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Hiking Trip (Melon Ballers and Crystal Ballers Cabins)


this sunday I went on a hiking trip all the way up the mountain to get a better view on the fireworks show! it was really hard since i dont hike often but it was totally worth it! i packed up a delicious picnic in my cooler so it stays fresh on the way up. then of course a lantern so i can see something and because i knew i would stay the night i brought my tent to sleep in. for some little more entertainment i also packed my portable radio into my backpack!

outfit close up

i wanted to stay comfy and warm cause i know it can be very cold at night in the mountains

(edited my post to attach a better picture).

I designed a hiking/camping trip that is pretty accurate to how I would camp in real life - my outfit includes a workout top and pants with tennis shoes and a baseball hat, which is pretty much the exact outfit I would hike in irl. I’ve also got a backpack which is something I’d definitely bring!

as for the items, one of my favorite things to do while camping is sit around the fire and roast marshmallows, so I included the campfire leaf pile. I also enjoy eating good while camping, so the bbq is a must. The radio is good for playing music while sitting around the fire, and then of course the tent is a no-brainer — I could not and would not sleep on the ground without a tent! And finally, the lantern is extremely necessary for middle-of-the-night bathroom trips. It gets dark out there.

However, with all of that said, I actually don’t enjoy camping at all so that explains the look in my island rep’s face.
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I'm wearing: a custom design called "stargazer overalls" which I thought was pretty fitting, a cow skull for.. idk, camoflauge? (it's cute), cozy socks, comfy sandals, and a back pack to carry my things.

White kid's tent is a must. Festivale garland because we are glamping, not camping. A white log bench with tea and snacks to enjoy once we reach the destination of our hike.
Got permission to edit: ignore the lace rug cause I can't count items.
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Heyo! Let's start with the clothes.
I mainly themed my outfit around our cabin colour, Melon! I'm wearing a Knit Hat, Puffy Vest, Sweatpants, Country Socks and Boots! Joining the camp from Australia, I may be a lil confused about the weather, but its fine... I hope. Also I've brought an outdoor backpack, of course, to carry all of my items.

Speaking of items, I chose to bring the following: A cartoonist set, because I know without being able to draw for a month, I would start scribbling on the walls! A board game to play with my fellow campers, a bike to ride around the mountains and forest, a tape deck to listen to some tunes on our trip. And lastly, a guitar; although I might not have played it in years, I can always play 'Wonderwall'!
I'd like some day to camp out on a starry night, wearing my red anorak jacket and plain cap that will shield me from the wind. That evening, with my camp stove and my cooler box I would be all set to make a delicious stew for supper. After a good meal, I would sit down and relax while reading a book next to the campfire. Then before heading into my tent with my sleeping bag, I would gaze again at the beautiful stars lighting the sky.

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I'm packed for birdwatching! I made sure to wear my dodo shirt and I have on explorer shorts, comfy sandals, and a big backpack. I'm bringing binoculars and a book to help me with bird identification, a hammock to relax in, a lunchbox 'cause I'm gonna get hungry, and a lantern in case I get a little lost and find myself out there while it's dark out.
Hi everyone! Sorry that I’m just getting to some of these entries - it took me a while to hike up the mountain.

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I decided to take a late summer hike to the beach. I plan to do some snorkeling so I put on my wet suit and brought my snorkeling gear. I also have my square backpack on that looks exactly like a soft cooler. It's packed with my favorite drinks on ice!

I brought my surfboard so I can catch some waves when the water gets too rough to spy on the beautiful fish. I set up a campfire to fry up whatever I manage to grab from the depths of the sea. My parasol gives me a much needed break from the sun. I'm unfortunately very pale. My inflatable couch is a great alternative to sleeping on the sand and finally I had to bring a radio to listen to the 8 hottest songs on a never ending loop with various local commercials sprinkled throughout.

It looks like your photo got cropped from its original screen shot dimensions. If you could resubmit it without the sides cropped, that would be great! You can just edit your original post and ping me to notify me.

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hiking?!?! No, no, no, didn't you know my favourite season is indoors? Just leave me in the cabin.
brought an outdoor generator and I can glamp in comfort. ha!

Your photo is fine, but we’re looking for the item list to be a little more descriptive. Remember to explain both your outfit and each item you are highlighting. You can edit your post and ping me when done!

