Best Thanksgiving dish?


Senior Member
Oct 9, 2016
November Birthstone (Topaz)
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Yellow Cosmos
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My favorite is corn casserole. I can never get enough servings of it! I only ever stop myself out of courtesy lmao

What are your guys favorites?
My aunt makes this really delicious dish that's basically small onions in cream sauce and it's heavenly. It's all I can do to not consume the whole thing lol.
here's my favorite Thanskgiving dish:

you take several good-sized slices of roast turkey (preferably the white meat), add several large spoonfuls of mashed potatoes, of corn-bread stuffing, of sweet potato casserole (yes, with marshmallows on top), of sliced cranberry sauce, add a few freshly baked dinner rolls, then pour hot turkey gravy over the top of it all and enjoy...
ooh i agree, corn casserole is good. honestly my favorite is the turkey itself, if it's not too dry, and the pumpkin pie! :D
M a s h e d p o t a t o e s

It's always my main dish since I don't eat meat ;) The best comfort food!
My dad makes this thing where he mixes green beans and cream of mushroom, that's definitely my favorite dish.

...except when he puts onions on it. Onions are nasty.
Any vegetarian/vegan option. We don't really celebrate Thanksgiving here, though. Every day should have the overall sentiment of being thankful about life, IMO. Every day, be thankful for life.
You can never go wrong with a good serving of mashed potatoes or even baked potatoes.
For me it’s a toss up between green bean casserole and Gallows grandmothers sweet potato casserole!
My dad makes this thing where he mixes green beans and cream of mushroom, that's definitely my favorite dish.

...except when he puts onions on it. Onions are nasty.

you mean like those crispy onions that come in the cardboard tube?
i think everybody has a family member in charge of making that greenbean casserole dish every year; it's horrid but such a tradition that I convince myself on Thanksgiving Day that it's quite a treat...
Butternut squash! Also mashed white turnips. My mother and I usually steal both of those.
My mom and I always make the same dish together:
Corn and mashed potatoes stuffed in a turkey =v= Now we're talking~
It is amazing! I would always add too much spice when I was younger so now my brother and I see who can handle the most spice in our potatoes(after my mom has her servings of course)
sourdough stuffing that has NOT been shoved up a dead bird's butt and baked in its hollow organ cavity
i guess it's dressing then, not stuffing? idk

sourdough bread beats all other breads for all uses and applications