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What's bothering you?

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My boyfriend asked his room mate if it was cool if he was allowed to get a couple cats. His room mate's parents own the apartment they're renting so most of the dealings go through him. Boyfriend got two kitties and now a couple months later they want my boyfriend to move out but wont give a definitive answer as to why (we're assuming his room mate did not actually ok the cats with his parents).

My boyfriend is going to school in San Francisco and it's expensive as fug. He has been working so hard to find a new place to live but everything has lead to a dead end. Boyfriends current room mate thinks he isn't trying hard enough (I think his room mate is a spoiled brat). He has been making a lot of passive aggressive remarks towards my boyfriend and I'm pissed off. My boyfriend is stressed as ship and all his room mate does is add pressure. If he had actually asked his parents about owning pets before giving my boyfriend the ok he wouldn't have to be stressing about finding himself a new home and possibly his cats a new home. Everyone he asks for help just tells him he shouldn't have gotten cats - he wouldn't have if he expected to be evicted for you you idiots.

I'm in a long distance relationship with my boyfriend otherwise I would take his cats. I feel so useless being so far away unable to help support him through this. He has contacted over 40 people via email and less than a handful have bothered to answer back. He was hoping he would be able to keep his cats but it doesn't seem very likely now. He has contacted his school and the only housing they have offered is way over his price range. I've considered sending money to him but I don't know how long I could afford that. I've looked at costs to ship his cats to me but it's extremely costly, plus it would be an awful ride for the cats. :(

I just don't know what else to do, or say to comfort him. Everyone says everything will turn out okay but I don't think they understand how severely this has effected my boyfriend. The thought of him having to drop out of school because of this makes me sick to my stomach.

This post is all over the place, sorry to those that might read it. I just needed to vent to a neutral party. :/
I asked a friend to help me find me a schoolbag. I was hoping to hang out with her alone but she of course brought a friend of hers with her and totally ignored me. We also visited only one shop with bags and they gave up right after that so the whole trip was useless. Buying dinosaur shaped erasers was kinda nice though. I also ended up buying her some manga... I should stop treating people nicely when they don't treat me nicely back.

For the last few months I've been talking to only one internet friend 24/7 and while I appreciate it I could use some more people to talk to xl

I've eaten only one pack of noodles in like 2-3 days and drank 4l of juice. Meanwhile I have nuggets in the fridge but don't feel like cooking them.

School is starting in under 2 weeks and I know I'm gonna get stressed with applying to high school and such. I also have to get a part time job for a week as a school assignment and I just dont have the courage to apply anywhere. I also really wanna get to know some people at my school but I'm too shy to. Guess I'll just sit alone this year too 8I
a friend because he seems to have some sort of crush on me for weird reasons.

and my dad as usual. >>
I'm never gonna get this gold glider on MK8 like seriously.
This is my biggest problem right now, and I dunno how I can live with myself until I get it.
/it's the only thing I have left to do
/why quit when victory is so close ugh
Ugh... I'm still irritated at my cousin since about two days ago. I'm still so ticked off that he never blames himself, even though he did contribute to the problem as well.
I just got diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. My family and I thought it was actually bipolar disorder for, like, the last two years, but then my psychologist gave me this diagnosis today. From what I've read online, each case varies from person to person. I could either be cured or spend the rest of my life in therapy and support groups.
I don't know if this exactly appropriate for this thread, but you said to post about what was bothering me and this is it.
I've been having pain in my "nether region" since mid-February, and even though the pain has lessened, it still acts up now and then.. I wish the doctors knew what the heck is wrong with me. :mad: I'm getting real tired of these pains.
There's this one boy that showed interest in me who I sorta like I guess, but hasn't talked to me in weeks. He said we could hang out but that hasn't happened. He's always posting stuff, and I'm not sure if he's with another girl. Idk. It's kinda dumb, but it bothers me.
There's this one boy that showed interest in me who I sorta like I guess, but hasn't talked to me in weeks. He said we could hang out but that hasn't happened. He's always posting stuff, and I'm not sure if he's with another girl. Idk. It's kinda dumb, but it bothers me.

You should talk to him and find out. Letting this linger out any longer will do nothing but hurt you.
Thinking about whether or not I should change some rules around in the [V] SOTW contest thread that will be posted in 4 days.
That I like stickers. It's something that is keeping me from my social life. I LIKE STICKERS MORE THAN YOU! Yeah, I said that to my teacher. I even said I like stickers during introducing someone in class. What is wrong with me????????????
this bottle of chili lime spice is making my teeth sensitive. i have no more ground sumac so i have to eat this.
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