Do you like hacked towns or natural towns ?

both are good! i don't hack my town, but the possibilities opened up are really cool to see in dream towns.
I'm not really a fan of hacked towns. Getting nagged by Isabelle over and over because I want to put something somewhere makes me a little bitter at those who don't have to deal with that! Haha. I know it takes a lot of work regardless, but I prefer to see towns that have the same limits that I do in the game.
I do love visiting hacked towns, they're cool to look at, but not as fun as visiting 'natural' towns in my opinion, because I feel like a lot of people that hack their towns only play the game just soley to design their towns. Which is completely fine! If that's how you enjoy the game, that's awesome, but I personally like to look around a town that you can tell the player has had the earn the bells for their PWPs, and has little imperfect spots because of the limitations of PWP placement, etc. It just feels nicer to visit a town that you can tell someone has worked super hard for (not that hackers don't work super hard) in the same way I have.
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Well... this goes with a bit of explanation :D

My town is hacked (I waited sooo long to be able), and I like it a lot because I only did it to rearrange little things absolutely possible in normal game but weren't like that just for bad random luck, like rocks or houses placements. The only one big feature I hacked into, was to adopt Redd forever (a pity there's noway to do same with Phineas...).

So, I like hacked towns with a bit of here and there, but not those that go overboard and make ridiculous things like putting a statue in the river and such. To each their own, but to me that looks unappealing :(
I don't have anything against hacked towns but I'm getting seriously sick of seeing them. When I go on tumblr recently it's like good luck finding popular non hacked towns. Lol
I get hacking and it's okay for people to do and all but I think it means more when you make a town look just as good while playing by the actual rules I guess?
Both are good in my opinion.
Both can take a LOT of effort to pull off perfectly. Both can end up seriously messy or go wrong in many ways. Both can end up looking good. Both can end up pretty cringey even if done well. The only difference is that one is used to bypass the limits of the game.
While I understand people's viewpoints of natural towns being preferred because they want the game to be played in it's "technical" way, I say go crazy! The whole point is to show people how you can be creative, not to just show them you can break or follow rules. :)
I prefer natural towns. I've dreamt a few nice hacked towns. They didn't go overboard with items in the river and ocean.
Another one had all Christmas lights on the Cedar trees. It's something we should have without have to use a hack.
I prefer natural over hacked. But both can be very nice. Though I'm not a big fan of soo many bushes in hacked towns where it feels like half the town is locked away by bushes. But I love the hacked town where PWPS are put on the beach.
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I love natural towns, but I think hacked towns are really cool, too. You can do a lot more with hacked towns that can make it look really nice. But natural towns are made using the normal rules of the game and feel more genuine in a way. Both are pretty equal in my mind, though.
Hacked towns are just lazy, I admire people who make great towns out of the oddities they've been given.