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Eligible Soup's Bucket List!

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Island/Town Name
Native Fruit
Native Flower


ha-cha! ha-cha!
Jan 23, 2014
Red Tulip
Red Tulip
Strawberry Doll
Red Tulip
Red Tulip



This is Soup, the protagonist of our story.
You can tell it's Soup because they always have their blue bear hood on!

Their favorite food is... rice!

As their New Year's resolution for 2023, Soup decided to create an island bucket list! These are definitely some lofty goals...

How many items will Soup be able to check off? We'll check in with them periodically and see how much progress they've made.
make a farm, go camping, clean my room, say hi to everyone

Soup's Progress​

Soup's Days Off​

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"Oops, It's been a while."

#crochet-hands #hello-everyone #oops

Today was Soup's first day leaving their house after a long, LONG month of back-to-back work projects, an internet curry cook-off tournament (Soup got fifth place, good for them!), and a couple of crochet projects that left their little ball-shaped hands an absolute avant-garde mess.


No worries, it's never too late to get back into the swing of things. Soup let those hands become round again before leaving their room.

First, Soup said hello to the cockroaches... Always a pleasure to see those!

angry soup looking at the cockroach

(It was promptly "greeted." To protect the cockroach's dignity, the greeting scene has been tastefully omitted.)

After spending a long time wearing their soft and fluffy winter clothes, they decided it was time for a more work-appropriate outfit.

soup looking inside their closet

Soup's outfit!

Ah yes, there we go! Some trekking shoes, a warm vest, and an outdoorsy bag.

Just as Soup was ready to go scope out the land and see how much the island had changed in that month of never leaving their house, a guest appeared — Sydney!

Sydney shows up to Soup's home

Sydney greets Soup

A cup of hot chocolate and an apple later, Sydney and Soup were all caught up, just like time had never passed. Soup proceeded to use their very conventionally placed Warp Pipe to zoop on down to the main plaza area, where they saw Aurora enjoying K.K. Slider's tunes.

Soup greets Aurora

"Everything is OK, kinda! My hands were quite busy so I didn't have time to leave my house." Soup quickly hid their hands, just in case Aurora could tell how... messed up they'd been for a while. The two chatted a bit about their favorite books before it was time for Soup to leave. There were more island residents to greet spread all around the isla...

map of hailsham

... spread all around... the...

map of hailsham residents

... okay maybe not spread ALL around the island. But around!

Soup greets Truffles
Soup greets Celia

Soup greets Spike
Soup greetts Agnes

Soup went ahead to find Truffles, Celia, Spike, and Agnes and toss them a friendly and well-overdue hello for the new year. And it looks like Agnes was cooking up something really tasty too — Soup's favorite kind of recipe, curry!

Agnes teaches Soup how to make carrot-tops curry

It'll be some time before Soup's farm is ready, but this curry recipe will definitely come in handy soon! Onwards to greet Leonardo, Tipper, and Huck!

Soup greets Leonardo
Soup greets Tipper
Soup greets Huck

And with a big hello, Soup has finally greeted all of the island residents for the new year. Good job, Soup! That's one bucket list item to check off!

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"This is not the campsite I was imagining."

#where-are-the-trees #campsite #terraforming

It looks like Soup is going to walk on down to the campsite today for a relaxing day reading their new ultimate rice cookbook by a crackling fire. They're very excited to smell the forest air and hear the birds as they chitter in the trees. And look! They look so good in their camping outfit! A cozy sweater, swishy pants, and a backpack filled to the brim with snacks and socks.

Soup's camping outfit

Soup's bag contains a tent, lotsa socks, chips, and candy

Off they go, down to the campsite. A shuffle of shoes and a stray snowflake later, Soup reaches the campsite! But...

A barren campsite

Where are the trees? Where are the flowers? WHERE IS THE FOREST???

Surprised at the state of affairs here, Soup stares into the barren, grassy void. It's going to be a while before Soup can use this campsite to its nature-filled fullest. Soup thinks about what they can do...

Soup wonders what to do

Ah-hah, I think they've got an answer! Let's leave it to them to make this campsite cozy and tree-filled!

