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What is your opinion on Long Distance Relationships?

If they are really committed I'd think they could make it work, though I understand feeling the need to actually see each other. I'd say as long as they meet in person and spend time together whenever they can, it could work.
I know that I could not handle not seeing my significant other every day. I have a lot of respect for people who can make a long-distance relationship. It's not easy and takes a lot of work from both parties.
I was in one once, it worked actually. It ended because of other circumstances but the distance wasn't such an issue (3-6 hour train ride maybe isn't that much of a distance though.)
If they are really committed I'd think they could make it work, though I understand feeling the need to actually see each other. I'd say as long as they meet in person and spend time together whenever they can, it could work.

Basically this. I'd say make sure to meet up at times to check on things more in-deep. I don't think I could do it unless I saw them and spent some time together. As always you should always be careful with these, especially if they are reluctant showing pics or don't wanna talk etc.
There are things a phone or computer can't do.

people in ldr's can meet though lol

distance doesn't matter if u love someone, ik that sounds rly sappy but it's just the literal truth, sure it's hard and a lot of people couldn't handle it but if you work at something and have enough belief then i think it's just as valid as any other relationship

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nvm i just read the op i guess we're talking about solely online relationships then?? i guess they're fine if u actually plan on meeting but i do think u need to meet someone to like TRULY know if u're compatible lol
Some people can make it work, but I can't if there isn't any.. guarantee? of being together with the S/O in real life. I was in an LDR when I was 17 with somebody who lived upstate, but we never knew each other IRL. It didn't work out, and I think a large part of that came from my dissatisfaction and frustration with having to put so much effort into always having text conversations. My boyfriend lives 40 miles away and we don't see each other often, but I think we see each other enough not to be considered a LDR. I'll be moving upstate later in the year to attend university, but I still have pretty high hopes for my relationship since I still know I'll be able to see him IRL during breaks and the like.

I think I require the physicality of romantic relationships, but not everybody's the same! I was definitely more open to online relationships/ldr's etc when I was younger, but it's harder for me now that I'm a bit older and different.
Long distance relationships, in my opinion, can work. They are much harder though because over the internet you can very easily lie or hide away what you are embarrassed about. You may not let the person truly know you. It’s easy to put that person on a pedestal. I believe in order for a long distance relationship to work you must meet in person a few times a year at the least. I know it’s hard, especially for teenagers, but you have to be very careful meeting people in real life. I was very lucky and my long distance relationship worked out better than I ever could have imagined. I got to marry my very best friend!
I?m not against them, but there is quite a difference between online dating and dating someone in person. Attraction to a person comes in many forms, and you can?t quite get the full experience when dating online, even if you are video calling. I think many do it because they can?t find people in person so they resort to finding someone online which is totally cool, but if you don?t have plans on meeting in person and trying to work things out seriously, I think it?s a bit silly and naive. I online dated when I was younger and now that I am a bit older and have experienced both online relationships and in person relationships, I can recognize how much of a difference there is when you are physically with someone in person. Online relationships can definitely work, but they require a lot of commitment and paitience.
LDRs can work. the obstacles could make it more difficult, but then again the obstacles could make the relationship stronger.

there's dating someone in person (reason for distance is school, job, family, and so forth) and then there's online dating. i think the former implies that both people have met with each other for a prolonged time and they will eventually meet again which is fine. however the latter seems iffy bc a person can present themselves as someone they're not and they can hide things more easily. i think there's a consensus that trust is a huge factor in any relationship, and LDRs can make it more tricky.

personally i don't think i could do it. i read into the 5 love languages (acts of service, words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, and physical touch). my top love languages are quality time and acts of service - tied. i feel loved when someone grabs a meal with me, runs errands with me, or even helps me with a project. i know it's possible to call someone while doing these, but it's not the same for me :( i don't have the patience, but i know a lot of people who do!
Yeah I don't think I could handle it either. I mean I do have online friends but since a lot of them lives over the ocean I probably won't meet most of them but I'm alright with that and I trust them still. However if someone would wanna start a relationship I would probably need to either live close-by or in their country so we could check up face-to-face on things and have quality time together.

Each to their own, though if people can have that trust and commitment for LDR's, all the best for them :)
all power to the people who can do it but in my opinion there are things that simply cannot be transferred from the physical realm to long distance. the intimacy is different. but if that's somebody's thing then great.
i'm 21 and i've been in a relationship with someone for over 4 years now, so i think it can work! :)
we've been long distance since the beginning, but since i started going to school we've been even longer distance. we tend to see each other every other month or so (give or take) which helps a ton, but also we really established a strong friendship before we started dating, so we can talk to each other about anything. we also have a lot of shared interests (e.g., video games), so we can talk about our hobbies and/or do some stuff together even when we're apart.
i feel like it's important to have stuff to do together to make the distance feel shorter, but i definitely think it's doable!
Long distance relationships can work but theres plenty of struggles to be had in them. Theres a lack of physically being there for your partner, and theres even more trust that has to be had in the other. Sometimes you just want a hug and it can be really awful to not be able to hold the person you love the most. I can see why people dont have the commitment to have successful long distance relationships, because they're not easy to maintain. They can also very commonly hold little weight and be used as rebounds or ways to jump from partner to partner (which I see a LOT).
all power to the people who can do it but in my opinion there are things that simply cannot be transferred from the physical realm to long distance. the intimacy is different. but if that's somebody's thing then great.

Yeah this. Also I don't think I could base serious partner relationships on just talking and interacting via devices either unless yeah we were in the same country or stuff.
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I have a mixed view on this. I just got out of a 6 month long distance relationship. Throughout this time it was a great relationship. We would call often and look forward to the day we would eventually meet. Also, we would play games together like minecraft. But there are obstacles abe not being together really sucked. We broke up because she cheated. Mainly as she couldn't deal with distance anymore. Which hurt. So I'm not sure if they can work.
I think the right type of people could make it work, but for me, LDRs would most likely never work.

I recently graduated from college and my friends and I have dispersed across the country, and it already has been hard for me personally to keep in touch with them. I think this is due to my recent episode of depression and anxiety (which has made me reluctant to reach out and feel the need to instead isolate myself), but now that I'm better, it is still a struggle. I miss being just down the hall from them (we use to live together) and getting dinner with them everyday. Talking or Skyping just isn't the same. I think for me, I need that in person connection. (especially in terms of communicating, I sometimes have a hard time talking on the phone because I can't see the other persons face and read their emotions and for some reason its difficult for me to do that with just a voice.)
however the latter seems iffy bc a person can present themselves as someone they're not and they can hide things more easily. i think there's a consensus that trust is a huge factor in any relationship, and LDRs can make it more tricky.
To me, this ^ says it all.
Personally it's doable at all since if I'm gonna quote said 5 love languages, my top language is craving towards me. (words of affirmation?) I've had some real life relationships (living close together) that lasted long years and two relationships in long distance. And I learned, to me strong feelings towards me that are expressed through words do much more than physical touch or (physical) quality time. Just that, in my case both LDRs ended up in figuring out one cheating on me, and the other having been presenting as a person who wasn't themselves even for 4 years. It totally broke some part of me, as it was found out when I bought a ticket to fly to them.
So.. while it's possible to me at all, it could be tricky. At least you must not have a bad taste in terms of who/what type of people you tend to fall for. I'll admit I have a very bad taste, so for me better stay away from it, I know it now.
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