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If you say abortion is murder we all know you're just say murder so it sounds scary and horrible.

I'm on the fence, but if I had to choose I would say yes. Of course there's pros and cons for either option but in the end it should be up to the potential parents (or mother) and the choice should be guided by the doctor that is appropriately assigned. I am up for whatever choice is more beneficial for the mother (in health and in financial).
If you say abortion is murder we all know you're just say murder so it sounds scary and horrible.


I bet most of the people who said that are fine with killing living animals and eating them, by not fine with just 'removing' a fetus from the womb....LiEk
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What if they're young and they can't afford a child and don't know how to care for one, that's on them and they should have to go through with the pregnancy just because the chose to "do the do"? What if they're too poor to afford a baby or even homeless and they know they won't be able to provide for one, they should have to go through with it because it's on them since it was a choice they made? Just because you choose have sex does not mean you want or can provide for a child. There shouldn't be a "terms and conditions" for abortions imo, you should be able to get one regardless of your reasons

Basically what I mean is, if you go out and have sex (on purpose) and get pregnant and you want to have an abortion then I guess it's on you, but I just think it's wrong. I'm straying a bit from the topic and I'm not saying everyone is like this because they aren't, but I know this girl who CONSTANTLY has sex with her boyfriend, and says if she ever got pregnant that she'd never hesitate to abort, and I think that's just really wrong. I know couples sometimes don't want kids but if someone like her would go and get pregnant and then immediately abort I honestly just think that's messed up.

And unless I'm wrong, abortions are pretty costly. (but so is giving birth so y'know) Not everyone can afford one so if someone is homeless then that'd be awful for them. I don't think people should be forced to live a life they don't want to, but if it was me, like I said, I wouldn't do it.
but I know this girl who CONSTANTLY has sex with her boyfriend, and says if she ever got pregnant that she'd never hesitate to abort, and I think that's just really wrong.

How dare someone enjoy sex but not want a child... woe is me...
I bet most of the people who said that are fine with killing living animals and eating them, by not fine with just 'removing' a fetus from the womb....LiEk
Animals are no way equivalent to us, humans are so much more precious and you aren't just removing a fetus from a womb. Even if you do argue that a fetus "removed" during abortion is not a human which I disagree with.(only at the stage when it's usually done in abortion) it's as close as you're going to get to a human and even possibly at the stage where it is no different to a human. You shouldn't even risk it. It's a irreplaceable and unique set of genetics and life in it's early stages. How can you compare to killing an animal and even if you do don't you eat meat right?There's nothing wrong in eating meat. Are you saying it's suddenly not the same thing since the person raising the animals for you to eat is this horrible being smh. Abortion should be a last resort not something to be tossed around and spoken in the same context of eating your "freshly" made hamburger, ugh.

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Have you seen abortion pictures? You can see that especially in later stages that it's a living being not something you can just eradicate from your body. If even one baby is killed by mistake or not, through abortion when it could have lived I believe it's unacceptable. But heck it's not one baby we're talking about that have died undisputably by the process. I've actually talked with an assistant doctor who's witnessed abortion countless times. This isn't evidence or anything at all but how she talked of her job was just gut wrenching. The way she described it and the details of the actual act was disgusting, she felt that it was wrong too not that it even matters.
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I am pro-choice. I decide what does or does not happen in my uterus, in consultation with my medical team, and my partner - who didn't need me to tell him that it's my body, my choice, as he's a grown man who fully understands the concept of "bodily autonomy". Bodily autonomy means that we cannot take organs from a corpse unless they consented whilst alive (except in special circumstances or when it is a legal minor and the parents can consent), or force *anyone* to give blood etc, even when doing so would save another person's life. This concept is fundamental to society itself, in Australia where I live, as it is in much of the rest of the world. My body, my choice.

If someone is against abortion, that person should personally refrain from having abortions (and hopefully they never find themseves in a situation where abortion does genuinely need to be considered). Not attempt to restrict access to safe and affordable abortions to those who choose otherwise.

In my personal circumstances, I am unable to physically go through with a pregnancy, as I have several medical conditions which would almost certainly kill me (no joke) should I accidentally conceive and foolishly try to continue the pregnancy. Whether I want children of my own or not is irrelevant to the reality that my body simply cannot carry a viable foetus to term (or close enough that it can survive outside of my womb). I take precautions against pregnancy, but there is no 100% success rate available. Including abstinence, as rape can and does happen to women who would otherwise have no chance of falling pregnant. Should I somehow fall pregnant (very incredibly unlikely in my case given the severity of my endometriosis which affects fertility, amongst other reasons), the only responsible action I could take would be to have an abortion. It would not be easy for me, by any stretch. I am an educator who adores children. But my body could not survive pregnancy long enough for a foetus to remain viable. It just can't. No foetus could survive in my body long enough to be able to survive outside of me and be a human being.

