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What's bothering you?

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i'm holding lolly for someone and idek if they're still alive or not but i don't want to take any chances because last time i did that i got a freaking hailstorm shot at me for being in the wrong country
Currently, I'm just bummed out by the fact that GameStop delivery sucks and I won't be getting Fantasy Life until next Wednesday, according to the shipping schedule. I'm really eager to play it, since it's technically already released here now (North America), buuuuut I'm stuck waiting until it arrives.

This headache isn't helping matters, either.
So it seems it's worse than I thought it was...

My Mother has Brain Hemorrhage (I believe it's called this) It's when a blood vessel in your brain pops and causes bleeding in the brain, She's apparently had this problem for about 10 years that have caused headaches quite oftenly and today a big vessel itself has popped...

She's currently resting at the hospital and will be operated on within the hour or sometime tomorrow.
This is horrible news to hear as I've just been told as it could leave to a fatal outcome, I'm unsure if that means after the procedure or during it but hearing it nonetheless has just caused me to somewhat break metally, I feel so broken that I don't know what to do with myself...

She could die...SHE COULD DIE...

I dunno what to do, hearing this news is just breaking me right now, I don't feel like I can really talk to anyone but goddamn...
So it seems it's worse than I thought it was...

My Mother has Brain Hemorrhage (I believe it's called this) It's when a blood vessel in your brain pops and causes bleeding in the brain, She's apparently had this problem for about 10 years that have caused headaches quite oftenly and today a big vessel itself has popped...

She's currently resting at the hospital and will be operated on within the hour or sometime tomorrow.
This is horrible news to hear as I've just been told as it could leave to a fatal outcome, I'm unsure if that means after the procedure or during it but hearing it nonetheless has just caused me to somewhat break metally, I feel so broken that I don't know what to do with myself...

She could die...SHE COULD DIE...

I dunno what to do, hearing this news is just breaking me right now, I don't feel like I can really talk to anyone but goddamn...

Oh my gosh, that sounds awful...I really do hope your mother turns out okay. I can't imagine how you feel right now.
Make sure everyone that knows her knows what's going on, express your concerns.
The best way is to be prepared. Of course you can worry, I would too. But be sure you're around someone who you can trust while she's in hospital so that if bad news comes, you have someone to support you. If you're allowed to visit her, definitely do because reassurance is the best thing you can provide her with.
I can't think of what I was going to say, but I sent my respects to you and I hope everything turns out okay, and no matter what I and the rest of TBT are here to listen. :)
I appreciate the support, My Dad mentioned that they should also test my brother since he's had random painful headaches like my Mother had.
All I can really do is hope for the best and just hope everything turns out alright in the end.

I'm sorry for the outbreak I'm just so worried and I'd have no idea where to start if my Mother leaves us.
She's really inspired me these last few years so it'd really suck if it happens, Even if she makes it out okay but has lost some braincells in the process, I just want her to be okay.
There's no reason to apologize. I think most people here can sympathize with your situation, and very few would hold up better if their mother was suddenly in a life-threatening situation like that. I hope your mom pulls through fine and returns home.
So it seems it's worse than I thought it was...

My Mother has Brain Hemorrhage (I believe it's called this) It's when a blood vessel in your brain pops and causes bleeding in the brain, She's apparently had this problem for about 10 years that have caused headaches quite oftenly and today a big vessel itself has popped...

She's currently resting at the hospital and will be operated on within the hour or sometime tomorrow.
This is horrible news to hear as I've just been told as it could leave to a fatal outcome, I'm unsure if that means after the procedure or during it but hearing it nonetheless has just caused me to somewhat break metally, I feel so broken that I don't know what to do with myself...

She could die...SHE COULD DIE...

I dunno what to do, hearing this news is just breaking me right now, I don't feel like I can really talk to anyone but goddamn...

i wish you and your family the best of luck!!! im really sorry that this happened ): you guys are in my prayers!
So it seems it's worse than I thought it was...

My Mother has Brain Hemorrhage (I believe it's called this) It's when a blood vessel in your brain pops and causes bleeding in the brain, She's apparently had this problem for about 10 years that have caused headaches quite oftenly and today a big vessel itself has popped...

She's currently resting at the hospital and will be operated on within the hour or sometime tomorrow.
This is horrible news to hear as I've just been told as it could leave to a fatal outcome, I'm unsure if that means after the procedure or during it but hearing it nonetheless has just caused me to somewhat break metally, I feel so broken that I don't know what to do with myself...

