Games you were excited for that disappointed you?


some kind of superstar
Dec 24, 2014
Red Hyacinth
White Hyacinth
Disco Ball Easter Egg
Purple Balloon
Sweet Balloon
Blue Crescent Moon
Pink Crescent Moon
Galaxy Swirl
Orange Crescent Moon
Green Crescent Moon
Has there ever been a game you were excited for that disappointed you once you got it? For any reason at all!

My answer is Bayonetta 3 and i've ranted on it before haha, won't go into it. But wanted to know other peoples choices also! Doesn't have to be a game you disliked, but just aspects of it let you down or you ended up not caring for it as much/not playing it much after the first time. Or maybe you didn't finish it all.
Oh Kingdom hearts by far. I thought I was gonna love it, like disney, and adventure games. Bought both one and two. Given two others.

But I couldn't do it. The bosses were ridiculous, I didnt like how the female leads were treated. Only Birth By Sleep was bearable. I didn't like the DS game for a number of reasons. Also how they kept resurrecting characters. I dont get why games do that. Its one of my least favorite things in any kinda media
Not disappointing once I got it, since I didn't get it, but Pokemon Sword and Shield was the biggest disappointment for me both when the first reveal was shown and when we found out about Dexit. I wanted to throw up.

World of Warcraft's Shadowlands expansion was the biggest disappointment of any game I actually got and went into with high hopes.
Recently the game Sports Story on Switch was a pretty big disappointment for me - after years of waiting for it after its initial announcement, it ended up being really buggy and not very fun. I know that was a pretty widespread sentiment and some people even went as far as requesting refunds for the game because of how bad it was.
Not initially, but Nintendo Switch Sports was pretty disappointing for me. I was excited for the game but only enjoyed it for about a week before I stopped playing. I don't wanna go on a tangent here, but there's not much replay value without NSO and they don't even have Miis. 😭 (I mean there's the Mii heads, but they look really weird on the 'sportsmates' bodies and I don't really like it.) It just doesn't live up to the original Wii Sports and strayed too far from the original games, IMO.
i dont really remember being excited for it but i did grab kirby star allies, can't believe they'd charge 79.99 +taxes for such a bland platformer, Mario Odyssey also really didn't live up to my expectations and the combination of both two games being letdowns lead me to just drop off from nintendo entirely, in hindsight i'm kind of glad it did, since it's allowed me to broaden my horizons when it comes to video games
Watch Dogs Legion was a game I used to be excited for but I got really disappointed with it and I stopped playing the game quickly. I stopped playing Watch Dogs Legion because it just got too repetitive quickly. Watch Dogs Legion feels like a downgraded version of Watch Dogs 2 since they took away most of the hacking features that were in the last 2 Watch Dogs games. The missions feel so repetitive and sometimes its one of those "what the heck do you do" type missions where the game doesn't really tell you much and you have to figure it out on your own. The idea of playing as everyone feels too scattered and sometimes I have a hard figuring out which is the best character to use. I know they tried to make it look like a big deal but it just comes off has very limited and whenever you die (Unless you have Permadeath turned on) You have to wait on a cool down and switch to different characters. It got boring really fast.

Overall this game tries to be more serious like Watch Dogs 1 but then it tries to be like GTA/Saints Row and doesn't do well with the writing. At least Watch Dogs 2 while it may not have a strong story like Watch Dogs 1 it was a lot more easy to understand and you understand what they were trying to do to, but in Legion the story is a complete mess, you don't really have a proper protagonist to connect to since its the whole "Play as anyone" type game, the hacking is so watered down, and finally the missions feel too repetitive and can get tiresome pretty quickly. I am rating this game a 6/10 it was so disappointing.
I have a few 😅

Fortune Street (Wii)
This was my first like board game videogame other than Mario Party and it was different! When I was younger I thought the character interaction's were funny and I still do but that's really all I like about the game. I still play it from time to time as its quite interesting and the stock market thing is cute but its too complicated, boring, and long to hold my attention. Cute game though
Pikmin 2 (Gamecube / Wii)
I absolutely adored Pikmin 3 and to a similar extent, the original Pikmin but two is my least favorite out of the three. I still really liked Pikmin 2 but I thought it was a bit long? It was too repetitive and did not have a true story and its probably because I never finished it. I did not like the caves and the fact the captain's barely spoke made it a bit boring to me. Its still a great fun game but I just did not enjoy it as much as I enjoy Pikmin 3. The original is a cool game and has such a unique atmosphere and feel that the second game kind of copied but ruined with caves.
Super Mario RPG (Super NES / Wii U Virtual Console)
I have not played this game enough as I just bought it last week from the Eshop and its a cool unique game! I can tell I'll love it after playing it more but this beginning was BRUTAL especially the fact you can get killed by the boss and get sent back to the start. THANK GOODNESS FOR THE SAVE POINTS ON WII U
Super Mario RPG (Super NES / Wii U Virtual Console)
I have not played this game enough as I just bought it last week from the Eshop and its a cool unique game! I can tell I'll love it after playing it more but this beginning was BRUTAL especially the fact you can get killed by the boss and get sent back to the start. THANK GOODNESS FOR THE SAVE POINTS ON WII U
The game has save points that allow you to save before the boss battles. The bowser fight when you first start the game I will say is the only one that doesn't have a save point. Took me long enough to realize that you have to "Aim for the Chain" and at the time I didn't know you had to switch targets. As much as I do love this game I will agree the beginning part is a bit hard to understand.
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Pokemon X and Y. I was so freaking excited for it, only to be greeted by a small roster, forgettable towns and music, bland characters, and horrible controls/camera.

