How many languajes do you speak??

I'm half German and learned both it and English growing up. I have basic language skills in Spanish, though I learned it with Castilian pronunciation rather than a Latin American one. I'd love to communicate with some native Spanish speakers and build up a higher proficiency!

Also, not going to lie, I got a bit teary-eyed seeing so many people liking and wanting to learn German <3 It has a bad reputation as an aggressive-sounding language, so it's nice to hear that others can see its beauty.
Sometimes I get annoyed when people in the US hear me talking in German and "compliment" me by saying: "it doesn't seem so ugly and angry when you speak it" - gee thanks >.<"
english is my main language, I know I learnt some Gaelic when I just started school, but i can't remember any of it. I know a little French from learning it at school but it's all starting to fade. I'm trying to learn Japanese but I'm still on the basics for that lmao
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I am fluent in english, spanish, and vietnamese. I'm trying to learn chinese atm. :)
English is the only language I know fluently, although I've been learning Spanish in school for the last three years. I also know bits of Japanese and Korean, and I can read full hiragana and katakana, although I have trouble understanding many words in Japanese.
Sadly, only one, English and sometimes I can't even speak that all that well... rip.
Only 1 and I think I only need 1 cuz animals only know one language and they do fine
I'd say I speak English abd Dutch. I also know some German, French and I guess Spanish now too (I just came back from a language course in Spain!).
Only one. And I'm satisfied and happy. English. booya baby
2 languages for me! Bengali and English. Though in Canada we get taught French from grades 4-9, because I didn't pursue it after the language never stuck with me. I have a basic understanding of French when I read/hear it, but I cannot fluently speak or write in French :(
I know some Dutch and Norwegian, with English being my native language. I also know a tiny bit of Greek and Spanish.
I can speak English, Vietnamese (I can speak it fairly well, but I'm bad at writing the words correctly), and a bit of Spanish. :)
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i grew up speaking two languages and now i'm learning a third.
I'm only fluent in English, but I can get by if I like vitally needed to speak German or French to someone. Like I could order food, or ask where something is, would I understand the answer though.... maybe not haha.