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What did you dream about?

I was supposed to present something for biology class, but no one would shut up and let me actually present. Also, I noticed that most people only had around 10 slides in their presentation, while I had over 100, so I tried to rush through it. Eventually, I just gave up because it was too loud and presenting wasn’t a feasible idea anymore.

I’m supposed to have gym as the class right before biology, but in my dream, I had in reverse order. I had to play this unfair two player game where I lost, and then class kind of just ended after that. And finally, we went to advisory class (which is still the stupidest class, even in real life), which was in the library for some reason, and then I woke up.

That’s my best description.
I had probably the best dream in a while.
Apparently, I was completely done and finished with my OC story (I wanna make a visual novel). I was in the process of hiring people, and a LOT were interested. I ended up making it a complete seller too, and was showered with love for it. People auditioned to voice act, help with sprites, compose music. It was a dream that I wish it can come true. 🩵🌙
Haven't had a proper dream to wake and remember in a while~

I don't technically remember where I was, but there was one of those stalls you throw balls at prizes to get them. And I wanted to have a go.
At first, the stall was like a typical wooden stall, almost like the stall Goofy has in dreamlight valley (was Goofy there? umm) anyways, I checked how much it was for so many balls, and it was fairly cheap; so I got out my change.

Then weirdly, without it being a huge deal, in my dream the stall changed, and now it was like a younger guy who was doing the stall and videoing it for online to see? I think? I can't really remember, but the stall changed, how I dunno or I can't really explain it.

Anyways, the balls were strange, and of course not as strong. But I knew I was and after looking at all the items, I threw a ball at a lower prize, and I hit an anime figurine and it fell down~!! Weirdly enough, the figure was Eijiro from My Hero Acaedmia (Used to watch it but not recently), and everyone was so shocked because it was a solid figure that fell. I had more balls, and I wanted to throw at all the Pokemon Dvds I havent got yet. I believe I got them?

I vaguely remember waiting for the person because he had gone off somewhere, and I looked at other items, and I remember this supposedly colouring book of a young cartoon girl, she had a lil half cardigan that already had rainbow colours on it, while her dress wasmore pale. She reminded me of those fair skinned, long pale hair santoro girls.
I don't exactly remember, but there was this person (probably me, but it could've been anyone else for all I know) who was working as an actor/actress, and all the shootings were set in their house. This person was basically working 24/7 and they hated their job. Not the most motivating dream. There was also some other random moments, like someone eating cookie dough made of really nasty ingredients while taking a bath?? I don't understand that part.

I also had a dream the other day where I was selling toilet paper at my school since there was a shortage. Some kid (who looked like he was about 6 years old) went to buy toilet paper from me, and I almost did until I realized he asked for 90 rolls out of my 100. I asked if he was gonna sell my stock for even more profit and he said yes, then I picked him up and brought him to the office. The kid wasn't even resisting, just crying. I felt bad for the kid when I woke up.

Yeah, I don't know what the **** is up with my dreams lately. 😵‍💫
I just awoken from a small cat nap with LOADS of dreams. omg gonna try and mention them all

First one was like a sort of connection to an older dream I feel like I've had. The older dream was basically being at some party thing? I think, someone was celebrating something, but someone got killed, I think the guy celebrating was on drugs so had no idea the seriouness of the situation.
I weirdly remember this room, with tables, and chairs, and this one woman getting a bit irrate that there was more chairs then needed, I remember sitting down there anyways.
Anyways, the dream after the party thing, I was outside this building, reminds me of the college I took my courses. In front of the glass doors, was a small sqaure tablet thing, where I was trying to type a message I think to my mum, and it had something to do with the party situation, while a guy who came out of the building was also waiting for the tablet so I quickly types it ignoring the mispelling.

I think after I was walking through the night street feeling worried. But unsure why.

Then, I remember all these huge deers in the back gardens, but this time I had access to them, and I went upstairs to my bedroom window and there was dirty around my desk for some reason, I looked out the window to see a really bug deer brass coloured, staring and me and wanting to jump over the fence; all wanting to get closer to me?

