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What game are you a fan of but have never played?

haven't played drv3 yet

haven't played mogeko castle either, might as well add that to my bucket list which i'll never finish because i'm lazyyyyyyyyyy
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I've never had the consoles or setups for big games like Skyrim, Dark Souls, etc.! But I love their worlds, and have seen people play them, so I dunno... it's weird being a fan of something you've never personally experienced.
The Last of Us!! it's way too intense for me to play but my bf played it when it first came out and i watched every second of it. ive been asking him to replay it for years now just so i can watch it again lol
splatoon and pokemon :( i really really want a pokemon game (for the 3ds), but i also want the new miitopia game!
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The Splatoon games. I love the quirky characters and the whole idea of the games but since I probs won't get any of these consoles soon I'll just fangirl from afar.
Yeah I played one of the Mother/Earthbound whichever it was on an emulator ages ago, briefly, but I haven't really tried them out fully... But I really like them man!

Also Bayonetta games. I see one of em is now on PC so maybe I should get it... Almost tempted to guess Madama Butterfly on the first mirror but that'd been too obvious lol :p
Metal Gear!
I think I'd be really bad at the games, but I'm really fond of the characters and story
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A lot of my friends play Skyrim so probably that haha, planning on getting it for switch though when it comes out.
Danganronpa is really the only series that I've been interested in (for over a year now too) that I haven't even tried. But it's high on my list now and I'll probably get it the next time it goes on sale on Steam.
I've spoiled myself on the majority of the first game, but it's been a while and I don't really remember that much except for the "important moments." The second game I've only seen the first episode of an LP for it so that will be a fresh experience, but I'm still going to play the first game before the second.

Just as an update, I've played the trilogy and watched DR3 now. What a crazy ride this series was oml
Splatoon, respectively Splatoon 2. That game just looks like tons of fun. I never had a Wii U so
I couldn't play the first one. I hope that maybe one day I have a Switch so that I can play the
second one.
For me its Tearaway. I've seen game-play of it. Love the looks and charm of it, although I haven't picked it up yet. :(
- Until Dawn: No Playstation
- Breathe of the Wild: No Switch
- Sims 4 / Overwatch: can't afford games outside of Steam sales
- South Park The Fractured But Whole: Already love it from afar but it's freaking $60
- Infamous: Second Son: Absolutely adore the game, but I still don't got any consoles
Until Dawn. I love it so much. Watched a girl stream the whole game on twitch and I was pretty impressed. I dont have a ps4 though. :c
Bloodborne. It pains me that the combat is so difficult because the world and the lore are SUPER appealing to me, but I know I don't have the patience or the willpower to get good at it. I even struggled with the character creator lmao. Also the one time I tried it it made my PS4 fans run very loud and I hate having to play with headphones. I've watched a bunch of videos of playthroughs and that's almost good enough for me. The OST is amazing too!
Probably only one I can think of, that Dream Daddy simulator or whatever it's called, heard about it several times and even watched a little gameplay video which is pretty much unheard of for me because I'm a pretty strict believer in playing things myself and not wasting expensive data to watch someone else do it, but I believe it's a steam game and due to obvious data limitations I can't use Steam so haha