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do you use your museum exhibits for something that is NOT storage?

I actually do make actual rooms with the exhibit ones. I have a children's activities room (using the mush and card sets), a 7-11 cafe, and a museum office (with cardboard and sloppy sets). The last exhibit room is for storage, however :p
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I use two of my rooms to display my gyroids. Some people might see that as "storage", but I consider them to be legit exhibits. One of my rooms holds some of my Gracie Grace clothing. Definitely storage, as it's basically an extension of my closet. My last room has villagers' pics on display. Again, a legit exhibit.
I would like to make at least two of them into actual good looking rooms at some point, but right now I just need all the storage space I can get because I'd rather not create extra characters for storage.
I use two for a "Birthday Party Room" and a "Restroom", the third one is for storing clothes and the last one is for storing random things.
Mine are all storage right now, but plan on turning them into some cute exhibits at some point. Goals ... XD
I have a nintendo room, a balloon room, a quiz show room and an arcade. The quiz show is functional, me and my friends used to play it loads!
I use one room as a boxing ring and another as a giant black and gold chessboard. :p

The other two are storage though.
One of them was for balloons, ice scream scoops, feathers, easter eggs, and other misc items that I missed out.

And another one was to store the Ice Series and then it's just random stuff that I haven't been bothered to touch and sort.
I use one of mine as a musical display, with various instruments in it. I think it's cool. :p
I only have two used at the moment. I am in the middle of decorating one with golden stuff. The set and trophies. The other is a Halloween themed exhibit. Not sure what to do with the others.
I have a room filled with Golden toilets and medieval armor that I call 'the throne room'
I had exhibits of my own. Around the World where you could find Gulliver's gifts and various other worldly items. The Hall of Music where you could enjoy trying out a variety of musical instruments. Nature's Bounty where you'd be able to examine a collection of naturally occurring items such as mushrooms, seashells, fruits, and gems. And K.K. Slider where you could find and view each of K.K's tasteful album covers.

The problems started when nature had too much bounty and it wouldn't all fit in the room, so I left out mushrooms. K.K. writes too many albums and they overflowed into the other rooms until it was painful. Then I bought the bobble-head zodiac set and that filled out any remaining space I had.

My solution? Eventually I'll get around to re-doing the spaces. I intend one to be an observatory for Celeste. As for the others, I still want them to make sense in a museum but am still working on ideas.
I use them for all of my gyroids (I have an unhealthy obsession) and whatever trash I seem to load out on the floor, like a party popper or something.
Do I use my exhibits for storage? Yes and no. Two of my exhibits are set aside for two of every flower (one for normal and one for hybrids) like many people tend to do but I tried to make it decorative and have an open path between each pair swirling towards the center (clockwise swirl for hybrids and counter clockwise for normal). I also have a farm themed exhibit, when I first started out three of my exhibits were for plants and were titled Flora (for the hybrids), Horticulture (for the plants Lief sells), and Agriculture (general farm theme) , also a spa that had no logic or reasoning for its existence that I wound up getting rid of. My last exhibit I plan to turn into a sort of tribute for my voided villagers with their pics (I actually have the pics of pretty much all my voided except Bella) after I get rid of my custom chess set that I currently have stored there.
no I just use them for storage lol, esp for storing villager pics.
don't see the point of making them all nice bc no one other than me is gonna see them anyways.
Room 1- Island room with all the items from Club Tortimer. Added some torches and my two favorite villagers pictures.
Sit on the beach chair and chill to the music.
Room 2- Almost completed my Spa/Bathroom. Villagers have said there are no bathrooms in town. Just need two mermaid screens to complete it.
Room 3- Plant and perfect fruit stand. I'm still working on the room. It's nice to have the perfect fruit off of the floor and not at the train station.
Room 4 - Gracie favorite bottoms and tops. The rest are in the save mail. I put them in rows and can walk down and get the item when I need it.
It felt good to let things go.
I've got a Sailor Moon themed town, so each of my four rooms is dedicated to the Inner Senshi. So far, I only have Mercury's lab /observatory as a work in progress. Idk what exactly I want to do with the others, but I want to avoid all of the common things (ie: cafes and things like that).