AMA Ask me anything, I guess.


Still hasn't changed their pfp.
May 1, 2023
Sweet Balloon
Blue Balloon
Pear (Fruit)
Fortune Cookie
Lost Star Fragment 004.MB
Holiday Candy Cane 2023
Asteroid Plush
Moon Bunny
Camp Bell Tree 2023 Patch
Yellow Rocket Pop
Um... yeah. The title says it all. Ask me anything. Okay, obviously nothing NSFW. That would probably get at least one of us banned.
I'll probably compose a list of already-answered questions when questions get answered.

"What are you doing today?" | asked by @/eeveelovee
"Favourite Youtubers atm?" and "What's a song you've been listening to a lot lately?" | asked by @/eeveelovee and @/himekirako, respectively
"What TBT member could you take in a fight?" and "Besides Animal Crossing, what are your favorite video game series?" | asked by @/ribbitribbon and @/QueenCobra, respectively.
"Do you have a favorite TV show?" | asked by @/rocketspruggs
"Do you like Disney?" | asked by @/Sophie23 @/Disneyfangirl23
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what tbt member could you take in a fight 👀
I don't actually know the answer to that question since I don't know the physical strengths of anyone on TBT...
Besides Animal Crossing, what are your favorite video game series?
Probably Pokemon and Style Savvy, especially Fashion Forward since I have by far the most experience with it.