Do You Regret Your Username?

It's my name, so no. I'm happy with all my current usernames, particularly the usernames which only have one/two word in them. I do regret some of my older usernames though. I can recall having awful usernames on Youtube and deviantArt. I won't say just how bad because I've not checked if those accounts are still active or not.

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Can you like not.

What's wrong with that? Jarrad is a nice name.
Not enough to get a name change. I think it would have been better to have a name that coincides with my mayor's in some way, but there are already "Momo"s on this forum, so perhaps it's better that I just went with Infinikitten. I use that for a lot of things (though if you google it, all you end up finding really are Animal Crossing related or my posts on a psych med forum. Apt, I would say). Infinite kittens... yeah.

I can't for the life of me remember what I was thinking of when I came up with it though. I think I was trying to make a username that nobody would associate with me immediately upon seeing it, but that was a complete and utter failure since half my online friends think I'm somehow an actual kitten anyway, some CALL ME KITTEN, and I do really love cats 'n all. It was not my smartest decision, that :p At least not considering my intentions. And then I went and started talking under this username so yeah, the link is there now. I'm just happy I didn't do this with something stupid.

My first username ever was Ash434522 back in the AOL days. Everyone assumed my name was Ashley, but it was a Pok?mon thing. Never again.
Sort of. I made this account over a year ago, but just started actively using this forum the past month. The only reason I regret it is I like it with spaces in between like my XBL Gamertag.
Not... really. I really liked this username at first but now I'm thinking it's time for a change.
It is, but I think he's being sarcastic

I don't know. When I first read it the post didn't come across that way but I can sorta see it being sarcastic rereading it. ... It's kinda hard to pick up on sarcasm through text.
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Not at all.

I used to collect hot sauce back in middle school which is why I picked the name (weird hobby I know).