoy drinking coffee creamer instead.