UFO Findings & Opinings (Crews 1 & 2)


Project Staff
Poyo Puffs
Jul 11, 2013
Pink Toy Hammer
Pink Toy Hammer
Pink Toy Hammer
Pink Toy Hammer
Pink Toy Hammer
Blue Star Fragment
White Star Fragment
Pink Star Fragment
White Star Fragment
Blue Star Fragment

Look, in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! It's... uh... I don't know what that is. Surely it must be something, right? And maybe there's a story behind it. We're well-seasoned space explorers, so surely we can form some hypotheses.

Task 🛸

Your mission, should you accept, is quite simple:
  1. Take a photo of the sky.
    This must be taken by you. You'll need to submit a second photo with a physical name card in it as proof! The name card cannot be edited in!
  2. In that photo, make sure there's a UFO! You can stage it using physical props, or digitally add one to the image.
    Anything goes! Unlike other events we've had in the past: you're free to use anything you'd like in this one, and you may edit the image however you want! So long as the composition is yours along with the original sky, you may do as you please.
    The UFO does not have to be a spaceship. As long as it's some sort of flying object that is reasonably "unidentified", it will suffice.
  3. Write roughly 1 paragraph or less (roughly 150 words or less) about it.
    This can be anything: where it came from, what it is, or even just some dialogue from an observer. As long as it's about your submitted image, it's fine.
    The specific length isn't as important, so long as it's not too long. If you want a hard cutoff: more than 200 words is too long. Aim for 100~150 at most.
  4. When you're happy with your submission, post it in this thread!
Submission Checklist
Before you post in this thread, make sure you've included everything in the checklist below! Please do not edit your post without permission.

✅ Did you include your submission?
✅ Did you include your proof (i.e. a photo with your name card in it)?
✅ Did you write roughly 1 paragraph or less?

Rules 🛸

  • The original photo of the sky must be taken by you.
    • Your username must be written on a physical name card and a photo of it with the same sky must be submitted as proof of this.
  • You may edit the photo however you'd like, and may include elements that you did not create yourself.
  • The sentences you submit must be written by you.
  • A reasonable amount of effort should be put into your creations. Submissions that appear rushed or made as a joke won't be accepted.
  • All entries submitted are final. Please do not edit your entry after submission unless asked to by a staff member.
  • Keep all creations appropriate. No hateful or vulgar content!
Due: Tuesday 15th of August 2023 @ 6:59PM EDT.

Voting 🛸

The crew favourites are entirely community-decided. To vote, simply leave a reaction on the post of any entry. You can use either the (y) Like or :love: Love or any unlocked reaction, they will be added together. Entries that are approved will be marked by the staff with the accepted reaction, but don't wait for this to appear. Feel free to Like/Love any entries at any time!

Prizes 🛸

  • Participation: 16 Bridge Tokens and 15 Points.
  • Community Voting Winners: 8 Mission Tokens and a Rainbow Crescent Moon collectible.

Bonus Achievements 🛸

There's only so many objects in the sky, right? Maybe we can classify them, or find common ties! As such, we've created a set of bonus achievements for each Quarter. Clearing these will reward your Quarter with additional points.

You saw it too?!At least 3 members of the same Quarter have the same UFO in their submission (the later posts must link to the earlier one.)+5
Is this... chain mail?At least 4 members of the same Quarter build off each other's stories.
The chain must originate from the same Quarter (and not from the other Quarter)
Note: UFOs used do not necessarily have to be the same. As long as the story is reasonably connected.
+2 for each post in the longest chain* for the Quarter
HivemindAt least half of the submissions from the Quarter are related to the same UFO (either using the same one, or being in a chain related to it).+20
UFOpiaAt least 10 different UFOs are submitted by the Quarter.+15
I've been abducted!Submit a UFO that originated from the other Quarter (and link to the original).+1 for each submission
It's a bird!At least one member submits a photo with a mysterious bird as the UFO.+3
It's a plane!At least one member submits a photo with a mysterious aircraft as the UFO.+3

* Chain: A linear sequence of submissions that build off where the last left off. Each new addition must quote or link to the previous submission in the chain (but does not have to link to all prior submissions).

Bonus points will be tallied up and added after the event closes.

Frequently Asked Questions 🛸

💬 Does "the same UFO" mean we have to use the exact same image?
No. As long as the design is the same and you quote the post it originates from, that counts as "the same UFO" for the sake of the achievements.

💬 Are there any limits to how we can collaborate within our crew? (e.g. things we can/can't discuss or do)
You may collaborate however you'd like as long as the following are true for the submission:
  1. The photo submitted belongs to the person submitting,
  2. Any edits to the photo were made by the submitter
  3. The sentences submitted are written by the person submitting
For example, writing someone's sentences for them is not okay, but giving them suggestions of what to write is perfectly fine! Similarly, editing someone's submission and adding UFOs or elements to it for them is no good, but providing them with the individual elements and suggestions is fine.

💬 What does "for each submission" refer to for the achievements?
For each submission that fulfills the given criteria for that achievement, your team will get the additional points. For instance, if Team A uses a UFO from Team B and uses it in 20 of their submissions, then you get +20 points. This can be different or the same UFOs from the other team -- it doesn't matter.

