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What was the first video game you played?

Hmm I can’t remember exactly which one but I remember at maybe around 4-5ish? Playing an old Justice League game, Marvel vs Capcom and this weird kinda trippy rainbow horse game?? I need to try to find out what it was called 😭 but all on the original xbox with my dad
Oh boy! I'm not 100% sure tbh. The first game I ever played I think was Nintendogs on a friend's Nintendo DS. The first game I owned was New Super Mario Bros, followed by Pokemon Diamond.
My first video game was Pokemon Blue in the late 90s. It was so hyped then ans my classmates were all talking about it. I convinced my mother to buy me a Gameboy Color and a Pokemon Blue cartridge. It was definitely a fun time to be a Pokemon fan then.
I’m not sure exactly. It was probably one of the Kinect games my cousins had, but it also could have been Wii Sports Resort or Super Smash Brothers (I don’t recall which ones). All of these were at my cousins’ house, they always seemed to have the latest consoles. Later my family got a wii and I got obsessed with the mii series!
New Super Mario Bros. 2 when I was four. I think this is the reason I think it’s better than it typically is considered. Also when I got it I had a blue 3DS XL but my brother snapped it in half so I got a New 3DS XL in 2017.
I don’t remember the very first but it was definitely something on the NES, probably Mario. My grandparents had an NES and gave it to my brother and I when we were kids
It was this game called Bugdom and I think it was just one of like the default games that was on this iBook we had at the time lol
i’m not entirely sure. i’m gonna guess it was petz vet for the ds or kirby super star ultra. i have distinct memories of my mom buying the first and coming home to play it excitedly when i was ~eight.
I cannot remember the first video game I ever played, but it was probably some random mobile game I had like Angry Birds or something. I do, however, remember the first real “video game” I ever played, which was Super Mario Galaxy on the old family Wii (which I did not know existed until my younger sister found a stack of games and the console itself in a cabinet by the TV.) At the time, it was the only real game I could play, as the other games were things like Call of Duty (no idea why we even owned that then) and some nurse training kinda game my mom used forever ago. Oh, I did also play and enjoy Wii Fit, Wii Play, and Wii Sports. Those too.
hmm... either Mario Kart DS, Kirby Mass Attack or Pokemon gen 4. out of the 3, I still have Mass Attack.
The first video game I ever played was Madagascar for the Playstation 2. It was pretty awesome. What's weird though is that my first actual memory of playing a video game is the space invaders mini arcade game that you can play in-game right at the start of Madagascar, so even though technically my answer is Madagascar, in my heart it's space invaders.
Pretty sure mine was the original Super Mario Bros, my parents owned a copy since before I was born
As far as first video game EVER like of my entire life, probably Pokemon.

I was 5 years old playing with my friend's gameboy on the school bus and I remember being so excited to go to the museum in Pewter City lol!!!

Other than that, I had probably played racing games at family and friend's houses although to pin point my first ever video game would be pretty hard.

Our first ever console was a second hand Sega Genesis that our babysitter gave us. She also included a big box full of games! We loved playing Sonic the Hedgehog the most :)