Whimsical Wardrobe - Closed!

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Project Staff
Jun 18, 2015
Sky Clouds Scenery
Pink Toy Hammer
Pink Heart Balloon
Pink Toy Hammer
Sky Clouds Scenery
Pink Hybrid Cosmos
Pink Hybrid Lily
Pink Hybrid Rose
Pink Hybrid Lily
Pink Hybrid Cosmos

Hello adventurers! There's a long journey ahead of you as you venture into the enchanted forest. Let's find suitable garments and accessories to get you started. What kind of story do you want to tell? What kind of character will drive it? Will this be a forest of unicorns, butterflies and rainbows, or something more sinister? A story will be woven from the assortment of your wardrobe!

How to Play

  • Three separate wardrobe prompts will be posted in this thread. You will dress up your Animal Crossing: New Horizons character to match the theme of the prompt.
  • Please post the screenshot in this thread! You cannot edit or change your submission once submitted, so be sure you're satisfied with the final product.
  • Approved entries will be marked with the approval reaction.

Rules & Guidelines

  • Only submit one screenshot as your entry which should display the entirety of your outfit.
  • A second screenshot of your rep with your TBT username as proof must be included in your post.
  • Caption your photo with a 1-3 sentence blurb.
  • Patterns are allowed and encouraged!
  • Entries must be unedited, and cannot be changed once submitted.
  • Low effort entries will be rejected.


1. Saturday, August 20th 7 PM Fair Time until Wednesday, August 24th 11:59 PM Fair Time

The protagonist with a unique sigil.

2. Thursday, August 25th 7 PM Fair Time until Monday, August 29th 11:59 PM Fair Time

The enchanted companion. There should be a clear identifier to show the companion is not 100% human.

3. Tuesday, August 30th 7 PM Fair Time until Saturday, September 3rd 11:59 PM Fair Time

The antagonist which is the personification of nature. It cannot be an animal/living creature (insects, reptiles, birds, mammals, etc).


  • Participation: 4 Tickets per round (3 rounds total)
  • Staff Favorite: 6 Tickets, Enchanted Bloom Collectible
Hello everyone! Hope you're enjoying the festivities so far. The first prompt is available for Whimsical Wardobe! Looking forward to seeing your outfits with a sigil. Please remember to include a short blurb with your outfit :blush:
Do I understand correctly that we do not have to include our character saying our tbt username this time around?
Just need to confirm: Are patterns not made by you okay to use?
When the nights were warm and the moon just right, the little imp would dress up in her favorite sparkly dress, polish her wings, and put on a concert that seemed magical to all who attended. And she never forgot to wear her enchanting hat, with the mysterious musical sigil....


In case we need a tbtname/proof...

This superhero is in his workout outfit, stretching to get ready for the day! Got to keep those muscles stretched and loose. The thumbs up on the logo/sigil is symbolistic of heroes, and reassures everyone that everything will be okay. :giggle:

The young princess of the flower witches is setting off on an adventure to discover new worlds and learn of different flowers.
She has her wand in hand to help defend herself from evil spirts and her Star Pochette full of her magic dust and few little nibbles for the long journey ahead.


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Do I understand correctly that we do not have to include our character saying our tbt username this time around?

Very sorry everyone I had forgotten to mention this. Yes, please include your TBT username in a separate screenshot. I will edit the main post shortly.

If you submitted an entry before this post you may edit it to include the username.

@pandapples Hi! I’m not sure what a sigil is…? As in you want a unique symbol on the clothes? Asking for clarification

Yup! A symbol on clothes or face paint is okay.

Just need to confirm: Are patterns not made by you okay to use?


I will be late accepting entries for this round because I'm on vacation until Monday. Thanks for your patience!
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this human-butterfly is timid after spending years alone in her cocoon, but the journey to gain her trust is a fruitful one. should you be successful, don’t be frightened by the gleaming flowers that emerge from her — each one represents her endurance, trust, wisdom, strength and rebirth, and she’s happy to share with her friends. 🦋🧡


hopefully a monarch butterfly counts as a sigil. :’)

A clumsy ronin banished from his village for accidentally breaking the stone statue of their deity. Now, he's on his quest to seek the legendary sculptor and gather the holy materials needed to create a new statue so he could redeem himself.


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