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Do you have any actual friends that visit your town & hangout?


Senior Member
Jan 17, 2016
September Birthstone (Sapphire)
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March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
I had a few friends when i started on belltree but in m year long hiatus they all seem to be inactive. I was just wondering if any of you have friends (that you know irl or on here or whatever the circumstance) that visit/shop/explore with you and how did you make them? I guess i only have myself to blame bc i haven't really ventured to the fc thread and only come on here to sell but i'd really like to have some friends that i can give things to and hangout with and get their ideas on things in my towns.
Yeah! I have a friend in Georgia that got me hooked on acnl! We tend to help each other out and I buy her a lot of items on the forums too. We share shopping and go to the island tours together and all that good stuff. It's fun!
I got my friend/coworker to get ACNL! We don't play as much together anymore but occasionally she'll log on to help me transfer items and stuff lol!
I used to play with a few people: Beth & Kelsey or Uluru & Cody. I only talk to Cody now. :/ My town never ever has anyone visit anymore hah.
I'm a 31 year old man with 2 kids and a Fianc?, If I told any of my real life friends I spent my evening trading hair now wigs and perfect fruit with people off a forum the other side of the world my life wouldn't be worth living lol. I used to let my Daughter visit my town until I realised she'd been running through my hybrids and I'd saved it without realising. ACNL is just for me and my internet friends, I wouldn't say a dirty secret but it's pretty close lol
Honestly, none of my inrl friends play/have an interest in animal crossing. I only have one inrl friend who actually has new leaf, and she plays once every blue moon. She's not really interested in it either. The only person who I used to have visit my town who I knew in real life, was my sister. Which I was honestly ok with, because we'd both been playing the series for years and we knew what to do and what not to do in eachother's town. If I were to play with actual friends, i'm pretty sure they'd run through my hybrids for the fun of it LOL. I did use to play with a small group of people frequently a few summers ago when new leaf was still new, which was always fun. I prefer playing on my own now, though.
I have three IRL friends who I play with, two of which on a decently regular basis and another one I play ACNL with probably every week. During the summer we played almost every evening haha.
I used to have one who I played ACNL with from time to time. We haven't talked to each other in awhile due to school. None of my IRL friends plays ACNL or doesn't even have a 3DS. :(
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I play with my kids. I kind of doubt I have IRL friends who play, but it would be awesome if I did. I bring my ds around with my in my purse and I'm always hoping I'll find a house in my Happy Homes showcase or whatever it's called and it'll be obvious it's from someone I know.
Only one of my IRL friends ever played animal crossing, and I don't talk to him anymore. I keep my gates open for anyone who wants to visit though! I get visitors pretty regularly because of that