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The Human Centipede

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Senior Member
Mar 10, 2009
Throwback Tickets
Have you seen it? I know it's not like a new movie or anything, but me, my brother, & my sister were watching it today.

My mom turned it off 'cause she was too freaked out.

Have ya seen ittttt? It's creepy o_o.

If you haven't heard about it, it's about this old man who connects people's organs or something weird, & makes them stick together to make them a human centipede.

We saw the begging & my mom was like "No. nonononono *Turns off*"


Notice the "kids love it" XD
My friend showed to me on his phone, Well the main clip. I can't believe someone actually made a film about that :S
Saw the trailers, have feared it ever since. No way am I going to watch this... Ever!
Lisamilitz said:
It's only scary 'cause they say it's physically possible.

physically possible to stitch 2 or more people together? yes.

WHY WOULD YOU WATCH THIS! It just seems ewww.
Not going to watch it, or any horror movie for that matter. I quit watching horror movies after I saw Paranormal Activity, I know it wasn't real, obviously, but the ending scared the living *censored.2.0* out of me.
L Lawliet said:
Not going to watch it, or any horror movie for that matter. I quit watching horror movies after I saw Paranormal Activity, I know it wasn't real, obviously, but the ending scared the living *censored.2.0* out of me.
MFG I KNOW. I never have seen it, but my brother told us the whole story of the movie.

I was freaking scared that whole day o___o
...I'm still loling at what Kelsi said about the movie on Facebook.

It seems like one of those horror movies I can watch with my friends and laugh about. But it still creeps the *censored.2.0* out of me.
Lisamilitz said:
L Lawliet said:
Not going to watch it, or any horror movie for that matter. I quit watching horror movies after I saw Paranormal Activity, I know it wasn't real, obviously, but the ending scared the living *censored.2.0* out of me.
MFG I KNOW. I never have seen it, but my brother told us the whole story of the movie.

I was freaking scared that whole day o___o
Yeah, I can barely even stand watching The Last Exorcism trailer on TV DX.
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