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Best to Worst Animal Crossing Game


Food Extraordinare
Jun 16, 2013
Winter Mittens
May Birthstone (Emerald)
Cherry (Fruit)
Chocolate Cake
March Birthstone (Aquamarine)
New Year's Party Popper
Orange (Fruit)
Yellow Candy
Just wondering what everyones views are on each of the four animal crossings that are widely released: The Original, Wild World, City Folk and New Leaf

I would rank them as follows

1) New Leaf
I can't even describe how happy i am with this game, everything seems to be a vast improvement on other games, such as the inventory, being able to stack fruit, the extra effects, the improved characters, who can now go in shops etc. The way the city is not present, but there is now a main street, which seems the perfect balance, maximum of 10 villagers which seems a good enough amount. I only have a few complaints and they are pretty minor tbh

2) Animal Crossing
This game holds such a nostalgic value, but that is not the only reason i love the game. I really liked the acres, it made the game seem so larger, and realistic, like an actual large town, whilst the town maps in others have dissapointed me. The characters did errands much more frequently, which has returned in new leaf, my only complains were the museum having to be sent to the faraway, and not being able to tell which animals are moving etc. I love this game, but new leaf is superior in my opinion

3) Wild World
My most played animal crossing game, i do love this game, it was great to have the game portable and therefore greatly increased my game play as i could play it at any time, and some times i just can't be bothered with consoles, they seem restricting.. Cute things were brought in such as animal pictures, but the lack of festivals is a massive dissapointment. Now looking back the game, has not aged well, whilst the gamecube version has

4) City Folk/ Let's go to the city
Really disliked this game tbh. Gamecube held my interest for years, same with Wild world.. City folk i only lasted with for two months before selling, and i have no interest in ever playing it again. The characters AI was severely restricted, it was just a port of wild world with a few more advancements, i didn't like the whole city thing.. and overall i was just dissapointed

Interested in hearing everyone elses views..
Animal Crossing New Leaf
The customization in this game is great and I really love the new shops and features. The only thing I don't like about this game is it's notorious waiting process.

Animal Crossing City Folk
This is the first animal crossing game I have ever played. I know that many people disagree, but I loved the city aspect. Mostly because it presents everything to you right then and there and can come back every day for something new.

Animal Crossing
It seems that where the game started is where it still shines to this day. I really like the island feature, especially since it gives you your own other house and I love how this game gives you the ability to play classic NES games.

Animal Crossing Wild World
In my opinion, I only liked this because it was Animal Crossing on the go. However, since New Leaf has came out, this game has kind of lost it's relevance in my opinion. I feel that the holidays are mediocre at best and its graphics are not pleasant to come back to. Although it is a good idea to check this out and/or come back to it, I personally feel that it doesn't live up to any of the other animal crossing games anymore, not even the original.
New Leaf - No reason needed
Wild World - First one I played
City Folk - I kind of enjoyed it
Animal Crossing - Far too overrated.
I'm going to include some of the Japanese versions in mine.

1. New Leaf
2. City Folk
3. Animal Forest e+
4. Animal Crossing GC
5. Wild World
6. Animal Forest 64

New Leaf is great, CF was fun and I spent a lot of time on it, e+ was everything that ACGC wasn't because Japan is a bunch of mean butts, ACGC was great and I love it, WW was good but the graphics are bad and a lot of stuff just isn't there, and 64 is okay, but I can't read the Japanese - plus it has less features than all of them.
1) New Leaf: Definitely the best one by far. The ability to take on the roll as the mayor and make tweaks and additions to the town has definitely made this game stand out much more than the past ones. The multiplayer features in this one are also much better, Definitely the best one so far :D
2) Animal Crossing: It had a lot of its own features that weren't kept in the games following it that were really fun i.e. the soccer ball, junk yard, and just the atmosphere of it was different.
3) Wild World: Wild World was great because it was Animal Crossing, but handheld... I wasted a lot of hours on it when I was bored lol
4) City Folk: Ill be honest City Folk was a big let down... I traded it in like a month after getting it.
1)Animal Crossing (GC). I loved being able to play the hidden NES games. I wish they had carried this feature over into some of the newer versions, but sadly I don't see that ever happening again.
2)Wild World. The addition of being able to connect with my friends and run around was awesome.
3)City Folk.

I did not put New Leaf on here because I have only just purchased the title and while I feel like this will soon become my favorite out of the entire series, I don't want to pass judgement on it just yet. I want to give it some time and see how it goes.
I haven't played New Leaf yet so I'm not including it for the time being. I've played the 3 others though.
1. Animal Crossing on Gamecube
2. City Folk
3. Wild World

I'm blinded by nostalgia because I absolutely loved the gamecube version when it came out. City Folk was fun and enjoyable and so was Wild World.
1) New Leaf - maybe because it is new, and so far I'm really enjoying the new features and being the mayor.

2) is really a tie between the original AC and AC:WW - I loved being able to visit friends and have visitors on WW as well as the portability of playing on my DS anywhere. but with the original I absolutely LOVED being able to play the old classic NES games. I still slip my original AC game into my wii on occasion just to play the NES games.

4) AC:CF I absolutely hated the fact that you could only play one town per console. This was the only game that I was forced to share my town with my daughters instead of them getting their own towns (either by having their own games or memory cards). I enjoyed playing the game itself, but not nearly as much as the other 3.
I've played all of the North America releases for countless hours, and here's how I would list them (In order from best to least)

Animal Crossing: New Leaf.

I feel as though this one just took everything that made Animal Crossing great, and then made it better. I especially like being Mayor, and going to the island. My biggest complaint on this one is making some of the buildings (Like the police station) a request-only thing. I got mine fairly quick, but I've seen people posting online about how it's taken them several weeks to get it.

Animal Crossing: Wild World.

The only reason this one comes above the Gamecube version is because it was portable, and that's where I feel it should be. Consoles tie this game down, in my opinion. My biggest complaint with this one would definitely be the lack of festivals.

Animal Crossing.

I played this one when I was very little, so it already has a soft-spot for me. I do remember one thing I hated about this game was bringing stuff to the dump. I prefer bringing it to Tom Nook (Or Reese now), even if I have to pay a fee.

Animal Crossing: City Folk.

I absolutely did not like this one. I didn't really like the "City" aspect of the game, because I thought it took away from that feel to the game. Other than the city it was basically Wild World with buffed-up graphics and on a console.

New Leaf is by far the best though, at least in my book.
1. New Leaf - improved on the other games on so many levels.
2. Wild World - Slightly better than Gamecube version, plus it was the first handheld, which means it could go on car trips with you.
3. Animal Crossing - Original game was pretty good, actually.
4. City Folk - It was okay, but it introduced the dreaded Super-Fast Grass Wear, and never fixed it, plus the grass wear was uglier.
New Leaf
Wild World
Animal Crossing
City Folk

Looks like I'm in agreement with many of you here.
1 3ds
2 wii
3 ds
4 gamecube

each game improved on the last one. Throw away your nostalgia goggles if you actually want to rate videogames or anything.