Dream Villager/Game Burnout Dilemma


strawbaby she/her
May 1, 2018
Spring Sakura
Yellow Candy
Spring Shamrock
Tasty Cake
Peach (Fruit)
June Birthstone (Pearl)
Pear (Fruit)
I'm feeling very conflicted the past few days.

I've been trapped in my parents house (after living alone/independently for 4 years) for 3 weeks now. As is the situation for a lot of us I'm sure. And I've already clocked about 170 hours in this game...

I got a bunch of amiibos just to have villagers to swap in down the road in a few months or so (or as was the original plan) when i got a little bit stir crazy on the island and wanted to switch things up.
The game has been out for..... about 3 weeks i guess? And I'm already growing a bit bored/not talking to "dream" villagers as much who i was anticipating keeping on my island for a long time. Such as sherb, mira, julian.... For a lot of them (excluding sherb) its not a huge deal because I have all their amiibo cards, but also I'm just not used to villagers losing their charm for me so quickly. So I'm a little sad and conflicted.
To be fair, 170 hours *is* a few months of gameplay for me in a normal situation, but I (and a lot of us) have packed several months of gameplay into just a few weeks for circumstances we can't really control.
I love that the game came out at this time to be such an escape for so many of us, but I'm so sad that my pacing is sped up for this game right now (and I don't even TT!)

Should I keep my current "dreamies" and hope the burnout wears off? I have about 25 amiibo cards, should I just continue to cycle people in and out to help keep the game more dynamic in these weird times, or do you think that'll keep contributing to even more burnout?

I've considered limiting my play to only a select amount of hours a day, but that makes me sad as well, as I have absolutely no life right now and I've been struggling to keep myself busy and distracted.

Thoughts, opinions, similar experiences?

disclaimer: i think this game is seriously absolutely incredible, i dont think any of my current feelings are because the game isnt good, isnt charming, or doesnt have enough to do. on the contrary, it speaks to the game that i've even been able to so easily sink so many hours a day into the game without running out of things to do. im just feeling things that i usually only feel months into playing a game, only 3 weeks into the game, and i dont know how to mitigate it.
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