Which celebrity death has affected you the most?


Flick Fanboy 🦎💞
Jan 22, 2017
As the title asks, which celebrity death has taken the biggest toll on you?

For me, it's Chester Bennington. I'm still not over it tbh. A close second would be Robin Williams.
Robin Williams was probably the hardest. Heath Ledger is still pretty hard too.
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(Don't know if this counts but) Satoru Iwata has a place in all our hearts.....

^as you can see, I don't care a bit about real celebs
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Satoru Iwata. I don;t know if he counts as a celebrity necessarily but his death hit me where it hurts for sure.

Also still not over Prince and George Michael. ):
Michael Jackson. I was obsessed with him in the year leading up to his death. I was literally listening to his 2008 King of Pop compilation album when I loaded up MSN that morning and saw the banner saying he had passed away.
David Bowie, and numerous actors/directors etc. that have died recently and the last few years :(
Glad so many people care about Iwata :) his death really was the worst part of 2015
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I am struggling to think of a single one that even changed my mood. Sounds like I am not as invested in people that I have never or will never meet or get to know as themselves as the rest of you are. Emotional investment I have no problems with, but "celebrities" can't mean much to me.
I think mine is pretty obvious.

I had over 40 notifications that day from members and staff saying how sorry they were. It was pretty surreal, and something I'll never forget.
I've never really been hit-hard by any celebrity deaths at the time of them happening. With the exception of maybe Amy Winehouse, which still affects me to some extent, I wasn't a massive fan or anything, but just knowing she died at such a young age, from alcohol intoxication, it just scares me, and is one thing that's prompted me to make changes recently. I know so many people die from drugs and alcohol, it's just where I was at the time of her death plus her age.
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Definitely Robin Williams -- was my childhood hero and I was devastated when I heard the news he'd died.
Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. It was heartbreaking that she died right after her daughter
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Carrie Fisher and Debbie Reynolds. It was heartbreaking that she died right after her mother

Debbie passed away after Carrie actually.

That really was sad, heartbreak killed Debbie and they were estranged for so long before that. :'(