Soup has an idea, so leave it to them

Luckily, Soup has all the tools they need to get this midwestern-flatland of a campsite looking like a forest wonderland. Equipped with a trusty hardhat and filled with inspiration (and a couple of hearty coconuts), Soup gets to digging. (It looks like Soup's signature blue bear hood must come off during active construction. That is ok! As always, safety comes first.)

Soup spots some trees
Soup digs up some trees

A tree here, a tree there. Let's use this handy-dandy tractor to make things go faster! (brrrr, *kerplunk* shshsh, brrr)

Soup uses the tractor to plant trees

Hey, this place is really starting to look like a forest campsite now! Great job, Soup! Oh, and look! It looks like they've got another idea!

Soup has an idea

Let me use this steamroller to make some paths and dirt clearings for the campsite guests to use! (dadadada, *skrrrrrr*, dadadada)

Soup uses the steamroller to make paths

Excellent work. It'll take some time before the campsite is ready for camping, so let's check in on Soup later to see how the campsite has progressed. Until then, bye, Soup!

Later that evening: Signs of a new resident?

A house has been sold

bucket list of things to do
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soup waving

"It's really nice to meet you!"

#new-faces #new-friends #welcome

Isabelle announces Raddle's arrival
Isabelle congratulates Raddle

According to Isabelle, it looks like someone named Raddle has moved in!
Soup has woken up today with a sleepy grin on their face. They had a great dream about getting a new bed with cool vegetable plushies and an ultra comfortable pillow.

Soup's bed goals

It looks like last night, a new island resident moved into the empty lot by the port! As a stellar neighbor and expert people greeter, Soup will go say hello to the newest face on the island. It looks like the bucket list task of saying hello to everyone will be officially complete today! As per island tradition, the welcome gift will have to be delived when the newest resident has finished settling into their new home. I think we can trust Soup to deliver the perfect gift later!

First things first: a new change of clothes to go greet our newest neighbor. It looks like Soup has opted for a more formal look. Oh, and I love how those glasses look. Very nice indeed!

Soup's formal outfit

Soup makes their way down to the port property, carefully sidestepping the wild overgrowth of flowers and weeds spluttered all around the island (that'll be another task to tackle for a different bucket list).

This is the house! Wow, it looks very sleek, especially next to Sydney's home. Soup gives the door a good knock before making their way inside.

Raddle's house
Soup enters Raddle's house

Here's the newest resident, Raddle. He looks very busy dusting and unpacking. Oh, and is that a lab coat and mask? It looks like he might be a doctor! Soup greets Raddle, who then shares a bit about himself. It looks like Raddle found himself on this island very spontaneously. No worries, Raddle, I know you'll enjoy your time here. And Soup will be able to help!

Raddle doesn't know where he is

Bye, Raddle, see you later!

Bye, Raddle

And with that, it looks like Soup can officially check off their bucket list item: They've greeted all of their neighbors! Splendid work! We'll be checking back in with Soup later to see what other bucket list items they've been working to complete.

completed bucket list item
Soup sweating

"Productive evenings are nice too!"

#getting-mountains #terraforming #look-ma-no-machines

Let's check in on Soup. They've decided to spend the evening working on the campsite, so into a new, work-appropriate outfit they change. I particularly like the toolkit bag, very nice and handy.

Soup's work outfit

Down to the campsite! It looks like before they start to really buckle down, they'll send the newest resident, Raddle, a welcome gift. Look, they've also written a little letter to go with it. Sending gifts can be a lot of fun for both the gift-giver and gift-receiver, so let's hope Raddle is happy with what Soup sent!

Soup is ready to send a letter
Soup's message and gift for Raddle

Oh, and it looks like Soup has a vision for the campsite: three levels of elevation, trees everywhere, a little river, and a wooden ramp too. I think this is a fantastic idea. Good going! It will definitely take some time to build out exactly the way Soup wants, but I know that this is a big bucket list item for them. Let's all send Soup some positive energy so they can spend the evening tackling this project!

Soup's idea for the campsite

The first task Soup must do: move the orchard to make space for the mountainous elevation that they'll be adding to this area. Eating lots and lots of coconuts will help them have the energy to move the trees. It's very possible they might grow to hate coconuts after this though... Let's keep an eye out on their belly and coconut appetite too!

