Giveaway Croconaw's Not So Massive Giveaway

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Sep 20, 2013
97.7% (42) +

I haven’t done this in a while, so why not during Space Camp? I’ll be giving away a few higher value collectibles. I planned on giving away a little more but a few Space Whales were gifted to some friends, hence the giveaway title. Rest assured, the little Space Whales are in good homes now.

⬥ Rules ⬥
- I will be using an RNG.
- To enter, simply post
about something/anything that recently made you happy.
- There will be no repeat winners. If you are selected twice, I will roll again.
- I will like your post if it is accepted.

Bonus: To get an additional entry, post a picture of your pet (or any cute pet picture if you don't have one) in a spoiler. No post edits for this, though!

The prizes will be distributed in this order with no changes to this order:
Pokéball → White Crescent Moon → 500 TBT

Good luck! This will end on Monday, August 14th at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time.​
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Thanks for the giveaway!

What made me happy in recent times? Getting a snowflake glow wand.
Thanks so much for doing this giveaway, Croconaw! :0

Something that made me happy recently is that I started playing AC:NH again! I've been doing a lot of things to make my island better and helping other users getting items they need. ^^
What a generous giveaway!! Thank you Croconaw!

I pet a dog a few days ago which made me happy. It was a really rambunctious small dog. So cute. I didn't get a picture though!
I was very fortunate to be a friend that was gifted a space whale. 🥺🐳💜💖 He will have the best, most loving home with me and my space whale pod. 🥰🐳 I'm not entering, just want you to know how generous and amazing you are. 💖
Thanks for this giveaway!

Today at work I was able to clean up my huge to do list in my email and I feel so relieved. Thank goodness!
omg a pokeball? aaa thank you for hosting such a generous giveaway, croc! best of luck to everyone 🤍

something that’s made me happy recently is how much art i’ve been creating! none of it has been all that good, just silly doodles mostly (i don’t even want to acknowledge my cosmic canvas entry LMAO), but the thing that’s truly making me happy is the fact that i’m inspired to create art. it’s been forever since i’ve created anything just for fun, and it’s been so nice (even if the actual creations are not

and of course i’ll bless you with a pic of miss bonk!
Oh wow Croc, thank you for the opportunity! 🤩
Something that recently made me happy is that they are converting a hotel into homeless housing in my city. It's a big issue and I'm glad they are finally doing something about helping rather than kicking them out.
I love your giveaway banner!
It’s so kind of you to run this giveaway in the middle of this hectic space camp. I’m happy from this event: seeing your generous spirit along with many others, getting closer to my team members, and having some laughs everyday.
Here’s a cute photo of someone else’s pet:

Or my personal fave animal face lately:
Thanks for the giveaway!

A lot of things have made me happy in recent times, but I'll say making more art, I love seeing how much I've been improving throughout the years, and I hope to continue doing so!
Thank you for the giveaway! Those are some pretty beefy collectables up for grabs. Something that made me happy recently is the flat of blueberries my sister gave me. Now I will turn them into little pies and muffins.

Also here are my rabbits Leo on the left and Theodore on the right. Theo has since passed on but he was a solid guy.
This is really generous of you Croconaw. I’ve had the last two weeks off work and I’ve been very happy about that! The vacation was much-needed.
Thank you so much for doing this giveaway 😊

I’ve had a stressful few weeks at work and things to do with my health and I came home last night to a projector and screen for a movie night that my husband set up with my favourite snacks 🥰
thanks for the giveaway!

something that made me happy recently was my boyfriend coming down to visit me this past week 🥰
This giveaway is insaaane!

Okay so my happy moment recently: I’ll give you a bit of backstory first. On 12th June my best friend was hit by a forklift at work and we were told he wasn’t gonna make it through the night and to prepare ourselves. It’s now 7 weeks on and on Saturday he finally got his phone back, so good to talk to him and I can’t wait to be able to go see him. In 7 weeks he’s had over 30 surgeries and we are still unsure whether he’s going to lose his legs but he’s alive and he’s a fighter❤️
thanks for hosting such a generous giveaway!

something that's definitely brighten my days lately are my two cats! i've had a rough past week and a half dealing with some irl stuff, but them always being there to talk to or hug has definitely made me feel much better 🥺

they don't know they actually have an appointment at the vet to get their 2nd round of shots + check up today 🤫 shhhhhhh
Thanks for hosting this giveaway! You're so generous!

Let's see... whats made me happy recently is my mother-in-law's birthday that was at the end of last month. She's a nice woman and we all threw her a nice party.
I'm really happy that I was able to find an affordable apartment in the city, its so hard to find anything and I feel great knowing that for the first time in a year I'll have a fixed address

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