Giveaway ♚ [Winners Announced!] Team Popsicle's Final Giveaway ♚

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Thank you for your generosity! I'd like to enter ^^ I love popsicles, just not when it's chilly outside
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I would like to be entered, please. It's chilly somewhere today, but not here. Thank you!
Entries updated! If you don't see your name on the list, then please double check to make sure you actually read the rules ;)

Also if you are a Team Popsicle member make sure to double check you've been entered 5x! If not then just let me know and I'll change that <3
i'll enter! thanks for hosting this! it's super chilly where i am. maybe it's because i'm sick... :(
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I would like to enter! But it's chilly doesn't really apply because its warm for me.... I need to chill out
it's chilly over here in the UK, but your generosity has warmed me right up! (gosh that was awful haha)
thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity!! :p
I would like to enter please! Also, thank you so much for doing this! It's chilly were I'm living and it's already the middle of April. :)
Mmm, am I the only one that thinks that It's chilly lately? Probably not, but either way, a popsicle would hit the spot :>
I would like to enter! Unfortunately I wasn't around in the popsicle vs. ice cream days, but I sure love the cute collectibles that came out of the event :) Thanks for this opportunity! It sure is chilly up in here, the weather has been getting colder where I am!

I would like to enter please.

I'm currently sick and my throat is sore, so the popsicle seems like it would help. It's chilly after all.

Thank you for running the giveaway and best of luck to everyone entering!
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