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what was the very first horror movie that you watched? 🎥🎃


axolotl girl
Squirtle Squad
Apr 24, 2015
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Night Sky Scenery
Blue Crescent Moon
Yellow Crescent Moon
Yellow Star Fragment
Toy Duck Plush
Bluebird of Happiness Plush
Bee Plush
Blue Star Fragment
i know not everyone enjoys horror movies, but if you’ve seen at least one or two, what was the first one that you saw; what was your introduction to horror movies?

mine was IT (1990). i don’t remember how old i was when i watched it, but i don’t think i was any older than 8 or 9. looking back, my parents definitely shouldn’t have let me watch it, but they never bothered to monitor or limit the media that i consumed growing up, so it doesn’t surprise me that they did LOL. i grew up being allowed to watch provocative music videos, listen to comedians who made inappropriate jokes etc, so i guess my parents didn’t feel the need to shield me from horror movies, either 😅

i handled watching the movie well, but of course i got scared hours later once it was dark and everyone was asleep. i remember still being up at 3am with my lights on, thinking that pennywise was under my bed and would grab my ankles if i got up
It's hard to say.. but I do remember seeing the original It movie when I was very young. I must have been like 8 or 9 at the time. That movie messed me UP

OH, even earlier than that, though it doesn't count as a horror movie -- I was completely terrified of the flying monkeys in The Wizard of Oz!!!
The Haunting (1999). I wouldn't say I willingly watched so much as I was subject to watching it - my Mom and I were sharing a hotel room, and I was 6 or 7. It absolutely terrified me, but looking at some of the scenes now, it's pretty cheesy.
The first one would be Scream 3, but the first horror movie that I saw in its entirety in one sitting was The Grudge.
I can't say with 100% certainty what the first was, maybe Aliens? Not sure if that really counts as a horror movie though, probably more action sci-fi 😅
I’ve not actually watched loads, mostly cause I’m awful with jump scares, but pretty sure the first one I watched was The Ring, was so long ago now that I don’t really remember the film though other then the ending.
I think mine was The Woman in Black? It came out when I was 12 so I was just old enough to see it at the cinema. Not the scariest but I liked the spooky Victorian/Edwardian vibes.
I think it waa "The ring"? I am not sure honestly! I only watched like 4 horror movies in total and this was one of them like 15 years ago. I am now to afraid to watch them haha
my grandma showed me jeepers creepers at 4 years old and it legit ****ed me up LOL
I want to say that it was The Blair Witch Project. A much older cousin brought it over so she could watch it with my mom. I remember thinking that the movie was boring; and left to go play.
My first horror movie was IT. My mom let me cut school because we were in the middle of watching it, lol. I wasn’t opposed to it because I was being bullied, but who wouldn’t be opposed to it? I’m not really a fan of horror movies as in I wouldn’t go out of my way to watch them, but I don’t mind them. If it means anything, I don’t go out of my way to watch movies in general unless it’s something that really interests me, and that’s rare.
child's play!! chucky gave me a big phobia of dolls for a while. still have one now though so not much has changed lol
I've said it before in various threads over the years, but the first horror movie I ever saw was the original 1988 Child's Play when I was about 3 years old or so, maybe 4? I think my father was watching it and I just watched it too. My parents were always lax and chill with letting me watch mature stuff, don't know why but I'm grateful for that. To my recollection, I was never scared of it even at that young age because I was able to internalize that stuff that happens in movies, video games, etc. isn't real, and I've never been scared of any other horror movies either. That said, I did freak out when I saw a Chucky doll at Spencer's in the mall because suddenly to my child brain it was like it was no longer just constrained to a movie. Now as an adult, I wish we got that Chucky doll back then because it's the classic look, whereas all the ones nowadays have the scars and stitches.
The Ring (the western remake version). I was traumatized so I don't watch horror anymore LOL.
The first horror movie I ever saw I’m pretty sure was the ring with a friend. The first horror movie I saw by myself was Freddy vs Jason and still have yet to understand why haha.
weirdly enough, stigmata (1999) i saw when i was 6. i think i saw killer clownz from outer space on tv around that time

or it might have been leprechaun (god i love that franchise). casper. and while casper is more a family friendly horror comedy but people have a misconception that scary and horror are interchangeable. horror technically doesn't need to cause the viewer to feel any type of way, instead it refers to the character's journey and their realizing the revulsion when seemingly disconnected, bad things come full circle. say you look in your window and remember shutting it before you left that day, only to see that now it is open. sure, that MAY or may not startle you, but that isn't horror. when you reach the implication that someone might be in your house that you don't know--that sinking feeling--that is horror. even in casper, a movie played to laughs, several characters meet grisly death only realizing the consequences just before meeting that end, and the titular character reveals enough about his childhood to make a church lady bless his heart. horror can have a downer ending or the protagonist might overcome the trial. consider evil dead, though Ash is really his own antagonist and his horror usually goes something like "so did I just end the world? yolo"

listen, i was a little wednesday addams
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I don’t watch much horror, but mine was The Pit and the Pendulum with Vincent Price. Obviously, like the other Poe-inspired movies, the adaptation was nothing like the story but I still found it creepy and interesting nonetheless.
I would say it was probably Saw as a teenager. I was more open to the genre as a teenager, but I can't watch the genre at all now. 😭
Either Poltergeist or Thirteen Ghosts. I don't recall either movie scaring me more than the Gamecube menu music for some reason.