What (Non alcoholic) drink do you like the most?

elderflower squash is A++ too

I've had Mr. Boston Absolut before and also had an elderflower liqueur, so if that's anything similar to those, I'd love to try it!!
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Wow, never expected that much people replying to my thread! :)
Dr. Pepper all the way.

Hey! I remember some adult guy saying to me "Ey Lars, i know that you'll like Dr. Pepper.". And i was all like WHAAAAT THE FUUUUUCK?! (I never had it but you made me curious about it now lol)
Sprite or lemon-lime drinks are my go-to, really. Coke isn't bad, Dr. Pepper, I can't really handle the extra cherry-ish flavor.
Tea, definitely. Lately I've been drinking at least two cups a day.

Other than that, water mostly. I try not to drink a lot of pop or juice. Lately I've been indulging in the pomegranate-flavoured San Pellegrino though, that stuff is amazing.
Oh my gosh i forgot a lot of my favorite drinks i guess, i really like fruit juice a lot too, or even better smoothies! I always make them myself with milk, yoghurt, sugar (because of the yoghurt we use being extremely sour) and the obvious fruit!

These are my favorite creations:

- Strawberry + Banana
- Kiwi + Banana
- Mango + Passion Fruit (Tropical smoothie yaaay! I guess you can even call it a Tropical Freeze because there was cushed ice in it, i made it when it was like 30 degrees celsius, which is really hot)
- Pineapple + Orange (You should ONLY make this when the Pineapple is fresh and when you are sure of it that it gets consumed the day you make it. It will turn really bitter when you keep it for even a day and that is extremely gross, i speak from expirience xD)
Pepsi is pretty good but fanta is my favourite
I heard fanta is even better when you inject it straight into your bloodstream
Pepsi is pretty good but fanta is my favourite
I heard fanta is even better when you inject it straight into your bloodstream

What the... Are you serious? How is a normal human even going to do that? lol

- - - Post Merge - - -

Oh my gosh i forgot a lot of my favorite drinks i guess, i really like fruit juice a lot too, or even better smoothies! I always make them myself with milk, yoghurt, sugar (because of the yoghurt we use being extremely sour) and the obvious fruit!

These are my favorite creations:

- Strawberry + Banana
- Kiwi + Banana
- Mango + Passion Fruit (Tropical smoothie yaaay! I guess you can even call it a Tropical Freeze because there was cushed ice in it, i made it when it was like 30 degrees celsius, which is really hot)
- Pineapple + Orange (You should ONLY make this when the Pineapple is fresh and when you are sure of it that it gets consumed the day you make it. It will turn really bitter when you keep it for even a day and that is extremely gross, i speak from expirience xD)

Oh forgot to mention, do not add too much sugar of course that will make it even worse than the one day kept bitter pineapple smoothie xD
coffee & cream, mango iced tea, and hot chai tea for sure! c: im not a big soda person tbh
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Non alcoholic beverages... are my life.
I drink more than I eat. Which probably isn't that healthy now that I think about it, but whatevs.

Absolute favorite? Probably... orange juice (real OJ is best but I'd have Sunny D as well if not for the grapefruit juice in it, lol). NO PULP, EVER. Otherwise I'm not picky, really!

My only real stipulation is it has to be sweet and it has to be COLD. I don't like hot drinks. I'll have them if there's no other option, but bleh. Every time I go out for coffee with my cousin (long-standing tradition that we do this whenever possible - used to be weekly but he has a kid now so it's more sporadic) I get it iced or one of the fraps, even in the dead of winter, and every single time he turns to me like "There's something wrong with you, getting cold drinks when it's already cold OUTSIDE." pfff :p

I can't even give like, an example of my "usual" at Starbucks or something, because there IS no usual. Sweet and cold.

Tea is the one exception to the temperature rule, but I tend to leave my cup long enough for it to at least be lukewarm anyway. Just snagged a 3oz pouch of a strawberry-ish blend with some of the review points I've accumulated through Adagio Teas this afternoon! I have loads of different teas in the cupboard I still haven't tried though.

And then we have soda. Carbonated drinks are so refreshing. Again, not picky at all. Only thing I'll turn down is store-brand cherry because a lot of the time it ends up being that cough syrup cherry flavor, which, ew.

Also: RED BULL. All-time fave in terms of carbonated anything, second to... I dunno, peach lemonade, or cream soda. ♥ I know, I know, it's horrible for me, idgaf. It's crap that I love energy drinks so much (and espresso! can't believe I forgot espresso - I like it canned though so I can chuck it in the icebox) because of the insomnia but they're so friggin tasty, I just... can't help it. I used to get those big battery bottles of Jolt Cola when I lived near a store that sold them, too, until they started giving me the shakes.
I live off of sweet tea tbh. Its all I ever order at fast food places and resturaunts and I hoard some in my house. Secretly.
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For me it's gotta be sencha. Or a nice buttery oolong.

For juices, I really like grapefruit. And apple (though I hate eating apples themselves, which is a bit strange).

If we're lifting the non-alcoholic bar though, my go-to drink is a gin and tonic.