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After a long day hiking i was so happy that I had packed my tent. After a snack from my picnic box it was time to sleepily crawl into bed. I had packed my cosy jammies and as it got cold in the mountains, I needed a cosy hat to keep warm (and keep bugs out of my ears 😂)

I was just dozing off when a bright light woke me up. I peaked outside and the sight of the beautiful Aurora skyline took my breath away (guess who forgot to pack a camera 😅)

Please make sure you write a little more about your item choices! I see a few that were not mentioned.

Can we create a scene with more than 5 items?

You may, but please don’t make it super chaotic. The focus of your entry should be highlighting your clothes and 5 items. Feel free to get as creative as you want with item descriptions! Voting should also be based on the overall concept of your outfit + item choices!

Loving the entries so far!

I take a deep breath to enjoy this crisp, clean, thin mountain air. It was a long trek up here, and while I came to paint the aurora, I can't help but stop for a moment after setting up my tent to rest and relax after such an arduous journey. I have my tape recorder, not only to record my findings, but also to play some music while I paint the snowy scene ahead of me. My camp stove is on and cooking me a nice hot stew to help keep me warm. Of course I brought a lantern for light, as I can't paint an accurate scene without being able to see my canvas!

My clothes are functional and designed to keep me warm and safe from the elements- while also being rather fashionable and bright in case of emergency where I must be found. My Pullover Jacket and Knit Pants give the best of both worlds, and my trusty Trekking Shoes help me walk through the deep snow. My Pilot's Cap keeps my hair in order while having attached goggles in case of a snow storm. These goggles were also useful during my climb up here, though that didn't save my face from a few nicks, which I bandaged right up. My Traveler's Backpack holds everything I need in it, like additional food and supplies on top of what I already have out!

I'm wearing a comfy outfit that can withstand the rain. I also have a big backpack, some cute sneakers, and I'm wearing a heart bopper so that I stand out and will be more likely found when lost.

For the items: I'm bringing a tent to sleep into, a painting set to paint the beautiful nature landscape, a ukulele to play some songs under the night sky, a music player to listen to some songs on a CD and I will bring a teddy bear to give me some company (as I will probably get lonely all alone in a tent.)
I edited my earlier post to include a better screenshot. Just wanted to leave a link here in case you didn't get my ping, @dizzy bone . Thank you!

Actually why did my post get 20 points and the other posts 15? ( Did I miss something or? I dont want to get more than I should as that is unfair ;') )
Soooo I’m going to assume my wheelchair counts as one of the 5 items? Because obviously I’d bring that lol
For my hiking trip, I decided to arrive via sailboat! The only appropriate way to dress for this special occasion would be my sailor's outfit.

I hope I remembered everything I needed for this excursion. I have my campfire to keep me warm at night, along with a nice seat to stay out of the grass. Hopefully this combination alone will keep the mosquitos away from me! When I'm not roasting marshmallows, I'm having a nice BBQ with friends. Don't forget to wait 30 minutes to go surfing! Finally at night as the fireworks come out over the ocean, we'll go to sleep in our sleeping bags, only for the fun to begin again the next morning :)


My rep is glamping at Glastonbury! It was a music festival that was always at the top of my bucket list, but I feel like I may be too old now to handle it haha. My rep can still go though! She’s trying to look cute, but also practical since it can get really rainy and muddy there so she has her waxed cotton jacket and wellies.

Items I brought to the campgrounds are: barbecue, portable radio so there’s always music playing, infused-water dispenser (because I’m glamping so I have fancy water), cooler box for all my perishables or to just keep things cold, and bike so I can get around fast!
Okay I decided to go with this.

Since I wanted to be realistic as possible, item #1 is my wheelchair. Hey, considering I can’t walk, can’t go anywhere without it right? Gosh, I hope the path is nice and smooth for my wheels and even if it isn’t: it’s okay because I’m more fine with staying behind. I have my cooler with me if I get thirsty, along with a radio for any breaking news. Everyone needs entertainment, right? Well, for me I have my switch lite, and if I don’t feel like gaming, I have my writing set. Perfect time to be creative.

As for my outfit, my mom always tells me to dress cool and simple so I have a light shirt with a pair of white pants and white sneakers.

I hope someone has sunblock because I burn easily.