Favourite wild animal?

i really love sea otters. i think a lot of it comes from my love for oshawott but i just love the little dudes. my dream is to have a pet otter and hold hands with it while we sleep and be best buds. i have a little stuffed animal of one that my aunt got for me from the zoo and it makes me so happy. precious guys!!!!

im also very fond of arctic foxes. i remember painting one in middle school for a project and i just started to like them after that. theyre like snow owls, but cooler. if bugs count, i also love butterflies. i have one tattooed on my wrist for no reason other than i thought it looked cute, lol. in kindergarten we had a class caterpillar and the day we released it as a butterfly, i sobbed for an hour. i really want one as an adult
Some of my favorite wild animals are manatees, cheetahs, snow leopards, fennec foxes, pandas, jellyfish, and humpback whales! I've seen them all except for pandas and humpback whales in real life. There are many more animals I could have included in my list, but I tried to narrow it down a bit
pallas cats ftw


as well as sand cats

My favorite wild animal is the squirrel! I would love to have one as a pet. As a kid, I’d chase any squirrel I saw in hopes I could catch it and be able to pet and hold it like a cat or dog. I didn’t want to keep it and bring it home with me. I just wanted to feel their little tails so much.
My current favorites are crows and other corvids! I love to watch them interact with their world. I know this is probably bad but I really want to feed them whenever I see them 🥺🥲
It might be obvious...
Its SNAKES 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍

Yes, my favourite wild animal is, of course, everyone's favourite danger noodle.

In particular I really like the Green Anaconda

It is one of the largest, heaviest and longest snakes in the world. It is also located in South America.

It is a life goal of mine to finally have a snake as a pet. They are wild animals and not normally considered domesticated pets. However, I just want to raise one. Just one...but I understand though. They are better in the wild, where they can hunt all the mice and birds they desire.

Another snake I like is the Egyptian cobra or also known as the Egyptian asp

It is the snake of the pharoahs and I've always been attracted by it 🐍
Can't pick just one favorite wild animal!!

Favorite Bird: I really love toucans.. their colorful beaks, predator noises, cute lil hops.. Just all around neat birds

Favorite Ape: Orangutans, they're so smart, so much like us, and they deserve a better planet

Favorite Wild Cat: Cheetahs, they're basically big housecats compared to other big cats. They can purr and meow, they run fast, and they don't hunt humans

Favorite Sea Creature: idk, this one is hard.. maybe the mantis shrimp or the cuttlefish. Both intelligent, mysterious creatures

Favorite Giant: either the whale shark or the blue whale

Favorite Amphibian: Posion Dart Frogs maybe.. they're so colorful

Favorite Reptile: crocodiles I guess because they scare the **** outta me and I respect that
I'm not sure I can say I have a favorite. Animals are severely underrated and severely under appreciated by humanity. They have purposes, interesting behaviors, a consciousness, and they are tied to our survival whether we like it or not. We should have more mindfulness.

I had the chance to observe the otters TWICE in a wild environment in my life (not in a zoo or protected park) and was thrilled to see them dive under water to only come back up with fish in their paws.

I did have the chance to meet some otters at a zoo for a behind-the-scenes encounter and got to feed them <3