Favorite worn Halloween costume?

when i was 13 my mother made me a starbucks frappuccino costume. it was a really nice costume because i was obsessed with starbucks, she put a lot of work into it and even made a matching headband made to look like a straw + whipped cream.

before i went trick or treating she took me to the local starbucks to get a frappuccino and some of the employees wanted to get a picture with me since i was in costume lol
My favorite would probably have to be Sally from Nightmare before Christmas that I did when I was around 10. I had my friend's family member who was a makeup artist do my makeup and it looked so cool haha. Some other honorable mentions are Harley Quinn, Ahsoka Tano, Nene Yashiro, and Raven.
I cosplay so I can never remember sometimes if my costumes were for Halloween, a convention, or just because;)
But my favorite memories are when I do group costumes. What got me started was when I was 9 or 10, a bunch of my friends and I did Alice in Wonderland, and I was the dormouse. So I mostly ran around in a giant cardboard/paper mache teapot all night long. It's an odd costume alone, but when the whole group was together we got the greatest reactions! And I had the best receptacle for candy (they would put it down the spout of the teapot and it would land in the bag I had in my teapot!).
Another good time was when a big group of friends and I did Disney's Robin Hood. We went to Disneyland to do one of their Halloween events, and a little girl went up to my friend who was dressed up as Maid Marian and started gushing about how Maid Marian was her favorite character. (I was totally unrecognizable along as rabbit friend #2 (Sis) but I had so much fun running around with Skippy and Toby Turtle and the whole gang!)
in preschool i wore this cute pink dinosaur costume for a halloween parade, i think i might still have it stored somewhere
When I was eight years old, I was a scarecrow. My mom sewed fake leaves onto a flannel shirt, patches onto overalls and a yarn wig into a hat. I wish I had pictures of it, but I'm old(TM) and the digital cameras were too pricy for us to afford at the time!
I dressed up as May from Pokemon this year!! Using her ORAS outfit! It makes me smile because May has always been my favourite trainer but finally I am being her! :) <3

I have two that I made pieces for myself and two that I just created using stuff that I either had or found in resell shops. The two that I basically made entirely are Skarmory using pieces of cardboard (took me two months to do and figure out how to give an illusion of a beak and the tail) and Nutty the Squirrel from Happy Tree Friends (painted my entire face green and created a large tail made out of neon green poster board and random pieces of candy glued on). The other two were Yoko Ono in the white dress and long straight hair and Buffalo Bill from Silence of the Lambs. I found a way to make it look like I was wearing a scalp and had a basket with a bottle of lotion and small stuffed toy dog.
While we were dating, my hubby & I use to be cute & have coordinating couples costumes. 3 of my favorite are:
- Kermit & Miss Piggy
- Fred & Wilma (from Flinstones) while our son was Bamm-Bamm (& our best friends were Barney & Betty, with their daughter being Pebbles)
- Charlie Brown & the little red haired girl
My favourite would have to be my John Laurens costume from this year. I was going to wear it last year and then be J.D. from Heathers this year, but I got sick.
I tried to convince my boyfriend to be Alexander Hamilton (because Laurens and Hamilton were pretty gay for each other) but I did not succeed.