Any villagers who hated each other in your town?

Metal Scorpion

Senior Member
Nov 26, 2016
I think this topic's been done before. In New Leaf, we're all familiar with how villager A and villager B simply won't get along with each other, or get angry when having conversations with each other?

In my town, Amelia and Knox for a while hated each other. This is an interesting turn - I never got to see them angry with each other but Amelia talked about getting in a huge argument with Knox and I had to patch things up. I know not one of my lazy villagers in all the towns I've had got along with jock villagers.

What are your stories of villagers who disliked each other?
As far as I know, everyone in all my towns get along..except for Hazel and Francine in my main town.
Once in a very old town(Like August 2016? it was a while ago lol), Carmen and Marshal hated each other lmao they always got into fights D:

Like only once did I see them walk off with music notes. (Maybe they called it truce for that day idk)
Half the time it's either both of them walking away pissed off, or Carmen being angry and Marshal either being sad or happy..

I can't recall anything else, though. Memory's kinda fuzzy.
My villagers all seem to get along. I never see any of them fighting, but then again they never talk to each other... Still, I never hear them talking about each other so I guess they get along fine.

My second town is to new to know if anyone doesn't get along. I have only seen one fight so far an it was between Puck and someone else... I think Victoria but I'm not positive.
Punchy and Moose get along really poorly- my villagers can't stop talking about how they fight all the time ^^; I guess that's to be expected of a lazy cat and a jock mouse, though XD
not a day goes by i don't feel attacked by Diana.

most of my villagers do get along though.
Fuchsia and Chrissy...omg it's everyday with these two. Fuchsia the other day (now this is by far the strangest dialogue i've ever heard) called Chrissy a Barred knife jaw and said she looked just like one..
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