anyone feel like villagers talk too much about events?

Underneath The Stars

거기 너 i fancy you
Jun 3, 2018
Tasty Cake
i just want normal conversions already... i have no problem about them talking about events it makes it festive and you feel something's happening, but i've had enough hearing about those damn eggs and how they're excited about bunny day. child, no one is THAT excited over zipper, even zipper him(her?)self.

yes, fauna, i know about the coconut trees dropping eggs when you've been telling me this for 5 straight days and i just wanted wood
honestly I can't be bothered to talk to them anymore, it's all just bunny day this eggs that... I'm tired, can't wait for this event to be over
If one more villager tells me there are eggs in the rocks I stg I'm gonna commit arson
That's all everyone ever talks about. At least vary your egg findings dang
Yep, I feel like maybe once or twice is enough especially when the event is 12 days long haha.
oh absolutely. i'm also very over this event (see: my title) so it makes it extra irritating. all i see floating in my mind right now is iggly telling me there are eggs hiding in rocks... yes sir i am very aware at this point. i want screenshottable convos plz
I am beyond tired of it.
This morning I started my round of greeting everyone; I swear every single villager hit me with egg facts and how excited they are.

(At least the Uchis have a line about that many eggs not being natural. Still makes me smirk once in a while)
Fry an egg every time a villager mentions something related to bunny day, shouldn't be a problem since they spawn everywhere.
The worst part is they can be quite long too. I think the pippes can talk about it for like 8 dialog windows!!
i'm so ready for the events to be over so i can read normal dialogue again. not going to lie though, even the normal dialogue is repetitive (which is... not awesome... since the game is only a couple weeks old and i've been tired of reading the same stuff over and over since like week 2), but it's still much more welcome than all this bunny day stuff :'')
oh absolutely. i'm also very over this event (see: my title) so it makes it extra irritating. all i see floating in my mind right now is iggly telling me there are eggs hiding in rocks... yes sir i am very aware at this point. i want screenshottable convos plz

omg once rodney (don't ask why he's on my island) told me "i know what you're thinking, who needs that many eggs?" and i was like finally a somewhat relatable screenshottable convo, then i clicked next and he said "i just want to collect all of them" byeeee
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Ugh yes. For a while when they were saying stuff like “A big mysterious event is going to happen soon to this island!” and it wasn’t until today that I realized it was about the finishing tourney, which bothered me because you would think that everyone on the island would know about it since Isabelle literally put a note about on the notice board less than 2 weeks ago. I wish they would just refer to it rather than skipping it around as if it were some ominous thing going on. For a while I thought they were referring to the Earth Day update.

And don’t get me started in Bunny day. It feels like they just recycled the dialogue about it for all personality types and it’s annoying.
This event honestly should have lasted 3 days. I crafted pretty much everything on the second day and now it’s just waiting for the twelfth while eggs are coming out of my earholes and all my villagers do is talk about egg rocks
its all eggs and fishing tourneys, i do like how the cranky one is always a different music genre, love hearing boris go on about an old electronica tune
I am so sick of hearing about eggs in coconut trees and rocks, if I have to hear it one more time I’m gonna crack up
It feels like they lack varied dialogue in general in this game, even before bunny day, which is extremely unfortunate