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Were you raised by married parents or a single parent?

When I was young until about 7 years old, my dad was together with my mum but not married or anything and then he left for his home country, the Philippines, so I wouldn't really say he raised me or anything because he was just there. So I would say I was raised by a single parent; my mum. lol
It's nicer I think to have a single parent because then there's usually a closer bond than having two parents raising up a child, imo.
But what sucked when I was younger, I'd see kids and all who were with two parents and it was sad seeing them have that and questioned many times why my family wasn't like theirs lol, or the days when it was like Father's day, I usually didn't create anything and my classmates would look and laugh at me..which I think might have caused why I was so insecure LOL idek, yikes!! But that's all in the past so it's whatever.
My parents never got married. I grew up with them together whilst I was a child and I'm honestly grateful for that. But as I got older my parents argued and fought more so they split up when I was 15, turning 16. Also when I was taking exams. I moved out with my mum and brother during that time too so I was really really stressed out, unbelievably so. I still see my dad every week, and I feel like I have a better relationship with him now because he's not arguing with my mum. My mum and I fell out a little while ago, but we're closer again now. I think it's better they split up when I was older because it hasn't affected me as much and I adjusted to the change much more easily. They're both seeing other people now but I don't consider them my step parents, I don't think I ever will. I didn't like either of them at first (it was hard) but I feel a bit more accepting now. It's hard to get used to change... But yeah I never want to consider them step parents, they've not been there for me from when I was a kid so. It's okay I guess.

I don't think people realise though how fortunate they are to have their parents still together. Life was hard for me and my family when my parents argued. It made me so depressed and unhappy, as it did for the rest of us. I always used to want to have a family that didn't argue as much as our family did at times. The atmosphere in the house used to be so tense at times I hid in my room because that was sometimes the only place I felt happy and comfortable. But I'm glad I'm past that now, as is my mum and dad, and my brother ofc. So I'm grateful for that.
well my father died when i was 6 so i was raised only by my mother. she never got a boyfriend or anything so it always was just us two (i dont have any siblings either). it was hard for both of us but i have to say my mother is really strong c:
i got a few sideeffects from it of course (depression yay)
my parents are married, i think they've been for like... over 25 years.... guess it's good because i didn't have to deal with anything like a divorce or something.
married, im very lucky to be born in a happy stable family they mean the world to me :)
parents split up when I was 8. mom cheated on dad and she divorced him. she has full custody of me and I hate her. she made us move when she married a lawyer, and didn't care how me or my sister felt about it. lost all my friends
My parents are married but if you wanna get down to it I was only raised by one of them lol.
My parents divorced when I was 11, I live with my mom and see my dad once or twice a month. I was absolutely crushed when they got divorced but I think I got over it rather quickly, I was sent to counselling but after one or two sessions the lady said I was fine.
raised by a single mom until i was 12 and my mom remarried a psycho. i hate my stepdad. he made life for me and my bro miserable. we were hated being around him and hated being home because of it. i have had a lot of issues bc of it, but i always good at blocking things out so ya
I was raised by married parents, however I don't think these parents have ever really cared for one another. It really feels like they were two rejects who got married just to avoid loneliness. My mother is an unintelligent narcissist and I swear she has some sort of mood swing problem. My father is very very lazy and cannot take care of himself at all, to the point that he dresses like a hobo and lives in a disgustingly dirty room. My mother has also been having a bunch of affairs that she thinks shes being sneaky about.

The only reason my parents are still married is ''for the children'' aka me, and I'm honestly happy that they're together since they're both useless parents and having to live with one of them would drive me nuts. My mother would annoy the hell out of me and would force me to do the things she's too stupid to do, basically any technology and I'd probably end up handling the money too. My father on the other hand would not even be capable of feeding me, or doing anything really. He's very lazy and never does anything. His only big job right now is paying the bills and he ****s up even that. He's also very old and I'd be living in poverty if I had to live off of him alone, since he doesn't work anymore.

I'm honestly terrified of becoming like either of my parents, especially my mother.
My folks got divorced when I was young, so I was raised by my mom. I still visit my dad every summer.
My mom recently got married to this guy who's kind of been my dad for a couple years, though.
I am afraid of men in general and I'm afraid of them yelling at me, hitting me or abusing me inappropriately. Because my dad is abusive and my step-dad is abusive and I've been assaulted by a boy on my bus asking for friends with benefits, trying to get his hands somewhere they shouldn't have been, as well as threats from three boys at a park to "hurt me" if you know what I mean. It's really scarred me, not having a dad around.
Here's two facts:
Girls pick their boyfriends based off of their dad. (Totally true, I've been dating a wonderful long distance guy for 20 months now, still going strong. He's everything my dad is not)
Most marriages end in divorce. It's sad but tending to be the new normal
I was raised by my mom and my grandparents all my life. I have a stepdad now my mother and him have been married for a while now but I don't call him dad or anything. My grandpa has been my father figure.
My parents were married up until my dad passed away when i was 14... my mom tried to raise me after that but couldn't really handle and then kicked me out of the house when i was 17... i've been on my own ever since. i wasn't even a bad kid or anything...
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I was raised by my mother and grandmother until I was in fourth grade when my mom found someone that was pretty cool. I've never met my biological father, as a matter of fact he walked out the moment he found out my mother was pregnant. I know absolutely nothing about his side of the family.
I was not raised by a set of human parents. I grew up on my own so I don't know how I'm supposed to feel about this topic.