Soup begins to move the orchard

Oh gosh, there are so MANY TREES to move! (*kerplunk* chk chk chk *kerplunk*) AND FLOWERS TOO?! Oh boy...

The hardhat is on now (safety first, please!), and it looks like Soup is getting tired. That was a lot of trees to move! But it's too early to give up just yet. Go go go!

Soup is exhausted after moving trees

After some vigorous digging and patting of the ground, Soup piles up foundation soil to give this midwestern flatland of a campsite some good old elevation. Since there are no ramps built yet, it looks like Soup will be doing all of the construction without the machines that helped them plant trees and make paths last time they were at the campsite. Sounds difficult, but Soup looks pretty satisfied with how everything is turning out!

Soup is happy about elevation progress

Soup places the campsite sign

The campsite is really starting to look like a mountainy forest, just like how I wanted it to be! And let's place the campsite sign... here!

It looks like Soup is talking to Tom Nook about placing a ramp, just like in their campsite idea. Let's see...

Soup talks to Tom Nook
Soup checks the placement of the ramp

And I think this is where I'll put the ramp. Now, to empty my wallet into the donation collection...
Oof, that's a big hit to their wallet. No worries, though. I think they'll be able to meet the donation goal soon. Soup has made some really good progress on making their campsite the campsite of their dreams. I think they're surprised and happy about all they've accomplished tonight. Let's give it up for Soup, for taking one more big step towards completing their bucket list! (*clap clap clap*)

Soup looks surprised at all they've accomplished

Soup's bucket list updated
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Soup drinking coffee

"It's important to have slow days."

#coffee #slow-is-good #warm-and-cozy

Today is a slow day for Soup. It's important to have slow days once in a while! All of that activity has taken a toll on Soup's little body... They greeted all of the residents, laid down pathing and trees, and even started a donation pool for a new ramp to the elevated areas of the campsite. And outside of those bucket list tasks, Soup worked hard to keep on top of their meal preparations and crochet projects. To fully enjoy their slow day, they'll be heading down to The Roost for a cup of coffee.

They've changed into a casual, relaxed fit. Perfect for a day of coffee at The Roost!

Soup's casual fit

With their tablet device in tow, Soup has grabbed a seat at the café to do some light doodling and writing. Maybe some day, Soup will be able to share what they've written and drawn!

Soup sits for a cup of coffee

That's a delicious cup of coffee! Hot, comforting, and just the right amount of acidity.

Soup likes their cup of coffee

I think it's time to give Soup some quality alone time now. Until next time, see you later, Soup!
Soup at work
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Soup lifting materials

"Just a little bit more! I can do it!"

#goodbye-flowers #bigger-mountains #terraforming

Soup has been hard at work renovating the campsite. These past several days have been chock full of tree-transplanting, path-laying, flower-moving, and wallet-emptying. (Soup is especially sad about the wallet-emptying... but that's why amemome has a doodle shop for when things get extra-bad.)

Today's outfit is a simple jacket-and-pants combination. I think Soup will have to run the laundry machine twice this week just to tackle all the dirty clothes they've created from their construction work. After checking out their outfit a couple of times in the mirror, Soup heads down to the campsite. Let's go with them!

Soup's green work outfit

First things first, Soup empties out their wallet to finish paying off the ramp donation goal! Alright! Good job!

The ramp donation goal is met.

Is it just me or did nobody else contribute to this fund...? Oh well!
Using a cliffside vine, Soup climbs up the side of the mountain and lands in a patch of flowers. These will have to be moved away so Soup can create a way for island residents to reach the left-hand beach. Thanks to Soup's trusty shovel, they're able to clear away a lot of flowers! With a grunt and a lot of hacking, the flowers are relocated into Timmy and Tommy Nook's dropbox. I think Timmy and Tommy will find those flowers some good homes!

Soup lands in flowers
Soup clears away flowers

Next, hardhats must be worn because it's time for Soup to move some soil. Actually... it's time for them to move a LOT of soil. Soup's not worried, they've got this under control!


And some more pathing leading into the camp area...

Soup lays some pathing in front of the bridge.

And a couple more trees on the top-most level of elevation...

Soup resting under some trees.

