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how afraid of the following are you? ( hights the dark insects and close spaces )


Jun 25, 2017
Throwback Tickets
Holiday Candy Cane 2017
New Leaf Token
Just wondering how afraid everyone else is of those things for me

Hights: I cannot bearrrr it... I hate being any higher then anything high that has WINDOWS

the dark ( or really what's in the dark): eh I'm Ok with it but I hate being in pitch black...

Insects: as long as its not in my house....

Closed spaces: eep... My worst nightmare is being in pitch black laying down unable to get up.... Waay too scary
.. but as long as I can wave my arms / stand up.. im ok

Soo how bout ya'll?
I'm not all that weirded out by heights as long as there's not much of a risk of me falling.

Dark doesn't bother me unless I'm outside at night in which case I worry about being hit by a car (SO many people text and drive, it's insane) or mugged, though I do live in a relatively safe area.

Insects only bother me if they're big, in my house, or on me. June bugs are especially terrifying (even though they're harmless) because their little hook legs catch in your hair and on your clothes.

Tight spaces don't bother me at all as long as there's sufficient air circulation.
Hate to correct people but it's "heights", not "hights".

I'd actually be quite afraid of being buried alive. I'll always remember that the nicest thing my partner has ever said to me is that if we were buried alive together somehow, he'd suffocate me so I wouldn't have to die slowly.
Heights: Pretty dang scared of heights, even in safety I'm usually convinced I'm gonna fall.

The dark: I refuse to sleep with the lights off, I honestly think it's impacting my quality of sleep to sleep with the lights on but I have panic attacks if I wake up in a pitch dark room.

Insects: Really not at all as long as they aren't attacking me, I'm thinking of hatching some preying mantises in the Spring.

Close space: I'm 50/50 on this, I don't like anything too small for me to move around in but I in general do like really small spaces like lofts, forts, tents, etc.
I'm absolutely terrified of height!!!

But love the dark and insects.
Small tight spaces don't bother me as long as I'm able to move otherwise I might panic a little.
im not afraid of heights at all and i'm only afraid of the dark if i feel unsafe (people following me at night or whatever, it creeps me out more because i can't see them as well as i can during the day)
insects are more gross than scary but i hate hate hate insects that are fast, have too many legs and are too close to me. i hate ants and spiders.

i'm not afraid of small places but i used to be really really afraid of being trapped somewhere, and if it was a small space it felt worse. i'm notnearly as afraid of it anymore but i still avoid elevators and always check that doors won't lock behind me. if i'm not actually locked in or trapped i don't mind at all unless there are a bunch of people there, i hate being in crowded places or small places with a bit too many people in there
Heights: I'm fine with heights but I do get a little shaky after a while, especially if it's windy. I wouldn't do something stupid like go rock climbing without a harness though.. and I generally don't do height-related stuff for the fear factor.

The dark: I'm immune to it. Of course if someone is going to prank me and jump out of that dark I'd scream and probably punch them, but I have no problem being in the dark. I can't sleep unless it's pitch black. If I'm in a small dark closet then yes, I would be terrified because I'm claustrophobic.

Insects: I'm terrified of butterflies. I don't like insects that fly into your face but it's not a phobia like my fear of butterflies (it's their wings and bright colours and a traumatic incident that happened to me when I was a kid). I don't mind spiders but I hate centipedes. Ironically, I love drawing creepy crawlies but again NO butterflies lmao.

Closed spaces: I am claustrophobic so I hate closed spaces. I've had panic attacks related to being in closed spaces, especially when flying and being in tight elevators or subway cars.
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Heights as long as I don't look down I'm alright, but also I like the thrill of heights and think the views and stuff are really sick so I kinda like it.

The dark I don't like tbh. I don't like not knowing what's there etc. Like when I'm asleep I keep a video or music on until I dozed off cause I just find silence and the dark so creepy

Insects I can deal with unless they fly/make annoying buzzing noises that make me want to murder them. Like stay away from me and I'll stay away from you

Closed spaces idrk cause I haven't really been in any
1. The Great Papyrus does not fear heights! (I really don't care)

2. No darkness will be feared, darkness will FEAR ME! (Eh, I don't really care either)

3. ... (I'm scared crap less of cockroaches, but that's it.)
I'm completely fine with heights (Unless I have to jump a high height)

Fine with small spaces.

The night/dark is ok. However the most scariest thing is the ocean. What makes it terrifying is seeing the ocean when its pitch black. I don't want to imagine being stranded/thrown overboard in the ocean, especially at night.
Heights: I'M TERRIFIED OF IT ! and I don't like being near really tall things (like buildings) too. >_<

The Dark: meh, sometimes.

Insects: Most

Closed spaces: As long as it wasn't for a very long time....
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Heights: Naaaah

The Dark: Also naaaaahh

Insects: If they have more than 6 legs, I'm terrified of them. Horrible. 6 legs or less if fine though.

Closed Spaces: Only if I'm with other people. On my own, I'm fine.
heights - not at all.

the dark - sometimes. depends on my mood.

insects - depends on the type but i really really really hate roaches and wasps. just the other week a small roach was on the bottom of my desk or something and fell on my leg :(
also i HATE HATE HATE buzzing noises, like if a mosquito gets really close to my ear i'll freak out.

closed spaces - also depends. i'm not really claustrophobic, but the thought of getting stuck in a small space and not being able to get out is what scares me. like, if i were trying to get through a small opening of some kind small/tight quarters i'd be afraid of getting stuck or unable to move, and wouldn't want to. small spaces themselves though don't scare me, as long as i can like, get out.
heights: I love being high up in the air, with the exception of rollercoasters seriously those are awful
the dark: depends on where I am, not really though
insects: as long as they're not in the house they're fiiine
closed spaces: nahhh not really
Heights: Look, I'm just saying God made me short for a reason, and it's not because I'm a fan of heights. Anything higher than five feet gets me nervous. Climbing trees? I can climb up, but don't expect me to come down. Walking across bridges? Nah fam, I'll just take the long way. Rollercoasters? Miss me with that. Airplanes? I think the heck not.

Darkness: Not really?

Insects: It honestly depends on how many legs it has. Anything with more than four legs is on my NOPE list, but even butterflies creep me the heck out. Anything that flies does tbh.

Closed Spaces: Nah.
Heights: 6-7

The Dark: 0

Insects: 3-5

Close Spaces - 6-8
i'm not so afraid of heights, i'm more afraid of falling from them. totally cool with being up high til i get to the edge.

i'm always paranoid of what's in the dark (mostly bugs or some kind of creature? not so much monsters lol)

insects are okay if they're cute (i.e ladybugs and grasshoppers) but NOT okay if they're big, run fast and have more than 4 legs. **** centipedes bro.

i'm alright with closed spaces
Hights: Not really unless I'm right at the edge obviously and I'm going to die
The Dark: Yeah I guess. Sleeping leaves you so vulnerable and I'd prefer to be able to see if something happened
Insects: Depends. Medium and above sized spiders are a nono though
Closed spaces: HOLY SH****************TT if i were to go under my bed i dont even know what i would do i think my heart would just stop. also it makes me want to die when the air is so warm and humid i can't feel it going down into my lungs, it makes me freak out.