Do you laugh at jokes more than once?

Yep, I'm always still laughing at something after everyone else has finished having a giggle.
I even laugh everytime my boyfriend farts.
So now imagine a good joke.
Yeah, I will laugh more than once.. (͡? ͜ʖ ͡?)
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For some things I can. Rarely, I see a video which I think I've laughed at about 10 times already. Others I'm just like 'meh' from the second time lel
I'm still laughing at the worst (and I mean worst) joke I've ever heard from months ago
It depends on the joke. There are things my fiance has said that still crack me up when I think about them but more often than not I laugh a bit then it's over.
I honestly have the worst short term memory so I'm sure I've laughed at tons of jokes more than onc... sorry, what was I talking about again? I have the worst short term memory.
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A better question would be if I found my own jokes funny. And I do...for far, far too long.
I do, but then again I tend to laugh at jokes even when they aren't funny. I guess the concept makes me laugh.