Do you play AC/video games with your significant other?


Senior Member
Sep 16, 2017
Silver Mailbox
Tasty Cake
Just wonder how many people play animal crossing/games in general with their SOs and what the experience is like. I've never experienced it myself, I've only played games with family and friends. I'd like to experience it someday though, I imagine it must be a special kind of fun. :) What's playing AC together like? (Not sure if this is in the right board)
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Animal Crossing, no. He tried Animal Crossing back during the Gamecube days and thought it was boring. He hasn't played AC since.

We play tons of other games together though. It's very different from playing with family, at least in my experience. My parents were awful at video games and so would die too quickly or get confused or bored. My siblings always wanted to mess around and would purposely do things to get us killed in co-op games just for the laughs so we could never get to the end of any co-op games, and in versus games they would get mad when they lost. Having a SO who is good at video games too and who seriously tries to work together with you and plan strategy is great. And versus games are a fun challenge!

We've both been gamers since we were kids and gaming is still one of our major hobbies, though. If you have a SO who doesn't care about video games, it might not be any different than playing with anyone else who isn't into it.
No, I wish! He doesn't really get it.
I always show him little things I do in my town and he's just like, "Wow so cool"... but he doesn't know what's going on.
No not ac, but we play splatoon, ffxiv and mariokart together. It's a lot of fun. He says he'll try ac if it comes out switch though! the ds is too awkward for his big meaty hands :B

But me and my boyfriend, we're kinda bestfriends first , we have been since long before dating, so playing games and stuff feels just like playing with a good good friend. I will say, if we are put on opposing teams in splatoon, we'll often call truces over discord and swim in opposite directions lol
Nah, he's not into AC but we do play Garden Warfare 2 sometimes and yea sometimes we play some app games/3ds streetpass things.
That's weird. Could've sworn this thread was asking whether you played with your siblings(s).

I don't play Animal Crossing with 'em, but we've played Borderlands 2 together before (which was a little frustrating for him because I kept dying, and I also preferred to fool around than pay attention to the story).
My boyfriend doesn't like sim games, so we don't play Animal Crossing together. We have been playing the entire Arkham series for the past month or so. We're at the end of Knight and then we're going to go back and play the Catwoman DLC and such in the previous games. Playing video games together is one of my favorite ways to spend time with him!
I wish. My girlfriend hates videogames. She's a huge TMNT-dork though, so I've managed to get her to play Turtles in Time with me once.
Not Animal Crossing, however, I do play AC with his best friend sometimes.

But we do play other games together, usually Minecraft or first-person shooters because that's what he likes.
I play AC with my wife, and ditto with Stardew Valley, Harvest Moon, and my own game (she's my best beta tester!)

But she's really uninterested in a lot of the same games I like, so that's about it
I did play Mario Kart 8 Deluxe with a girl I had a huge crush on. We haven't talked in about a week+, though. It sucks. :/ To think, too, she liked me back.
I used to play ACNL with my ex a lot, and now my current girlfriend is saving up for a 3DS just so she can play with me. We already play a lot of games together like LoL, so I'm happy to be able to share the experience of a more light-hearted game with her.

I may or may not have bribed her with the prospect of rare furniture and clothes to help her start out, though :>