How many houses you have in the Happy Home Showcase?

Only about three? I'm not sure. I hardly go there plus I don't bring my 3DS outside to streetpass.
Mine is currently completely full, and it's been like that since 2013. I go to a bunch of places that are gold mines for StreetPass, so I guess I'm lucky.
Mine is also full, still haven't gotten the gold streetpass badge yet, ugh.
My Streetpass Plaza population is a little over 1,000 but not everyone owns AC:NL, so who knows how many more I need.
I think I'm at least at 700.
omg i only have like 1 and thats from my sister lol. the most i've ever gotten was like 5 and that was when i was going to philly. i live in a small town so it makes sense but i have gotten like 2 while walking down the street once, but they only played pokemon unfortunately, so no houses
I have 4! One's from a stranger, one's from my old roommate and 2 are from someone in my apartment building lol
I took my 3DS with me to Disney World, a while ago. that quickly filled up my Showcase, and I was lucky enough to have a good few houses getting far in the Harmonious challenge.
The showcase is full for me, but mostly leftovers from before the update. Maybe only 1 or 2 houses from the update because I haven't taken out my ds too often
mine was full after taking it to school a lot and attending an anime convention, but i've deleted a lot of the smaller homes recently. i really enjoy going through other player's homes and seeing how people like decorating.
My main town is full. Reggie from Nintendo house is still there.
Got very lucky in 2013 and streetpassed a couple of Japan players while I was out a couple of times. Found the full Jingle set, Halloween set and some orderable Japan items. It was during the summer and ordered them before they arrived in the shops.
I've got 14- most of them were from going to the mall :) Oddly enough, all my houses are from before the update- for some reason I was under the impression they'd all be erased after updating 0.o
I have a grand total of 0. I do occasionally take my 3DS out with me too, but it just seems no one in my town plays Animal Crossing. If I lived in a big city I imagine it would be a totally different story, though.
I want more!! I have only one (and thats my other town lol)

Love buying the items in their houses..

I live in a small town unfortunately