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Has your 3DS ever died while you were playing?


Senior Member
Sep 6, 2014
April Birthstone (Diamond)
Red Candy
Yellow Candy
I was trying to add someone else's friend code so I could pick up some free items, my 3DS dying in the process. By the time I found my charger, I was no longer able to pick up the items.

My 3DS is evil.

So has your 3DS unfortunately died during gameplay or a trade?
Yes only because I've left it alone forgetting that it wasn't on the charger
Never. I always watch for that light and when I can I play with the charger on it just to be safe.
I was at work and left it unattended while I dealt with customers, when I got back to it later, it had died and the pattern I had sunk far longer than I'm willing to admit was gone with it.
It's died while I left it in sleep mode overnight once or twice, but otherwise no.
Not while playing, no.

But don't tell redd I said that.

It's died while in sleep mode, especially when I took it to dragoncon to get Streetpass tags. I kept logging in about every four hours to clear the plaza (should have done it more often, but I was having fun!)

All that wifi exchanging and off/on just made it hard not to die.

But while playing I watch for the red light then plug in, or leave it plugged in, or save and close my game if I can't get to my charger.
nope but when that red light starts flashing I run to my charger.
Yes. I always play with the AC adapter plugged in, so I don't bother to look at battery level. Unfortunately, I lost a ton of a day's work and beetle farming once when I didn't realize the cord hooking in back to the adapter had been partway pulled out. Now I check the light now and then, even when I'm fully plugged in as usual.
Nope, but it had went down to the critical point several times (critical point is when a red light flashes). When it happens, I plug in my 3DS right away.
i'm usually pretty on the ball as far as the dread red light is concerned, but not too long ago i put it in sleep mode and carried it around for, like, 5 mins? then i open it up again and it's all like "the 3ds card came out even though it didn't, sorry nothing". the lesson to be learnt here is that you can never be too safe. IT COULD HAPPEN TO YOU TOO.
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