I myself was an accidental conception, my parents used protection but it failed. I was unplanned, but I was wanted. If they had made a different decision, I wouldn't be here now and the world would have kept turning just fine without me. My mother's body, her choice (made with my father, but bodily autonomy means the ultimate decision must always be made by the woman whose body is at risk). There will be no babies born from my womb, and that's okay. My body, my choice. :)

Edit : grammar.
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Animals are no way equivalent to us, humans are so much more precious and you aren't just removing a fetus from a womb. Even if you do argue that a fetus "removed" during abortion is not a human which I disagree with.(only at the stage when it's usually done in abortion) it's as close as you're going to get to a human and even possibly at the stage where it is no different to a human. You shouldn't even risk it. It's a irreplaceable and unique set of genetics and life in it's early stages. How can you compare to killing an animal and even if you do don't you eat meat right?There's nothing wrong in eating meat. Are you saying it's suddenly not the same thing since the person raising the animals for you to eat is this horrible being smh. Abortion should be a last resort not something to be tossed around and spoken in the same context of eating your "freshly" made hamburger, ugh.

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Have you seen abortion pictures? You can see that especially in later stages that it's a living being not something you can just eradicate from your body. If even one baby is killed by mistake or not, through abortion when it could have lived I believe it's unacceptable. But heck it's not one baby we're talking about that have died undisputably by the process. I've actually talked with an assistant doctor who's witnessed abortion countless times. This isn't evidence or anything at all but how she talked of her job was just gut wrenching. The way she described it and the details of the actual act was disgusting, she felt that it was wrong too not that it even matters.

Humans are animals, so yes, we are equivalent to animals, because we are animals. Can you explain what makes humans more precious than other animals, is it out ability to mass murder, destroy the world? because honestly humans are ruining the world, so what makes them so precious? You also realise animals have "a irreplaceable and unique set of genetics" too? that's not just reserved for the wonderful precious humans by the way.

Oh yeah, how can you compare taking a pill to remove some unwanted cells from your body (early stages) to hanging an animal upside down, slitting their throat, and leaving them like that until they're drained of blood, only then to go and chop up their body to eat! What a weird comparison right, obviously the first is the worst!

The fetus is not a human, only has the potential to be, I don't know how you can disagree with that. You actually can eradicate a fetus from your body, that's what abortion is. Yes later stage abortion is more of a complicated topic as the the procedure is more dangerous and doctors know that, that is why late stage abortions are not given out very often, and are often used when the mothers life is at risk. Most people that are pregnant and don't want to be will have had an abortion way before it gets to the "later stages" so imo that is a pretty irrelevant argument against abortion as it most definitely isn't the most common abortion method.

You know what else is gut wrenching and disgusting? when women had to go to people who carried out abortions in their homes, without anesthetic, often with serious complications, thousands of women died every year because of this, as they couldn't see a doctor for the complications because they would be put in prison since abortion was illegal. If they couldn't go to someone else (as that often cost thousands, back in the 60s and before) they would do it themselves, using coat-hangers/ any object they think would work. You know why? Because back then, the men in charge decided that they can police what women* do with their bodies, this resulted in thousands of deaths. So legal abortion is 100% a good thing, it stops things like this happening.
Basically what I mean is, if you go out and have sex (on purpose) and get pregnant and you want to have an abortion then I guess it's on you, but I just think it's wrong. I'm straying a bit from the topic and I'm not saying everyone is like this because they aren't, but I know this girl who CONSTANTLY has sex with her boyfriend, and says if she ever got pregnant that she'd never hesitate to abort, and I think that's just really wrong. I know couples sometimes don't want kids but if someone like her would go and get pregnant and then immediately abort I honestly just think that's messed up.

And unless I'm wrong, abortions are pretty costly. (but so is giving birth so y'know) Not everyone can afford one so if someone is homeless then that'd be awful for them. I don't think people should be forced to live a life they don't want to, but if it was me, like I said, I wouldn't do it.

How dare they enjoy something.

I like to eat but I don't wanna get fat. Do I just not eat?

Don't shame people for doing something that's natural
I am very pro choice and I would have an abortion if I got pregnant before I was at least 25.
I very recently had a pregnancy scare (wasn't helped by the huge stress I have been feeling because of work) which luckily happened to be a combination of the bad timing of a stomach bug, no bleeding on a break from my birth control and a coworker finding out she was having an 'oops' pregnancy while on the pill. It was hell for me, I live in a house with 5 other people (1 is my bf and the others are all male), I was facing financial problems because of work (cut pay, cut hours, ended up quitting after the scare and getting a new job) and I had been warned by doctors multiple times that my body wasn't suitable for pregnancy due to my being severely underweight and because of all my medications.

