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  • I’m so sorry for responding so late, but thank you so much for the happy birthday wish!! I hope you had a great week :blush: and happy new horizons month!!!
    Have you checked Facebook Marketplace? There seems to be a lot of Switches for sale on mine! You might be waiting a very long time for a sale haha. Or heck wait until the 13th when everyone transfers their stuff and sells their old Switch lol. You gotta get one so we can play together!
    I played Pocket Camp for maybe like 6 months or so and started losing interest. Would go back every once in a while if I happened to see a fun event or cute furniture item. I can't play it anymore now, I'm too hype for NH, and it makes no sense putting more into it to just quit lol.

    But I totally agree, I'm really happy to be using this again, and I'm super happy you're still around! Haven't seen others online in a while though, hopefully they come back too! Kinda sad I honestly don't remember much, but I'm sure we're all different by now haha. But I'd love to play with you guys! What like chat service do you use now? You still don't use MSN do you? lol.
    I've been spending literal hours deep diving into finding QR codes and design ideas and everything for this new game. Had to come visit my favorite forum, ya know. Can't believe how much we were on this back in the day. What have you been up to?
    OOh, i respect your restraint, i was up at 1am and crying throughout the whole thing.
    i think they have, and i feel like they must've in NL because i didn't find my grass deteorated even tho i was running everywhere.
    i'm planningg on being a hermit but thank you, i'm already mentally prepping.
    i hope you're able to snag one!!
    did you watch the direct? do you have ideas of what you're gonna do with your town? especially with terraform?

    and thank you chrissy :) can't believe you remembered
    glad to hear it, i didn't think i'd see any of the old-timers back on here!
    i'm SOOOO BLOODY EXCITED, the console and the game get released here in australia on the same day and my local EB Games (Gamestop equivalent) won't be doing a midnight release :'( but i've taken 2 days off from work for it so.

    what about you? did you order it digitally? physially?
    new horizons brings all the boys to the yard. im doin good, seeing a lot of old pals pop up so its been nice catching up.
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