Coming out stories


Belly Dancer
Jul 16, 2013
Silver Mailbox
I'm just wondering what happened when everyone else came out of the closet (if you're not out and just want to chat thats okay too)
When I did, my mother cried. Like a lot. Just like if i was dead or something. She then lashed out and started questioning a lot of everything I said or did, asked if I had asked for god's help and suggested many, many psychiatrists specialized in "sex identity help". She also went and told every single one of my family members, so I don't really trust/feel comfortable around anyone in my family. Hope some of you had better luck.
I've never officially came out, so to speak. I guess when you have Lady Gaga posters all over your walls, used to play with dolls as a child, and loved strawberry lip balm, it becomes pretty obvious.

Nevertheless, people pretend to be oblivious to it.
I've never officially came out, so to speak. I guess when you have Lady Gaga posters all over your walls, used to play with dolls as a child, and loved strawberry lip balm, it becomes pretty obvious.

Nevertheless, people pretend to be oblivious to it.
This is me except with Britney and Zac posters instead lol.

I'm sorry that happened to you. It's never easy when the closest people to you react the worst :(
i came out to my parents a bit over a year ago. it was uncomfortable but they reacted ok and ive been going by my real name and pronouns at home now ever since. im not out in school or to extended family because i dont feel like dealing with their reactions. (my aunt's husband is really gross w/ his opinions and i am just not feeling up 2 deal with all of their questions or comments lol)

idk . at my last school people werr really transphobic so i never felt safe coming out there (like, people were Really transphobic. sayimg sjit about how The Transsexuals are disgusting men who want 2 b women / women who want 2 b men and really hurtful stuff. there were rumours abt me being trans bc i have short hair and spoke up 2 transphobes like two times ha . ha . )
i think my current school would b a bit more open and ok w/ it but i am a really anxious person and being in school is already hard enough, i dont want to make it worse.
I've never really came out as pan to my family, I know my sister knows because she's friend with me on tumblr but we've never talked about it. I've only openly dated men so my family thinks I'm straight (I dated a few girls in school but kept it hidden.) I've been with a man for 3 years now too, he knows of course and he's fine with it. I just don't think it's something my family would understand? Like especially my mom, when I was a teenager and she found out I was self harming she lashed out asking what she did wrong blamed it on everything and then finally asked me if I was gay, as if that had something to do with it, but I said no of course. That was hard enough to go through with her because she blames everything on herself and projects tons of stuff onto me which sucks. I don't know, maybe someday I will but I kind of doubt it, I'm already 23 and my sister has good friends who are married but poly and she thinks it's gross, so I don't know if she'd understand if I brought a girl home, so I never will.
In April 2014 i got in a incident with my dad that probably he may expect im gay . He asked me 1-2 days ago if i liked boys (i said no , because im not ready for that yet).

Also , most of my classmates from 6th grade *children scum btw* assumed i was gay and tried to """"insult"""" me because that ( with lots of " , because the only word they used was homosexual.(
I got """"insulted""" in 7th grade a few times too , people thought i was gay and they insulted me . Most of the time time it was :
"****ing gay/homosexual"
"****ing F word "
The thing about these 2 stories is that i have never told anyone in real life im gay , so i guess i act feminine enough to people think im gay

So yeah , i don't think it would be necessary to come out because its pretty obvious. lmao
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wish i had a story to tell but i havent come out to anyone yet except to the internet and to my gf whom ive been dating in secret for a while. both of my parents are hardcore christians so i know they would torment me if they found out that i was bi. it really sucks when your parents are making super offensive LGBT+ related jokes and you cant do anything but sit there and absorb it.
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I've never come out but, I think it's very obvious to people at the very least that I am not straight. I mean my parents have known I've had boyfriends in the past or been romantically involved with guys, but I also went through a phase where I was very anti-male, when I was an angsty weeaboo I had figures of anime girls on my shelves (one of them wearing a bikini lmao, I mean it was cute af but lol), I went to a mostly all female school for sixth form, my friends were mostly all female, etc etc, and I used to take offense a lot to my parents homophobic comments and would constantly answer back to them. I think my mum said to me at some point lol if you were ever gay Lucy I hope you'd tell me and feel like you could be honest with me about it. Also LOL the other day I was showing my brother a post about Tracer from Overwatch being gay and I said "I wish that was me kissing Tracer" and we both just laughed lmao...