💬 Do the sentences have to be in any specific format? Can I write them like dialogue?
As long as there's 1-3 sentences in total, any format is fine! You can write script-form dialogue, narration, article-style... whatever you heart desires! It was left intentionally vague to give you more freedom.

💬 Can I quote multiple posts for "Is this... chain mail?!" (e.g. to do "I've been abducted!" at the same time)
No. Working backwards from the end of the chain would branch off at this point, and it would not longer be considered linear.

If it helps, try to think of the longest chain as: "I should be able to go to the last chain in the submission and keep clicking on the quoted posts and get back to the start of the chain without having to make any choices."
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Does the chain have to be in direct sequence? i.e. does the other quarter submitting something break the chain?
Does the chain have to be in direct sequence? i.e. does the other quarter submitting something break the chain?
No, it doesn't have to be consecutive posts! Just a chain of quotes where all of the members are in the same team. Use this as your main guideline, for it's what I'll be doing to count the chain:
I should be able to go to the last chain in the submission and keep clicking on the quoted posts and get back to the start of the chain without having to make any choices.
I think the FAQ covers these, so I won't add them, but to clarify some things:
  1. Multiple bonuses can apply to a single post (e.g. a bird in the longest chain is fine)
  2. However, the "chain mail" and "abducted" bonuses cannot stack (see the last item in the FAQ!)
  3. Using a UFO from another team means exactly that: either you can crop it from their submission, or you can draw it yourself. Either way it's using a UFO that originated from the other team (and, of course, remember to quote it!)
  4. The Hivemind bonus applies only once! Any bonuses that apply on a submission basis will state "+X points for each ..."
  5. The Hivemind bonus can be thought of as "if I were to draw a graph/map linking the UFOs based off what things quote, at least half of the submissions should be connected to each other in some way."
Happy UFO hunting!

I was just going about my business, walking down the street, when people around me started shouting:

"Look! Up in the sky!"

"It's a bird!"

"It's a plane!"

"It's a frog!"

I quickly took my camera from my pocket and looked in the direction they were all pointing and tried to focus my eyes on the fast-moving object above us. It didn't look like a bird to me, and it certainly wasn't a plane. I don't know what the person who suggested "frog" was thinking. But I managed to get the thing in view and snapped a picture.


Ahh, what a sunny day. Better put on sunscreen… Huh? What is that in the sky? It’s blue, and flat like a plate. And those lights all over hurt my eyes. Could it be… Oh no! It’s a UFO! That alien has the driving lever on full speed, heading straight for our town! Please don’t hurt me, alien sir! If I give you pizza, will you promise to leave our planet unharmed? I’ve got pepperoni!

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Ahh, what a sunny day. Better put on sunscreen… Huh? What is that in the sky? It’s blue, and flat like a plate. And those lights all over hurt my eyes. Could it be… Oh no! It’s a UFO! That alien has the driving lever on full speed, heading straight for our town! Please don’t hurt me, alien sir! If I give you pizza, will you promise to leave our planet unharmed? I’ve got pepperoni!


As I stood off in the distancing witnessing this stranger plea for their safety with a pizza, I was amazed the UFO accepted the offer. I stood there in awe as I witnessed the pizza float in the air and seemingly disappear afterwards. The UFO then floated higher into the sky and started to shimmer. Something was happening as it transformed into… a pizza aircraft? Piloted by a bear? What kind of alien UFO was this? As it zoomed off, I got the sense that it was looking for a cow. Perhaps it wanted the ingredients to make this pizza?
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I was just going about my business, walking down the street, when people around me started shouting:

"Look! Up in the sky!"

"It's a bird!"

"It's a plane!"

"It's a frog!"

I quickly took my camera from my pocket and looked in the direction they were all pointing and tried to focus my eyes on the fast-moving object above us. It didn't look like a bird to me, and it certainly wasn't a plane. I don't know what the person who suggested "frog" was thinking. But I managed to get the thing in view and snapped a picture.

PXL_20230809_122915093 copy.jpg

I was in a crowd waiting to cross the street just like any day, when suddenly everyone stopped walking and began shouting with their fingers pointing at the sky.

What on earth?

I squinted and cupped a hand around my eyes to see. There was something in the air making no noise. Various people were suggesting things like a plane, a bird, or a... frog? Definitely not a frog but maybe a bird? With the sun blinding me, it was hard to see clearly. All I could see was a silhouette but it was definitely shaped like a bird... or at least that's what I told myself.

What an interesting morning before work!

Namecard pic!

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I was in a crowd waiting to cross the street just like any day, when suddenly everyone stopped walking and began shouting with their fingers pointing at the sky.

What on earth?

I squinted and cupped a hand around my eyes to see. There was something in the air making no noise. Various people were suggesting things like a plane, a bird, or a... frog? Definitely not a frog but maybe a bird? With the sun blinding me, it was hard to see clearly. All I could see was a silhouette but it was definitely shaped like a bird... or at least that's what I told myself.