I got Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on 3DS after reading reviews about how great it was. It was not. It was boring. You being in basically preschool killed it for me. I couldn't take it seriously. Literally it felt like I was playing a baby game.

Kirby Star Allies was kinda meh, but I knew that ahead of time going in so I didn't have my expectations too high.

Pokemon Let's Go Eevee was fun but I was disappointed by the lack of post game.

The first Story of Seasons game on 3DS was also painfully slow. I made it through the crappy beginning part but after that, just didn't connect with the town at all and just didn't want to play anymore.

I was gifted this game but Super Mario Party is pretty lame. It's so bare bones compared to previous titles. It was so bad that I traded it with some poor sucker for Links Awakening.

Sonic and Mario at the Tokyo Olympic Games. Where are all the events?? There's so many events missing. There are only like three dream events. Wtf? Another bare bones $90 title. I was gifted this game as well so I didn't spend my money on it but I was still disappointed.
Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story - Boring as hell, made me stop playing Mario games altogether.

Kirby's Return to Dreamland - Also kind of boring, finished it way too quickly. Made me stop playing Kirby games.

Pikmin 3 - Just did not enjoy this at all, lmao. This is more of a "it's not my type of game" thing though.

Xenoblade Chronicles X - Was also kind of a letdown to be honest.

Bravely Default - This one WAS actually fun for the first 3/4ths of the game... up until you have to grind a ton to be able to finish the game. Yeah.... no thanks.

Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric - Might as well been called Sonic Fail: Rise of Terrible Game. Never played a Sonic game since then.

There's probably more I'm forgetting.
Pokemon X and Y. I was so freaking excited for it, only to be greeted by a small roster, forgettable towns and music, bland characters, and horrible controls/camera.

I got Super Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on 3DS after reading reviews about how great it was. It was not. It was boring. You being in basically preschool killed it for me. I couldn't take it seriously. Literally it felt like I was playing a baby game.

Kirby Star Allies was kinda meh, but I knew that ahead of time going in so I didn't have my expectations too high.

Pokemon Let's Go Eevee was fun but I was disappointed by the lack of post game.

The first Story of Seasons game on 3DS was also painfully slow. I made it through the crappy beginning part but after that, just didn't connect with the town at all and just didn't want to play anymore.

I was gifted this game but Super Mario Party is pretty lame. It's so bare bones compared to previous titles. It was so bad that I traded it with some poor sucker for Links Awakening.

Sonic and Mario at the Tokyo Olympic Games. Where are all the events?? There's so many events missing. There are only like three dream events. Wtf? Another bare bones $90 title. I was gifted this game as well so I didn't spend my money on it but I was still disappointed.
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon was a huge disappointment I agree..
Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon was a huge disappointment I agree..
I heard nothing but good stuff about it so I'm not sure what I was missing out on. I thought maybe I hadn't played long enough but I gave it a solid 5 hours so I dunno.
I'm disappointed with the direction of modern Pokemon games for sure. I used to be excited for generation 8 only to find out that it was entirely bare bones along with the complete lack of proper post game and the lack of proper story and rivals and the villainous team. The Pokedex cut is the final straw. I didn't buy the game because of that.

Then generation 9 came only to make it more disappointing and a bit heartbreaking because I really love what the direction they're going for gameplay-wise, but the game-breaking bugs, the lack of varied customization, the unpolished graphic design and art style, and the lack of post game cemented my disappointment in the series as a whole.

The 3ds Pokemon games are my last bought Pokemon games. As much as I want to try out the modern Pokemon games on the switch, I will only try Legends Arceus because of how experimental and refreshing the game feels, like the old Pokemon GameCube games were they're trying to be experimental with the direction of the series despite being the spin off games.

I love Pokemon, but I wish they were more polished and less rushed in the game department. I also wish they'll deliver fresh new ideas that will shake up the core gameplay of Pokemon while making sure the game is fully polished like other RPG games.
My Time at Portia. An Indie game with great potential. It’s also exactly my kind of game. The Switch port though is really really bad. Sure the PC version is better but even it has problems from what I’ve heard and I’m a more of a handheld gamer anyways. They were also supposed to keep working on fixing the Switch version but that’s been left hanging for way too long and they’ve already started on a sequel so it’s clear they don’t care about quality or fixing their first game. Very disappointing.
I know this was quite some time ago, but New Super Mario Bros.

Make no mistake; I love the 3D Mario games, too. But having grown up with the 2D Mario games, I was quite excited in 2005 when they announced that they were returning to that format for the DS. I thought it would be a nostalgic return to a style of games that had been dismissed as old hat by the wider populace.

Unfortunately, upon playing the game, I found its controls to be rather stiff, its level design derivative, and its visuals and soundtrack remarkably uninspired. It simply felt like a worse version of Mario, far below the normal expectations I'd have for any first-party Nintendo franchise, let alone their flagship series. I'd like to say that later releases would eventually sell me on the concept, but despite some gameplay tweaks and the addition of cooperative multiplayer, they really haven't.

It was Super Mario Maker that finally nourished my craving for more 2D Mario. There were just so many creative courses to play through, and because every gaming YouTuber under the sun was playing it, that meant there was a sort of kinship and community surrounding the game. So many fond memories of the first Mario Maker. Such a shame that the sequel is essentially worthless without an NSO subscription that I simply do not want. Nintendo ruins everything, as always.
No game will ever be as disappointing to me as Bioshock infinite was. There was so many things that the developer said would be in the game during development that didn't end up in the final game. Infinite would be a decent game on its own if it didn't have to be compared to its far superior predecessors. But overall the game feels like it's trying to be more grand than it really is, and anytime they have something real to say they never really go through with it.

Oh yeah and like others have said, Pokémon sword and shield made me lose any and all respect I had for Game Freak. Smh
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