She could die...SHE COULD DIE...

I dunno what to do, hearing this news is just breaking me right now, I don't feel like I can really talk to anyone but goddamn...

I'm sorry to hear that you're having a tough time and I understand completely. Just a few weeks ago, my mother was rushed to ER with heart problems and I was a wreck during that time, not knowing what was going to happen and worried about my mother's health and condition. But I believed in her to pull through, and she did. She's stuck on medications for the rest of her life and has to monitor her heart rate among other things and be careful of impending heart attacks, but at least she's alive and that's the important thing.

Just give your mother all the support and love she needs and believe in her. That's really the most and the best thing you can do in this situation. I'm sure she'll do the rest and pull through. I'll send some good thoughts your way and your mother's. Stay strong, if not for your own sake, then for hers. No matter how things turn out, I'm sure that she's going to need you.

I know you said you don't feel like talking, but if you ever do, feel free to drop me a line.
My loneliness is really making my sad now I've become infatuated with 3 guys now but they all turned out to be straight and it makes me really sad
jesus christ I'd love it if just once when my mother borrowed my car for an hour I actually got it back less than three hours later
Thank you very much, the both of you. I'm thankful for the support in general, I've never been this worried in my entire life, it really sucks but I just have to hope she makes it out okay, Even if she forgets who I am or another person, I'd be fine, I just want her to be okay.

I'll try my best to stay strong for her, she wouldn't like to know I haven't been strong while she's like this, she's always wanted me to be brave I guess, while I haven't been a really strong person with changes and especially big changes like this, I'll stay strong, for her.

Thank you, I'm currently trying to take my mind off it so much so it doesn't leave me mentally unstable, I just keep saying "She'll make it through Ryan, she'll be ok...stop worrying." it's just to motivate myself a little.

My dad has been giving small updates on her, we haven't heard anything past the operation stages though, I figure that's because they're still running tests on her.
I think I failed my math quiz. :(
(Also, I have an essay due on Monday, that if it's not done, you fail the class. I have two days.)

Hey, no worries. Just take care of yourself and do your best to stay strong for your mother. Don't worry too much if you can't be strong all the time, though. I'm sure that the rest of your family will be there for you, too. Support each other in your time of need.
Geez...another update...

She's gotten worse...the doctors have had to put her into a medical coma to ensure she doesn't wake up during the brain surgery, while we cannot define she will live the brain surgery she could be stuck in a coma for awhile, she's living on medical support while being knocked out and things aren't looking for the best, she could pass away at any time but there's still hope...she will be in the hospital for awhile...things aren't turning out to be great but she could possibly live...just with a lower chance than we expected.

My brother will have to quit his job or find a part time job for mornings or evenings, he'll take over my mother's role while she's knocked out, this is horrible news and a terrible experience for me...but atleast I'm going through it now than in the future.

I don't feel as emotionally broken, my mother has become in a serious state and if she doesn't make it...we'll just have to move on, I don't know if my dad will consider finding another woman if she passes away while in this coma or by stress in the operation.

I just need to hope she makes it through...even if we don't get to see her for awhile...
I'm sorry if I'm bothering you guys with all this news...I just need to express myself while I'm like this.
Snippy Snip <3

Hyogo, I may not know the feeling of my mother being ill but I do know death. This.....this is a situation where you need to be there for her. I know the road is rough and no matter how hard you wish sometimes issues do arise. Just know I am and we all are here for you. I will keep your mother in my thoughts, i wish I could help. If there is anyway, please contact me or if you need to vent some frustrations my Inbox is always open. Fate can be cruel and orders unkind but do not shy away be there for her the best you can and know that things can always get better. I leave you with heavy heart for now but I will be thinking of good thoughts for you and your family.
She cannot recover from this Blood vessel so the doctors said they cannot do anything to help her.
Quite the result I didn't want to hear considering I had a dream where she came back home safe and sound.

My Dad came to me and my brother and told us the news, I wasn't crying as much as yesterday as I was going to be aware this news was going to be mentioned, He's already told my grandmother and other people of our family and literally, they were all crying about it, she was a good mother and she will be really missed.

To the people who've lost someone close to them unexpectedly...I feel you so hard right now.
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