Yes, yes yes! This mountainy forest campsite is really turning out well. Wow, and it looks like Soup was able to haul up a metal storage shed onto the second-level of elevation! This will come in handy to all campers who need some extra supplies.

Soup adds a metal storage shed to the campsite

Soup takes their "Top 4 Camping Musts" note and sticks it on the storage shed. That's quite a list of things to have when you go camping... I think I agree with most of them —

Soup's list of camping musts

uh... that fourth item has me slightly concerned...

In the time we were looking at Soup's note, they installed a tourist telescope on the edge of the cliff, so campsite visitors can look out to the ocean! That's a very nice touch, and I think all of the campers will appreciate being able to look far into the horizon.

Soup look in the tourist telescope

I think I see a balloon out there!

Soup is one big push away from having their campsite ready, so let's keep cheering them on! Maybe they'll have a bit more energy tonight to keep working on their campsite... we will see. Good job, Soup, and see you later!
bucket list updated
Soup holding a pot of rice

"It's finally time to camp. Meet me by the tent!"

#the-forest-calls #rice-and-curry #i-did-it

It's time to go camping. The day is bright and sunny. The campsite is full of trees and hilly elevation thanks to several days of hard work changing the landscape. Even the ramp should be complete today, which means Soup is going to grab their comfiest clothes, their camping backpack, and head down to the campsite.

Soup's comfy camping outfit

What a cute outfit! I like your style, Soup. Soup pulls along their supply wagon, which contains cooking ingredients, cooking utensils, a couple of books on how to start a fire, and their camping cot. Ah and yes, the secret fourth thing too, though Soup seems to be hiding that at the bottom of the wagon. I have a good feeling they'll let us in on the secret soon, though. Onwards!

Soup drags their wagon to the campsite

Soup picks up some tree branches to start a fire in the clearing. Tinder, kindling, then some bigger pieces of wood. Since they'll be cooking on this fire, they've also set up some poles to hang their rice pot over. They've also brought over some bigger wood pieces to sit on.

Soup grabs some tree branches
Soup sets up the fire and seats

Time to start the fire, and to get a lunch cooking!

Soup is ready to cook on the fire

It looks like Soup will be cooking some rice and curry today. Soup reaches down deep in their wagon and pulls out... their secret fourth thing, a block of curry roux! And it's the type made with apple and honey! Oh man, I'm so excited! Let's see how Soup creates their curry.
curry ingredients

instrctions for making curry

Soup shows off the curry

Mmm. Smells amazing and looks amazing too! I can't wait to eat this!

With a vigourous lip-smack and enough gusto to dig up all of the flowers growing haphazardously on the island, Soup wolfs down their curry! Yes, the caramelized sweetness of the onions, the toothy bite of the diced carrots, and the starchy and hot potatoes... all mixed into a savory curry sauce and served on top of a bed of pillowy rice... What better combination on a cold winter day's camping session?

Soup looks happy and has some rice on their face

With some rice still stuck on their face, Soup pulls out the camping cot and lays down for a little post-meal siesta. Sweet dreams!

Soup lays down for a nap

*nyam nyam* ... trees are... tall... *grumble grumble*
After a small nap, Soup wakes in a frenzy... I think they've got a small emergency! Quick, Soup, the bathroom is up the hill!

Soup runs up the hill
Soup runs to the bathroom

Soup sighs after making it to the bathroom

I think they made it just in time. Soup sighs a breath of relief. Oh, and Soup, don't forget to wipe the rice off of your face!

Soup realizes they have rice on their face
Soup wipes their face

Rice on my face? Oops! I think I got everything now, thanks for letting me know!
After spending some quality time camping, it's time for Soup to go back home. They pack up their cot and cooking supplies, then put out the fire and clean up the fire pit.


That was a great day for camping, wasn't it? I think Soup enjoyed it very much. It's time to check off the bucket list item for good! See you later for another adventure!


Soup checks off go camping on their bucket list

When Soup returns to their room, however...​

Soup's dirty room

... but that will be a story for next time.
i'm taking a phone photo

"You can't stop me."

#soup-takes-over #bye-amemome #say-cheese

Hi everyone, this is Soup here to take over the story today. amemome wants me to do the laundry and clean my room but I think it's time to cause minor CHAOS instead!! Ahahaha!!! The phone is coming out to take some sneaky photos of some of the islanders I see today. Come follow me and keep quiet. We have to be sneaky, ok? And don't tell amemome at all costs!

First things first... check out my fit. Don't! Say! Anything! though, ok? Gotta be quiet, like a rabbit hopping onto a pillow.

my colorful FIT

Yeah, yeah, the colors are loud and vibrant and very... not sneaky. WHO CARES! THIS IS minor CHAOS NOT BIG CHAOS!

I've put together a list of folks we're gonna visit... take a look:
who we are taking a picture of
Roger that? Ok. Let's head down to the museum first. I see our first mischief victim is taking a little nap...

blathers is fast asleep


pic of blathers

Ahahaha!!! We got a pic of Blathers! He didn't even wake up, perfect. (But I feel bad so let me say hi...) And I see our next destination...

i see the cafe


pic of brewster

Ahahaha!!!!! And a pic of Brewster too. I hope he didn't see either of us. I have a feeling he did, though, so give me a second to grab some coffee to-go and say hello. Shh, let's shuffle outta here and head down to the beach.

Target has been spotted. Mischief, commence.

kapp'n spotted


pic of kapp'n

And here's the pic of good ol' Kapp'n! I hope he didn't notice me, but I think he posed for the camera... Well, I guess I should say hi. Then, we can go down to the Tailor's!

we're at the tailor's

Mabel and Sable will NEVER notice us! Let's go!


pic of mabel

She's definitely looking right at us, drats! But quick, to Sable! I think we can be sneaky about this picture!


pic of sable

Got it! She's hard at work, so let's leave now. Feel free to wait outside for a bit, I think I need to say hi to Mabel and Sable real quick since they spotted me. Maybe I'll grab a new jacket too.

Next, let's go to the store. Timmy and Tommy will be there! That's like mischief times 2! Or maybe it's times 3 since I'm there too, ahahaha! My trusty phone will take the best picture of them!

in front of nook's cranny


pic of timmy and tommy

Ok, these two spotted us for sure. Sneaky camera mischief is a fail, but they look really cute in the photo and in real life too. Let me give them both a hug before we head to the Resident Services building.

in front of resident services

Let's sneak in! Open the door slowly... slowly... and —

pic of tom and isabelle

This one's indisputable. They definitely saw us! They're waving and smiling at the camera!! So much for being sneaky and mischievous, right? Oh well, let's say our byes before heading back out.

Thanks for accompanying me around the island to take some sneaky photos of my island friends! That's everyone on my checklist, but I spot a couple more picture opportunities. So come! Let's keep causing minor chaos!


pic of snowman
pic of orville

pic of crazy redd

Hmm, I think I've taken all the pics I wanted. Thanks for being my accomplice in this day of chaos and mischief away from amemome who just wants me to do the laundry and clean my room. I'll be signing off. And remember! Don't tell amemome I did any of this!
soup holding a big pile of laundry

"Eventually, it comes time to clean."

#tidy-it-up #room-reorganization #new-furniture

That's right. Eventually, the clutter piles on so high and the dust bunnies run so rampant, you have no choice but to address the matter at hand. At least, that's how it was for Soup, the protagonist of this story. Papers and books strewn across the floor, an unmade bed and sloppy desk... A cockroach or two having fun under the dresser. Let's follow Soup as they embark on their quest to tidy their room.

It looks like Soup got dressed in an apron and house slippers, perfect for the cleaning task at hand.

Soup's cleaning outfit

FIrst, Soup picks up all of the clutter on the ground. Papers, books, a board game, a tablet device, dolls, cables... All into storage they go!

Soup tidying the ground

Soup puts furniture in the storage

Next, they roll up the rug. That can go in the basement!

Soup puts away the rug

Posters, artworks, and other items on the wall are removed.

Soup clears posters off the walls

Cups and mugs can go in the kitchen sink. Soup also moves the larger furniture into storage. They're going to reassess how they want to position the furniture before moving things back.

Soup clears the mugs

A half hour of dragging and sweating later, it looks like Soup has cleared all of the clutter, and all of the furniture too, for that matter. After running the vacuum cleaner and duster in all the corners of the room, they make a quick trip to the laundry machine.