Then, I remembered this scene, me and this guy I swear this was like an car ad i made in my mind.
The guy says something, the other guy who I control, is like 'what about this for excitement?' and the hill slope had frost, and I down it like a slide, as a car comes up from behin me, my view as the guy turns like a camera angle, and its like as if it was actually another car turning and stopping.
Probs makes no sense. crud, I might actually have to make a car ad to express this dream.
i had a dream that i was at the store with my parents and some guy came over to our basket and took something out of it and i grabbed it out of his hands and yelled "what the **** is wrong with you" and my parents got so upset at me for swearing and didn't even care that the guy tried stealing out of our basket
I had a nightmare where I was somewhere with some random people and then all the sudden there was a siren I think and an alert announcing something that I believe was an earthquake. They also said it’s a [some acronym] event and I was afraid the letters stood for “life threatening” or “life ending” or whatever, but I refused to believe it. So I curled up into a ball near a lamppost while the earthquake and shockwave because that was what was safest in the dream world.
i don't remember it but i remember bits and pieces; i was roaming around in a castle and when i thought i was getting lost with the winding hallways, i found my friends in one of the ballrooms. i was just wearing my christmas snoopy pjs while they were dressed all prettily in their fancy gowns ;n;
earlier this morning, i dreamed that my favorite singer released a new album. to promote the album she had different rooms you could visit, idk how to describe it other than a real life roblox game (like the normal elevator)

each room was a different stage but what i remember the most was that there was a DROWNING room LOL where teachers from my school chased me around this room that was quickly filling up with water. it was a strange dream.

So I had two dreams today. The first one was fine. The second one…

In the first dream, I was in history class, and I got in an argument with my friend over Metal Gear Solid, so we got separated by the teacher. I don’t remember what work we actually had to do, but school ended shortly after that. I guess this was a Tuesday because history class is my last class on those days. When we were leaving, an 11th grader was trying to chase someone in my grade. My friend that I had a fight with said that the reason the 11th grader was chasing a sophomore was so he could run so fast that he’d be sent 0.2% of his life into the future (so, since he’s probably 17, he’d be sent 3.5 years into the future). I decided to try to do it, and I was only sent a few days into the future. Then I started to have a conversation with someone about why teleportation is the best superpower (like I did in a thread recently). After that, we went on the bus to go home, and I noticed that my brother wasn’t on the bus (there were also people who aren’t supposed to be on my bus but I didn’t bat an eye). The bus driver decided that we weren’t going back for him and then I woke up. It was about 8:15 a.m.

The second dream was on a Thursday because my last class was supposed to be study hall. In the class before that, the teacher got really mad and yelled at everyone. Also there was someone in that class that’s not in my class in real life but whatever. So after that, someone stole my laptop and then zoomed off. I had no idea why, but I thought that he was in my study hall, so it didn’t matter and I could get it back there (spoiler: he’s not in real life). But instead, we were going to the auditorium. All of high school had to go because people were going to be presenting Discord memes. Don’t ask. Also, they were going to be presenting them through my phone. Why? I don’t know, but apparently it doesn’t matter. So my phone was just hooked up to the place in front of the auditorium that we were going to watch the memes from (the auditorium looked nothing like my real one. For some reason, some of my recent dreams have had a movie theater in them that doesn’t look like one I’ve ever actually been to, and our auditorium looked like that theater). And people were going to airdrop their memes to my phone. I didn’t want this vile content on my own phone, but they didn’t give me a choice. The memes ranged from stupid (like one where an ape was dressed up like Santa Claus and started saying “ooh, ooh, ooh” until remembering that it was Santa, so it said “ho, ho, ho”) to disturbing (like one involving three fish siblings that looked like a CGI version of Flounder from The Little Mermaid, and I really don’t want to talk about what went on). After that ****show was over, I thought I would finally get a break. But when I went outside, my brother ran away into this Best Buy, which was in the place of the school for some reason, and then found a plant and threw it at me. Do you know what the plant was? Apparently, it was the plant that caused coronavirus. It looked kind of like Brussels sprouts. Apparently my subconscious forgot that Covid wasn’t caused by a plant. But anyway, yeah, my brother committed medical terrorism in this dream. Why? Because it was funny, I guess. Obviously, I was pissed, so had threw some of the Covid plant on him, too. Then I asked him why he threw it at me, and he didn’t even give me a good reason. I was actually scared that both of us were going to have to suffer through this for three weeks until I woke up and it was 9:50 a.m., and shortly after that, I decided it was a good time to get out of bed.