So I ended up having the talk with my boyfriend, I said if I am pregnant it is getting aborted because of above list of reasons, he wasn't too happy about that. He'd rather it was put up for adoption when it was born but if I had an abortion he'd rather he wasn't told or that I lie and say I miscarried. That hurt a lot for me, that he'd either risk my health or the baby's health or want me to lie about something that is so horrible (I know women who have had miscarriages and I wouldnever dream of lying and say I had one) just so he has a clear conscience. I still decided to have an abortion and never tell him, "oh no I was never pregnant dear, just a bit under the weather is all!" And I would do that in the future.

Luckily it turned out I wasn't pregnant, multiple negative tests, a negative test from my doctor and my period coming back on the next pill break was a godsend for me. I ended up having a sit down with my boyfriend and doctor and my doctor told him why I shouldn't get pregnant for the foreseeable. It helped a lot, he still isn't keen on abortions but he knows that if I get pregnant I need one.

Hopefully in the future my weight will be better, my medications won't be dangerous for a foetus and I'll be more financially stable as I DO want a baby one day, but not now, I don't want my baby to have a bad quality of life because it was damaged in the womb due to my meds, I don't want my boyfriend to be a single father because I ignored all the warnings the doctor gave me, I don't want to have to choose between feeding my baby or myself or my boyfriend when we run out of money because we weren't financially ready for a baby, I don't want my baby to have a bad life being passed from family to family and come to resent me and my choice because I put them up for adoption.

I do use all the protection I can (except for the last time when I had the scare, when we tried it without a condom) and I wish that men could take a pill like women do rather than just chucking on a condom and hoping for the best... So if I did get pregnant it would be extremely unwanted right now.
Humans are animals, so yes, we are equivalent to animals, because we are animals. Can you explain what makes humans more precious than other animals, is it out ability to mass murder, destroy the world? because honestly humans are ruining the world, so what makes them so precious? You also realise animals have "a irreplaceable and unique set of genetics" too? that's not just reserved for the wonderful precious humans by the way.

Oh yeah, how can you compare taking a pill to remove some unwanted cells from your body (early stages) to hanging an animal upside down, slitting their throat, and leaving them like that until they're drained of blood, only then to go and chop up their body to eat! What a weird comparison right, obviously the first is the worst!

The fetus is not a human, only has the potential to be, I don't know how you can disagree with that. You actually can eradicate a fetus from your body, that's what abortion is. Yes later stage abortion is more of a complicated topic as the the procedure is more dangerous and doctors know that, that is why late stage abortions are not given out very often, and are often used when the mothers life is at risk. Most people that are pregnant and don't want to be will have had an abortion way before it gets to the "later stages" so imo that is a pretty irrelevant argument against abortion as it most definitely isn't the most common abortion method.

You know what else is gut wrenching and disgusting? when women had to go to people who carried out abortions in their homes, without anesthetic, often with serious complications, thousands of women died every year because of this, as they couldn't see a doctor for the complications because they would be put in prison since abortion was illegal. If they couldn't go to someone else (as that often cost thousands, back in the 60s and before) they would do it themselves, using coat-hangers/ any object they think would work. You know why? Because back then, the men in charge decided that they can police what women* do with their bodies, this resulted in thousands of deaths. So legal abortion is 100% a good thing, it stops things like this happening.
Human beings literally defined what the word animal means. Even if you say that animals are humans, humans are the only ones that would categorize themselves to be.And counterpart humans are the only ones that can oppose to the idea of being an animal. We have far superior intelligence reasoning ration and emotions than animals. If you would categorize us in animals we would be Super-Animals. The fact that we can destroy the world like you said should entitle us to being seperate from animals, we're simply superior. I also didn't say that only humans have genes that's stupid. Taking a pill seriously? Not even gonna comment you're only saying that since you would rather state that one than the other. Humans have the right of killing and any other "animal" you speak of when it sustains us, or provides us with something we can use that's where the argument ends unlike abortion. Your 3rd argument I believe life starts at contraception and I'm not going to argue with you about that since we have completely different beliefs and it's not just religion. Legalizing abortion is not a bad thing, it is how there is no restriction there is it on it.
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in answer to a question raised several times in this thread : BABY = able to survive outside of the uterus, with or without medical intervention. FOETUS = not able to survive outside of the uterus, with or without medical intervention. The science is more complicated, as is the legal interpretation, of course. But that is the standard interpretation used generally for lay-people. While most pregnant women I've known refer to their growing foetus colloquially as their baby, even before it has reached the foetal stage of development, this is done for ease of speaking rather than confusion of biology. So we speak of the growing foetus as a baby as a social and/or professional courtesy. But we all know that until the foetus has developed enough to survive outside of the woman's body, it is not actually a baby. It has the potential to be a baby, we all hope it will become a happy healthy baby (as these cases are all involving happily pregnant women). But pregnancy is full of risks, even with the very best of medical care and where money is not a factor.

