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WOW What was localization thinking?


Senior Member
Jan 29, 2014
Having played the Japanese version for nearly a year, I started to play the NA copy more, so of course I'm now running across some of the same villagers I already did in Japanese, seeing how their requests are worded in English. Most of the time their requests, while not worded exactly the same, falls in line with each other, but others it's like drastically different! It's like did you guys just throw something you thought would make more sense out the window because you were being creative? I can understand taking out the references to manga, and Japanese cities, but I really don't get how they come up with calling things totally different than what they were in Japanese. It's like I know you get freedom to change it, but man alive some of these don't even make sense!!
I feel like that's why a lot more of the American ones are probably so vague and the same, because there were some kind of Japanese thing that wouldn't make sense here so they just made like a million of the same themes.

What's one for instance if you can think of it? I'd love to know how some of the themes translate.
I feel you. I really hate it when significant dialogues got lost / totally changed in translation. Can you give a few examples of some of the most drastic changes?
Yeah, not surprising. They usually change a lot for dubs/translation to make the culture of it more accessible because they apparently think we don't know a **** about the world. But yeah I can imagine if you are fluent in Japanese and/or know about its culture that they have cut a bit too much of it...
It ticks me off when they do that, regardless of the country. It makes me feel like they think we're stupid or something.

For example, in anime, "itadakimasu" generally means "let's eat" but in some English dubs, they say weird stuff like "rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub." Like, dear god, what the fu-
It ticks me off when they do that, regardless of the country. It makes me feel like they think we're stupid or something.

For example, in anime, "itadakimasu" generally means "let's eat" but in some English dubs, they say weird stuff like "rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub." Like, dear god, what the fu-

Yeah.. It's like they seriously think we are stupid or won't know that it means let's eat or they just wanna make fun of the show because they think all anime/games are supposed to be super quirky. Or they just have no clue, I don't know. It's dumb af regardless.
and this is why to this day i still only watch sub anime T^T
Rub a dub dub??? Oh I am laughing so hard at that!! I watch subbed anime only. I can't handle the dubs~
I think a good example I've come across is Robin. In the Japanese version, I believe she had a request for a mountain tea shop. But in the English it's something like a country teahouse, which I know confused some people as I saw comments about it. I guess the whole "country" aspect of it makes you think it's not a Japanese tea shop? It's not the best example, but it's the only one I could think of xD
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I've only played the NA version, but there have been quite a few requests that make me think, "I bet if I knew the original Japanese this would make a lot more sense." Like there was one who wanted an "it" home, so I got ready to give her lots of fashionable and nice looking furniture. Turns out she wanted the sloppy set.
I've only played the NA version, but there have been quite a few requests that make me think, "I bet if I knew the original Japanese this would make a lot more sense." Like there was one who wanted an "it" home, so I got ready to give her lots of fashionable and nice looking furniture. Turns out she wanted the sloppy set.

Yes this is kinda amusing... Oh they want an "it" home consisting of sloppy things?? Lmao must have been something completely different haha.

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I've only played the NA version, but there have been quite a few requests that make me think, "I bet if I knew the original Japanese this would make a lot more sense." Like there was one who wanted an "it" home, so I got ready to give her lots of fashionable and nice looking furniture. Turns out she wanted the sloppy set.

Yes this is kinda amusing... Oh they want an "it" home consisting of sloppy things?? Lmao must have been something completely different haha.
It ticks me off when they do that, regardless of the country. It makes me feel like they think we're stupid or something.

For example, in anime, "itadakimasu" generally means "let's eat" but in some English dubs, they say weird stuff like "rub a dub dub, thanks for the grub." Like, dear god, what the fu-

Yea I know what you mean. But I still prefer dubbed because it's annoying to have to read everything if you just wanna watch the show.
Yea I know what you mean. But I still prefer dubbed because it's annoying to have to read everything if you just wanna watch the show.

lmao best quote2k16 have my white feather collectible. not.

I love this argument though, and people complain kids can't read :rolleyes: