Games you're looking forward to?

Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire and also Super Smash Bros. Mostly ORAS though since it's a game I've been waiting for for about 4 years already.
Smash Bros. 4
Omega Sapphire
No Man's Sky
Crown of the Ivory King
Animal Crossing Wii U (Will arrive eventually)
Far Cry 4
ZELDA WII U!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I like games.

Me too. :)


Looking forward to Final Fantasy XIII on PC, out October 9th! Already pre-purchased it, gonna do a LP on it I think! Great game, loved it and both sequels on the PS3.


Also getting Theaterythym Curtain Call next week!!!!!
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and Smash too. But Hyrule Warriors is only 3 days away :)
It's a shame destiny ended up not being all that great. It looked really fun to me. I feel bad for anyone who preordered and didn't like it :(
It's a shame destiny ended up not being all that great. It looked really fun to me. I feel bad for anyone who preordered and didn't like it :(

Really? I think it's a lot of fun, maybe because my expectations weren't that high. There will always be people that hype a game up a lot and end up acting like it sucks because it didn't meet their giant expectations.
I'm definitely looking forward to Dragon Age: Inquisition, even if Dragon Age 2 was a huge let down. The first still stands as one of my favorite RPGs of all time, and I have my fingers crossed that BioWare didn't drop the ball on this third installment.

Oh, and Halo: The Master Chief Collection. I'm not a huge fan of the FPS genre in general, but I met so many amazing people through the Halo 2 community and am excited to reconnect with them. :D
I'm looking forward to Pokemon Alpha Sapphire and Omega Ruby. :) I used to play the originals when I was a kid, so I can't wait to revisit it! :)
Super Smash Bros., Batman: Arkham Knight, Zelda Wii U (not that Hyrule Warriors crap), and I guess Pokemon OmegaRuby and AlphaSapphire, I just haven't been in a Pokemon mood lately, and that's something I have to be in the mood for to be excited about. :/
I still say it's good. Sure, Gen 5 was pretty lousy, but Gen 6 regained that old Pokemon charm for me.

Either way, Smash 4. I am so hyped for it!
Resident Evil HD remaster, for Steam(because I haven't destroyed it enough it yet LOL!) and Resident Evil Revelations 2.
I just saw some video play throughs of Middle-Earth: Shadows of Mordor. That game looks amazing and looks super fun. I really like the nemesis mode which allows you to take down Saurons army by assassinating the leaders of each clan. It seems super interesting and something that hooked me into the Assassins Creed games. Primarily because of how many ways you can tackle each of the eventual take downs.