In my particular case, it is unlikely I would a) ever fall pregnant b) successfully continue through to foetal stage of development and virtually impossible for c) the foetus to develop to a point of being self-sustaining independent of my uterus, with or without medical intervention. Since my body would be in dire straights *well* before I hit the second trimester...that foetus would simply NOT ever reach d) the stage of development required to survive, to be a baby.
I know you're trolling but there are already restrictions on abortion, it's just that it's really loose, I'm saying a tighter one.

im not trolling lol
and a tighter restriction on abortion rights is sexist. laws that make it harder to have abortion clinics, laws that require more work for the person wanting an abortion (woman or trans person, people already oppressed by the system) and all laws that makes abortions harder to get are sexist. the restrictions that exist with the 22 (or around that in other places) is simply because the fetus might be able to survive outside of a person's body then.
before that no one has to legallt do anything to keep it alive :^p

unwanted pregnancies **** ppl's lives up and the way many societies treat pregnant ppl doesnt make it easier lmao. (love how ppl can get fired for being pregnant in certain places :^] )
Human beings literally defined what the word animal means. Even if you say that animals are humans, humans are the only ones that would categorize themselves to be.And counterpart humans are the only ones that can oppose to the idea of being an animal. We have far superior intelligence reasoning ration and emotions than animals. If you would categorize us in animals we would be Super-Animals. The fact that we can destroy the world like you said should entitle us to being seperate from animals, we're simply superior. I also didn't say that only humans have genes that's stupid. Taking a pill seriously? Not even gonna comment you're only saying that since you would rather state that one than the other. Humans have the right of killing and any other "animal" you speak of when it sustains us, or provides us with something we can use that's where the argument ends unlike abortion. Your 3rd argument I believe life starts at contraception and I'm not going to argue with you about that since we have completely different beliefs and it's not just religion. Legalizing abortion is not a bad thing, it is how there is no restriction there is it on it.

The first part honestly makes no sense to me? Humans are animals? Abilities, feeling, emotions etc. don't make a living thing more or less an animal? The definition of animal is "a living organism which feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli." humans fall in that category, right? I don't see why it matters that humans create words and definitions, you can't just oppose a definition because you're human? I'm not going to go on more about this because it's irrelevant to the discussion anyway.

Yes, taking a pill. Abortion is usually taking pills or getting an injection. So let me get this straight, humans have the right to kill animals when ever they want, even for food when there's other options, but they shouldn't have the right to remove a fetus from their own body?

How should abortions be restricted? There shouldn't be a terms and conditions for abortions, anyone should be able to get one or multiple abortions for whatever reason. +1 to what visibleghost said about abortion restrictions
I know you're trolling but there are already restrictions on abortion, it's just that it's really loose, I'm saying a tighter one.

I'm guessing you're a male? (Based on your username. Apologies if I'm wrong)

If so you have no right to try to restrict the rights of a woman's body

We're the ones that give birth. Not men
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The first part honestly makes no sense to me? Humans are animals? Abilities, feeling, emotions etc. don't make a living thing more or less an animal? The definition of animal is "a living organism which feeds on organic matter, typically having specialized sense organs and nervous system and able to respond rapidly to stimuli." humans fall in that category, right? I don't see why it matters that humans create words and definitions, you can't just oppose a definition because you're human? I'm not going to go on more about this because it's irrelevant to the discussion anyway.

Yes, taking a pill. Abortion is usually taking pills or getting an injection. So let me get this straight, humans have the right to kill animals when ever they want, even for food when there's other options, but they shouldn't have the right to remove a fetus from their own body?

How should abortions be restricted? There shouldn't be a terms and conditions for abortions, anyone should be able to get one or multiple abortions for whatever reason. +1 to what visibleghost said about abortion restrictions
The word animal has multiple definitions one of them is a living organism other than a human being another is what you stated. The definition I was referring to is the 1st one and what I said in the 1st part means that we define what an animal even is. Heck the definition of words even change if we want it to change and a consensus is reached. Our intelligence ration and emotions don't even compare to what my definition of animal was.

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I'm guessing you're a male? (Based on your username. Apologies if I'm wrong)

If so you have no right to try to restrict the rights of a woman's body

We're the ones that give birth. Not men
It all falls at where we believe life begins that's why debates like these never end, since in the end it's your belief and opinion you can't win it with solely facts as even the facts are up to interpretation.
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