I don't think my parents really get the concept of being bisexual though, they just seem to think you've GOT to pick a side. But why "pick" a side anyway? I mean LOL, I will like someone regardless of their gender, that's not something that will influence me. :') I don't know if I'll ever come out to my own family, they say they are accepting but they're also very problematic at the same time and don't seem to understand it. My dad did say one day that he would be disappointed if either my brother and I came out, but he'd still "accept us". I mean that's hardly the most encouraging thing to say lol
I didnt really anounce it or anything I just quit pretending to be straight and eventually people realized. I was pretty good at hiding it though.
i told my mom i was asexual she started going on a tangent about the science of homosexuality and i was like ok this is better than the bacteria identification quizzes i guess

i also told my brother through text casually and normally he would have made fun of someone for saying that but ***** no NOT me so that was okay too

in school i think most ppl are too dumb to know what asexuality is so i really cba to say anything. i drop hints like "he's not cute" or "yeah I just don't see the appeal" and then i get asked if i like girls and i say no and then the conversation fizzles out because it is FAR TOO DIFFICULT TO COMPREHEND

the rest of my family knows im not interested in anyone and since they're all scientific they probably get the hint but we don't talk about it cuz it's irrelevant and who cares
i don't feel like i need to come out to my family. at least the people in my house are fully accepting of sexuality, they probably don't know i like girls because i have a boyfriend right now & i've never hinted that i'm bi.
most of my friends know that i'm bi because we were hanging out in someone's attic one time. & one of them just asked all of us what our sexuality was so...
Told two friend via Skype who were the first to know I was trans. Then I eventually wrote my mum a letter and shouldn't have worried about it at all. She told my nan and grandad because I was too chicken and they went ahead to tell my aunt (and my five year old cousin is adament in correcting everyone, he's so adorable!). Just wondering when my dad's going to start calling me by my name... I think almost all of my family apart from an uncle and his wife etc on my mum's side and an aunt and two cousins on my dad's side are in the loop.
i don't feel the need to. most of my online friends know and we don't care about things like this. i did to my mom and i regret that because i really don't like being around her. my mom taught me that my dad was extremely homophobic but he wasn't after all of my life thinking that. i asked him about it and he said hes completely fine but he hates the extremely flamboyant boys.

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i told my friends i was gay when we were in a car ride together and then 2 of them were like " 2" so it was one big gay fiesta

haven't done it w parents yet and i will never do it because i don't feel like being killed
I actually have never told my parents I'm bisexual, because if they found out, they'd be either very angry or upset. My mom hates how I hang out with openly LGBT students at my school already, so if she found out I'm bi, she'd probably freak out. My dad gets angry whenever he finds out something or someone doesn't fit his heavily conservative Christian, Republican views (for example, one of my friends is a very liberal Democrat who is also an atheist, and he says that she needs to bite his a**), so I'll probably never tell either of my parents in my lifetime, honestly. A good amount of my IRL friends do, though, and they don't mind at all.
I didnt really anounce it or anything I just quit pretending to be straight and eventually people realized. I was pretty good at hiding it though.
Oh and my family didn't care. My grandma is dying though and she doesn't need to know. My mom used to think gays were annoying (and shes right to a certain extent) but now shes like "Oh wtf ur gay? I guess gays r kind of cool xD"
My three friends know I'm ace, one of them because she came up to me and told me she thought I was ace (it was very amusing) and the other two because I told them on messenger. My mom is aware that I'm not interested in guys but she thinks I just need to "find the right person". We'll see how that unfolds as I grow up and continue to not date anyone :p
Well I had a boyfriend which was pretty forced for like 3 weeks and he told his friends (who can't keep a secret) and he got so surprised when suddenly the whole school knew about us
tbh I wasn't too bothered but I just can't believe they found out that way, because my smelly fish-breath ex couldn't keep his mouth shut </3

Tbh I thought my mum knew given all my friends are LGBT and I went to Pride (I had clothes and badges and bags and a flag from Pride, too) but she let me stay at a guy friend's (aka my boyfs xxx) house which i doubt she would if she knew I was gay

she doesn't need to know anyway but