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What are you reading?

Been on a bit of a non-fiction kick lately.

Currently reading Shoe Dog by Phil Knight. I don't usually read memoirs, but I was interested in reading his because it has been recommended a few times. I've been enjoying his journey so far.
I finished reading Kings Rising by C.S. Pacat yesterday and started Gods of Jade and Shadow by Silvia Moreno-Garcia today~
The Boat by Nam Le. Usually I'm not into short stories because a lot have the same type of predictable/stereotype ending no matter the theme and you are just left hanging. I only read the two first and I had issues with the first and the second was just... can it end soon lol. I'll try give it a chance at least I guess then I can give it away.
Gave up on this. Gave the third short story a chance but I ended up ditching it. I try not to ditch a book unless it's really bad because I like widen my horizons with authors if they are interesting but... yeah.

Might start on a biography about Ingmar Bergman that I also got from the same person before. Hope it's cool!
Caffeine: A Young Adult romance by Livia Halteh

*Introvert Power: Why Your Inner Life Is Your Hidden Strength by Laurie Helgoe
*Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain

*Currently trying to understand me more; all this time I thought I was an Extrovert (mainly because of how I was raised and my mom is an Extrovert).
Just finished rereading the Little House series. It's one of those childhood memory things i like to go back to every few years.

I'm going to toss a coin to see if I start The 7-1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle or a biography on Grace O'Malley next.
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I've finally finished The Count of Monte Cristo and it was well worth the read. I enjoyed the writing of Dumas and the characters.

Next, I'm going to start The Dragon Reborn, the third book in the Wheel of Time series.
I've finally finished The Count of Monte Cristo and it was well worth the read. I enjoyed the writing of Dumas and the characters.

Next, I'm going to start The Dragon Reborn, the third book in the Wheel of Time series.

Literally my favorite book! I'm glad you liked it.

Reading Thinking Fast and Slow right now, just started so I don't know what to think yet.
I'm currently reading Turned On: Science, Sex and Robots by Kate Devlin.

It's a non-fiction book exploring the ethical and societal implications of sexual companion robots, written by a researcher in the fields of human computer interaction and artificial intelligence. I'm only a few chapters in and finding it incredibly interesting.
Currently in the middle of Lord of Chaos, book #3 of the Wheel of Time series. This series is just getting more and more interesting...love it!
I decided on the Grace O'Malley biography. Not the fastest read, but it is interesting.

I'm also reading Cherry Cake & Ginger Beer by Jane Brocket. It's a lot of fun.
It took me longer than I anticipated but I've finally finished The Well of Loneliness. I'm a tad surprised to find that it's generally viewed as a fairly weak novel. Granted, my taste in literature is a tad... shall we say, eccentric. But I thoroughly enjoyed it far more than I thought I would. Yes, it is antiquated, and yes it does feature some unfortunate language and stereotypes that make it hard to recommend without any reservations. But it seems that it's regarded as not even very well written, despite its cultural and historical significance, but I just plain disagree. That's not to say there aren't aspects of the story that I would change, but that I overall enjoyed far more than I disliked.

My next reading shall be Lady Chatterly's Lover by D.H. Lawrence. Released the same year and was equally controversial for similar reasons. This should be fun.
I'm currently reading Ron Chernow's biography of Alexander Hamilton, just for fun, no educational purposes whatsoever. After I'm done, I plan to start reading J.K. Rowling's Cormoran Strike novels.
Right now I'm reading A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson. Contrary to the title, it's about a teenage girl proving the alleged murderer's innocence and essentially solving the case. I never thought I'd like the thriller or murder mystery genres, but here I am, finding it near-impossible to put the book down.
I'm currently reading I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jenette McCurdy. I'm not very far into it yet but the stories about her mum are already quite sad and disturbing.
I'm currently reading I'm Glad My Mom Died by Jenette McCurdy. I'm not very far into it yet but the stories about her mum are already quite sad and disturbing.
This one's been on my list for a few months, but I haven't gotten around to picking it up. I'm not really a fan of anything Jenette McCurdy has been in (she was a bit after my time), but these past few years have given us a fascinating--and quite disheartening--glimpse at some of the more horrible goings-on behind the scenes at children's television stations like Nickelodeon. So I definitely want to give it a looksee when I can.
I’m sure a lot of you have been picking up reading as an extra form of entertainment over lockdown, so tell me what you’ve been reading! :)

for me, I’m working my way through Becoming by Michelle Obama, and I’m also reading How To Be Right in a world gone wrong by James O’Brien. The latter is probably one of the best books I’ve read - I’ve almost finished it in 3 days! He gives a (liberal) insight to feminism, brexit, political correctness and Donald trump among other things. Definitely recommend it!

I’ve also seen good things about the book “Girls & sex” which I’m thinking of picking up!
Arc of the scythe of the 10th time
