WARNING: TTing backwards can make you lose villagers


Moon Goddess
Jul 18, 2013
Winter Mittens
I went back in time one day, Muffy's house was gone. She never told me she was leaving, and she was outside, where I talked to her several times. She never spend a day packed up; she just up and vanished. No letter or anything either... :c
oh ;A; I'm so sorry to hear! I hope you can find a cute villager in return ;-;
well, no TT for me.
Oh no, this is horrible D:
I'm sorry that you lost Muffy
Looks like I have more reasons to not TT
Weird. I usually ask my other villagers and they let me know if someone is going to move away or not. even if that animal doesn't notify me. I believe they only ask 4 days before moving and then 2 days before moving.
This happened to me like 5 times ;-; I'm kind of done time travelling for now.... It's strange how you didn't get a letter though. You probably will get it another day?
Possibly, seeing as how you don't get mail when you go back in time.
Anyway, I'm done with TTing outside of current day e_e
As long as you TT no more than 2 days forward and backward, and you always run around and talk to all the villagers outside of their homes to make sure they don't plan on moving, you should be fine. I haven't unintentionally lost a single villager yet when TTing both forward and backward.

Sorry that it happened to you though! Muffy is one of my favorite villagers. >,<
As long as you TT no more than 2 days forward and backward, and you always run around and talk to all the villagers outside of their homes to make sure they don't plan on moving, you should be fine.

This is great advice! :D
You should always know the risks of time traveling. It's not really a reason to not TT since you can always take it slow and run by all your villagers each day to make sure they aren't moving.

I lost Lionel, Bonbon, Merry, Alice, Egbert, and Knox from TTing. I'm not sad, villagers can move back in eventually.
The key to TTing is actually knowing what you're doing. TTing has almost no negative side effects whatsoever if you actually do it properly.

Sorry for your loss though. :(
It happened to me on Wild World. I ttd back 2-3 days, and when I came back, Chrissie, my fav vilager, Chrissie the pink and white spotty bunny, was GONE. I literally cried, and got an ugly villager in return -.- TTING IS LETHAL!!!!
So guys, I need help now I don't want to do this wrong. I have 10 villagers rn and I want to get rid of one I don't really like by time travelling but I don't want to mess up because I always do. Should I time travel every day one by one and talk to only the villagers I like? or should I skip 2 and then go back... please help x_x

EDIT: nevermind, Rocket is moving out on the 27th in game, I'm on the 24th. Would it be safe to skip days?
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That happened to me about like twice.. I lost Chow and Ken.. ):
However, Ken gave me his picture in the letter so everything is good.
But I still miss them U ^ U
So guys, I need help now I don't want to do this wrong. I have 10 villagers rn and I want to get rid of one I don't really like by time travelling but I don't want to mess up because I always do. Should I time travel every day one by one and talk to only the villagers I like? or should I skip 2 and then go back... please help x_x

EDIT: nevermind, Rocket is moving out on the 27th in game, I'm on the 24th. Would it be safe to skip days?

I would say skipping is alright but to still go slowly just in case. Can two villagers decide to move at once? I know O'Hare asked to move right around when Muffy did but for the life of me I can't recall if it was the day after or not.
No one would move if you just traveled 1 day at a time and made sure to talk to them everyday.