Binge Watching.

@NizzY FMA Brotherhood.

great pick, i just started watching Orange is new Black was hoping it was gonna be overrated ,it was'nt i am enjoying it so far.
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Binged Mr. Robot S1 on Monday. Caught up to the second season yesterday. Can't wait to see what happens next in the new episode that airs tonight.
I'm being watching steven universe, and the episodes are like 11 mins long so i've seen every episode 4 times over TT^TT I hate how long it takes for new episodes to come in.
Binged the first season of danganronpa a couple days ago, now I'm binging No. 6
on Season 3 Orange is Black and started Dare Devil also. Has anyone heard of Binge watching Pallet cleaners. i like to do this with shows that are long like hour and more then three seasons. what you do is pick episode of a show you have watch i like to do comedy show and it resets you
so your good to return back to watching without overload.
I don't normally binge watch TV shows but the last one I did was the first two seasons of Rick and Morty.
So I like to binge watch shows that have a lot of seasons. Because once I start a show I want to be able to watch it nonstop. Most recently I watched House MD on Netflix. I'm sure most of you guys have heard of it.
But it's so good and I really recommend it to everyone here.
But my all time favorite show is White Collar and Suits. I binge watch these two shows even though I've already finished/caught up with it. Suits is currently ongoing and renewed for another season! And White Collar is done with 9 seasons! It's amazing and Netflix so you guys should definitely check it out! I love reading what everyone has to saw too!

-Andrew (PS I'm new here just trying to get to know people!)
binged watched half the season of voltron in a all about that klance tbh
Orange is the New Black. I can't binge watch though. I always get distracted and worried, so it's taken me like 2 weeks just to get to Season 4. 11 Episodes left though.
Orange is the New Black. I can't binge watch though. I always get distracted and worried, so it's taken me like 2 weeks just to get to Season 4. 11 Episodes left though.

I'm binge watching it too. I get distracted and worried to which is EXACTLY why I can't stop clicking "next episode".
I've watched 3 seasons of it in a week so I'm pacing pretty okay lol.
I recently binge watched Orphan Black and The Walking Dead (second time watching). I will finish 5 season long shows within a week, I have a problem...