I really want to forget that last dream, but I won’t because now it’s posted on the Internet somewhere. I don’t know why I dreamed of this, I hate my subconscious. And why can’t I remember all of the dreams I actually enjoyed? But I can remember this smoldering piece of ****. Okay.
i dreamed i was at a convention panel, watching someone draw. pretty fun, ive been to a ton of panels like that so... makes sense lol
  • I saw this movie that was both the barbie movie and some silly food movie and people could gain powers based on media like tv shows or songs. One character who may or may not have been Whoopi Goldberg basically became a tornado because her based on the Wizard of Oz.
  • I found a picture of these cute chibi keychains of another character from the movie. I reblogged them to my tumblr but then I had them IRL and then they turned into a bunch of One Direction keychains.
  • I ate almost an entire huge bag of gummy krabby patties.
  • There was a channel on TV with shows called “chonkers” (I know) and other pet themed and random things that were compilations of videos from Reddit. There was also a program called “names” and I wondered what that entailed. The channel name was just called “animals”.
  • I was on TBT and someone (not an actual TBT user in particular, just an imaginary girl who used the site) posted a video of an ad she loved and was in modeling clothes for. At first it was for Texas tourism and there was a bunch of stuff about Bob’s Burgers at the end. Then it was for “Blimpwear” which is clothes specifically meant for the beachy type who love piloting/riding in blimps. I was lowkey kind of heartbroken because (IRL) I made my mom a mii when I was a kid and she made lore for him he literally started that exact clothing line with that exact name because he was a Wuhu Island blimp pilot.
I dreamed that I was in the backseat of a car on a rainy night. I couldn't see who was driving me. I wasn't scared, but I was aggressively looking for a light switch so I could see who it was.

I pinpoint this dream to something that happened a few days ago. I was in the backseat of my aunts car at night looking for a book I dropped. We were on the road home and I was worrying about not being able to find it without a light.
I don’t think I’m allowed to go into detail on this recent dream I had today for safety reasons so I’ll just say it involved a kitchen utensil and leave it at that.
My mom and I went to a live taping of SNL, and the audience had these little individual screens to see the prerecorded skits and they had different camera angle options or something. So my mom and I (who shared one) were choosing one. We were on the fourth floor at that point. Then the floor started doing some weird **** like we were on a small ride track. Before I knew it, we were on a very high floor. But we were facing toward the windows, not the stage. Heidi Gardner came on the stage and said the show would start in 15 minutes or something like that and I had to crane my neck. I don’t remember ever seeing the show but my mom gave me some cute legwarmers that were supposed to help keep me awake or something?
Later, my mom drove all the way to Kentucky in one go for some reason. Me and my dad came with. But the area looked more like the Southwest USA. When I got out of the car there was a big ugly hot air balloon suspended in the sky. I turned on pokémon go and Regis started popping up, including Regigigas. We walked around for a long time trying to find a good tour to go on. There were lots of options. We tried to find this one guy but it turned out he failed because he couldn’t take care of his cows or something so then we started going on this tour that stated in the gift shop and the gift shop had an entrance to a cave (I’ve been to a cave with the entrance through the gift shop IRL). And there were pastel randoseru for sale and i wanted one but they were expensive and kind of beat up.
Another bizarre dream I have is that I was with Marie from Splatoon at a subway station and we went up to get food, I was getting some ice cream and I was planning to buy fried chicken for us to share.

(It's a weird dream indeed. And I can't believe that dream involves being with a fictional character.)
recent dreams

- dreamt that i got on a train without a ticket. sort of had to get on because the platform started to move with the train too??
- sniffed and consumed some red velvet cupcakes
- met someone cute on a plane to an unknown planet. thought the moon was in an eclipse but it was a fast travel pod. the ground ate an old book that the cute person dropped. aliens were learning everything about the human race by swallowing via the ground
I had a dream that my family and I were living in our old house still and then we found out that a big flood was coming and we would lose everything. We could only pack a few things and our cats (neither Spanky or Jewels was in my dream; instead I think one was my late cat. The other one I didn’t see in my dream or i might have had only one in the dream).

There was some other parts to the dream but the details are fuzzy.