What an interesting morning before work!

Namecard pic!

I think Corrie’s right! It def looks like a bird! It looks like it’s coming straight for me! I need help! Where the heck is gulliver when we need him!!! He should be here helping US rather than fighting off blood sucking babies!!!!


I think Corrie’s right! It def looks like a bird! It looks like it’s coming straight for me! I need help! Where the heck is gulliver when we need him!!! He should be here helping US rather than fighting off blood sucking babies!!!!

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Oh DaCoSim I think you're onto something, Gulliver is only about his heroic stories, never actually helping us!
I think I came across his UFO here, it was erratically hovering across the sky and it made really strange noises, could he maybe prepare to help us finally? Well, or was he about to shipwreck again...

Name card:
View attachment 506245
As I stood off in the distancing witnessing this stranger plea for their safety with a pizza, I was amazed the UFO accepted the offer. I stood there in awe as I witnessed the pizza float in the air and seemingly disappear afterwards. The UFO then floated higher into the sky and started to shimmer. Something was happening as it transformed into… a pizza aircraft? Piloted by a bear? What kind of alien UFO was this? As it zoomed off, I got the sense that it was looking for a cow. Perhaps it wanted the ingredients to make this pizza?


On my daily walk around the village, a most peculiar sight happened before me… Norma, our friendly neighbourhood cow, had taken off into the skies, seemingly abducted by this strange UFO!? I stood there frozen, what am I supposed to do? Is this farewell to Norma…? I hope the green alien in the UFO treats her well! If this is it, farewell Norma! You were a great part of our village! I hope you enjoy your trip into space! Oh, wait, what's this? In the distance… the UFO seems to be heading towards this distinct… glowing… bird…?!


Yep! As soon as UFO picked up the cow, it went after the mysterious glowing bird that’s been flying in the skies. As the sun went down, I witnessed a strange bird that’s glowing green? Is it native to this planet, or is it a passenger of the spaceship ready to come home? If it is an alien bird, what is it doing here on the Earth? Is he the commander?


Oh DaCoSim I think you're onto something, Gulliver is only about his heroic stories, never actually helping us!
I think I came across his UFO here, it was erratically hovering across the sky and it made really strange noises, could he maybe prepare to help us finally? Well, or was he about to shipwreck again...

Name card:

Man, Gulliver has been flying around for a long time now... it's getting kind of late. Is he okay? Ah, Gulliver, watch out for those trees!!!


Man, Gulliver has been flying around for a long time now... it's getting kind of late. Is he okay? Ah, Gulliver, watch out for those trees!!!



I stepped outside this morning because I heard what I thought was Gulliver coming to help us but, when I looked up in the sky, it appeared that he was actually running away from something! It all happened so fast that I wasn’t able to see what was following behind him 😥

I stepped outside this morning because I heard what I thought was Gulliver coming to help us but, when I looked up in the sky, it appeared that he was actually running away from something! It all happened so fast that I wasn’t able to see what was following behind him 😥

Gulliver just up and left? What a coward, I really can't believe that guy. What is he even afraid of, that airplane up there? I honestly don't get how this guy made captain. Oh, it looks like more planes are on the way, what interesting shapes they come in, is there some kind of aviation show today that I didn't hear about?

Gulliver just up and left? What a coward, I really can't believe that guy. What is he even afraid of, that airplane up there? I honestly don't get how this guy made captain. Oh, it looks like more planes are on the way, what interesting shapes they come in, is there some kind of aviation show today that I didn't hear about?


Hah, you think being afraid of a plane is bad, I came outside when I heard all the commotion and all I see is a stupid cloud! Or maybe it's Pit from Smash Bros... or a Minion riding Wario's motorcycle... is it Chibi Robo?! Ugh, I don't wanna guess anymore, maybe someone else can figure out what it is. Is that Gulliver over there? Maybe he knows...


I was enjoying another beautiful day of my vacation when suddenly I saw something flying in the distance. At first I thought the crazy heat was messing with me but I realized that it was an actual UFO! And it actually looked cute. I always thought they looked scary but this was an adorable sight.


Hah, you think being afraid of a plane is bad, I came outside when I heard all the commotion and all I see is a stupid cloud! Or maybe it's Pit from Smash Bros... or a Minion riding Wario's motorcycle... is it Chibi Robo?! Ugh, I don't wanna guess anymore, maybe someone else can figure out what it is. Is that Gulliver over there? Maybe he knows...



I'm pretty sure that cloud was a disguise! The wind blew away its cover and sudden a face was staring directly at me. It hovered in place for a while and it looked like it was hunting for something? Maybe it was looking for Gulliver.
View attachment 506425
I'm pretty sure that cloud was a disguise! The wind blew away its cover and sudden a face was staring directly at me. It hovered in place for a while and it looked like it was hunting for something? Maybe it was looking for Gulliver.

There sure has been a lot of action in the sky today! Just after that frightening face appeared, I spotted a much cuter UFO emerging from the clouds. It somewhat resembles a cat. Has it been sent to fight off the frightening face, or is it also looking for Gulliver? I suppose only time will tell...
