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What games were you not sure of at first but ended up enjoying?


Anyone remember that game? It was a little web mmo where you were an idea in the mind of one of 13 giants. You milked butterflies, squeezed pigs, and pet trees.

I spent a fine evening once cooking food for random folks that passed through the area I was in to mine.

When I first started it though I thought since it was so cute and simple I'd end up noping out.

Now it has been gone for some time and I habe never ever missed any game more than that one.

I still check sometimes in on people that were talking about rebuilding the game with the code that they left open sourced. It would be a dream come true to have it back.

I have vowed to my husband that if we ever win the big lottery somehow, I will buy the rights to the game and hire a team to rebuild it and put it on switch if we could...
Fire Emblem. I felt a bit hesitant since I knew it was a tactics game, but then I found out it's similar to Advance Wars, so I went for it. So, I played my first of the series, Three Houses, and I really enjoyed my playthrough. :)
Animal Crossing New Leaf actually. I was interested in this game but not exactly sure whether it was my type. My friend who played the game a little recommended it to me and I watched a few videos about it. I eventually got it and I love this game, it's probably the game that I put the most hours into and am really happy that I have this game.

Anyone remember that game? It was a little web mmo where you were an idea in the mind of one of 13 giants. You milked butterflies, squeezed pigs, and pet trees.

I spent a fine evening once cooking food for random folks that passed through the area I was in to mine.

When I first started it though I thought since it was so cute and simple I'd end up noping out.

Now it has been gone for some time and I habe never ever missed any game more than that one.

I still check sometimes in on people that were talking about rebuilding the game with the code that they left open sourced. It would be a dream come true to have it back.

I have vowed to my husband that if we ever win the big lottery somehow, I will buy the rights to the game and hire a team to rebuild it and put it on switch if we could...

omg glitch! I remember it but at the time I didn't play it and I was really sad when it shut down. I've been hoping for someone to revive it but I don't know why the project keeps getting stalled. :(

EDIT: Apparently there's been some progress and there was an alpha for the revival a while ago. Maybe this time it'll be back!
Final Fantasy XII. Initially when I played it, the ps2 version not Zodiac Age, I really hated Vaan because he annoyed the crap out of me. To make things worse, I got severe nausea and headaches (later found out it might’ve been because of my tv); so i couldn’t really enjoy it. I haven’t touched it for awhile (took a break because i tried to work on platinum on first playthrough and got overwhelmed). Regardless, once I played ZA, not only did I love the story, the characters, the VAs (Gideon Emery is one of the GOAT ^.^), but I actually like Vaan a lot. I was sad though by how horrific looking the coeurls were in Ivalice :(.
ACNL. Thought I would hate it. Now, here I am.
Another one is Miitopia. My sister convinced me to get the demo, and ohh my goodness it was so much fun. Full version was even better.
I was not sure of among us, lots of people started playing this game and so many youtubers were playing it to. I didn’t get it at first, but my brother eventually introduced it to me. Now it’s the most addicting game I have played in a while.
Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts. I prefer platformers, so I was a little wary of this one. Turns out, I actually had a lot of fun with it! Still not enough to complete it 100%, but very enjoyable nonetheless.

Dragon Quest Builders 2. Actually was just downloaded as a demo because I remembered having a DQ game in my childhood. Only played it while I was later waiting for an update to Pokemon Sword to finish. I'm not into Minecraft, so I expected little from it, but by the time I got to Furrowfield, I was hooked! It's now one of my favourite games of all time.
Yo-Kai-Watch, I wasn't sure of it at first because I'm a big Pokemon fan and thought it was just a Pokemon rip off but it's really not and it's actually tons of fun
Dragon Age Origins & Ii: initially i didn’t like the graphics for origins when i watched my ex play it, but fell in love with the story and characters when I played it when he bought me ultimate edition for my bday. I liked it so much i got it for pc to get screenshots. Dragon Age Ii: initially i disliked it from things like some characters looking bad (like Alistair), but after some time of discussing it with people on the bioware forums, i learned to appreciate and enjoy the game in spite no being as impressive to me as DAO.

Fire Emblem three houses: I admit that initially i wasn’t sure if i’d like it because none of the character designs interested me (i did hear the game was good though and an improvement from Awakening and Fates which were the only two i completed). But now, I love it so much and a good amount of the characters. i hope to eventually go back and finishing my playthrough and continuing brainstorming and eventually writing a fanfic.
I mentioned this like two comments ago but I was a bit skeptical about trying Ace Attorney cause I generally play platformer/collectathon games so I wasn't sure if I would like it. but my friend said it was a great game and at one point it was on sale for ~$15 on Switch so I went ahead and got it. now I'm really glad I did cause it's one of my favorite games that I've played 😆
Yakuza Like a Dragon. I'm not really a fan of the gameplay of the previous games and the setting in general doesn't interest me (even thought it was just like a GTA version of Japan lol) but I gave this game a chance when I saw the change in gameplay to a traditional turn-based RPG. I'm a sucker for those haha so yeah, in the end, good thing I did. There's a lot of stuff to do, like a lot. The story (that somehow feels like a drama/crime series) and the hilarity of side missions pull me in. I've been taking it slow and enjoying the game so far.
Tomodachi Life. I thought it was stupid and then years later, bought it and created anime characters I like and shipped them all together and honestly it's been super funny. Best $30 ever spent.
Animal Crossing for the Gamecube, release month of it. I remember reading reviews about it, and editorials as well as forum posts. I had never really played anything in the genre of sim-life before and wasn't sure if I'd like it at all. I thought that the graphic style was really interesting though. Plus the fishing looked pretty entertaining. A magazine called "Tips & Tricks" (shoutouts to anyone who remembers this amazing magazine) started doing monthly columns right at the release of it, and that triggered my interest quite a lot. At the very least I figured I should give it a shot.

I ended up getting addicted to it during the summer with my best friend at the time, and put hundreds of hours into it. I've been a fan of the AC series ever since and have played nearly every released game.
Tbh, I'm a skeptic of almost all games until I actually play them...even sequels or continuations of series that I have previously loved. Every time I buy a new game, I'm like "Well...hope this wasn't a waste of 60 bucks." Hahaha.
Super mario 3d land. My dad got me that game along with my 3ds for my 8th birthday. At first I wasn't sure if I liked it, because I wanted to play as Luigi, but eventually I got used to it. Turned out to be a fun game, that i still play every so often.
You get Luigi by beating the game then saving him in special world castle.
I wasn't really trusting Fortnite at first, my friends were pushing me to play it and I ended up being obsessed with it lmao