Soup is happy with their clean room
Soup dusting their room

Soup goes to the laundry machine

With a satisfying plunk, all of their dirty clothes are now washing vigorously in the laundry machine. Good for Soup! This means they'll be able to wear some of those clothes again later.

Soup happily runs the laundry machine

Into the wash they go! Swishing and turning to-and-fro!

It's back to Soup's room for some furniture feng-shui.

Soup contemplates on their room design

It looks like they do have a vague idea of what they're looking for, let's see...

idea for room layout

Maybe I'll keep it simple this time around!

I think this looks like a good plan. And there's always room to be creative outside of this too!

Soup is happy with their base room layout

Oh, and it looks like they've wrapping up the rearrangements. They've placed an order for some of the furniture they don't yet have, such as a new desk and chair. It looks like they didn't really care for the iron table... We can check back on the room later for the completely finished look, with all the ordered furniture placed.

Soup orders new furniture

That was a very productive day, and a great way to check off their bucket list item. (Though there are some minor furniture-related tweaks to be made, the room has been cleaned successfully! Let's give that check to Soup!) This means that Soup is almost done completing all of their bucket list tasks! Great job, Soup!

Soup's checked off bucket list
Soup holding a hoe

"Can I get an E-I-E-I-O?"

#farmlife #terrace-farm #shoveling

Back? Aching. Arms? Also aching. Neck? Probably — no, definitely aching. Soup is back from shoveling a record-breaking amount of heavy snow! They lie back in their new bed, in their freshly renovated room, their arms and legs are bulging with muscles once lost to the flow of time.

soup sleeping

Bulging muscles, abs hard as the wooden planks that hold the four corners of Resident Services up in times of rain and snow... That's right. Soup has become the Ultimate Soup. With this new title comes new responsibilities: it's time for the Ultimate Soup to fulfill their final bucket list item...

Make! A! Farm!
*dun dun duuuuuun*

Soup slaps down their farm sketch. It looks like they want to try creating a terrace farm, which is a farm that has tiered elevation.

Soup's farm plans

Are you up for the challenge? Soup nods and strikes a valiant pose. Their biceps ripple. Yes, I think it's time. The campsite renovations... Running around the island to say hello to everyone... The laundry and furniture hauls... All this training was for this very moment, this final bucket list task.

Soup strikes a pose

Soup grabs a knapsack and a fresh new outfit before running out the door.

Soup's work outfit

Today's task will be to scope out a good location for their terrace farm. Soup pulls up a map of the island.

map of hailsham

After a bit of contemplation, it looks like they'll choose a patch of land in the upper left-hand corner of the island! Soup takes a look at what's currently there...

Soup looks at swinging chair area

I vaguely remember this area, but I don't think I ever come here...
And a bit further up too...

Soup cries after looking at the flowers

So... So many flowers! And the rare ones at that!
Oh boy... This is no one-day adventure. I smell a project that will take even longer than the campsite...

Soup strikes a pose

At least Soup isn't discouraged. Soup begins to shovel vigorously, removing the flowers, bushes, fencing, and furniture. (Another day of shoveling? Yes. Another day of shoveling.)

Soup digs up bushes and flowers
Flowers and bushes removed

A trip is made to the... "donation box." Soup silently thanks Timmy and Tommy for their generosity in taking all of the dug-up plants.

Soup opens the drop-off box

Back at the upper corner of the island, Soup lets out a large, tired sigh. I think they've had enough digging for today.

Soup sighs

Today, Soup was able to clear a lot of flowers and begin work on their dream terrace farm. Though they're already tired of digging and shoveling, they're one step closer to checking off that bucket list item and accomplishing their final goal of creating a farm! Until next time, rest up, Soup!

Soup's bucket list


"Hey, I got you a gift!"

#happy-birthday #aurora #a-little-present

Isabelle announces that today is Aurora's birthday

As Soup awakens from their afternoon nap, Isabelle announces that today is Aurora's birthday! Soup lets out one final yawn before washing in the bathroom and changing into some more presentable clothes. I hope Aurora likes Soup's outfit! It's casual and cozy but not too underdressed.

Soup's party outfit

Soup rummages through their storage bins to find Aurora's gift neatly wrapped. It seems that Soup has already prepared the perfect gift for her. Well, what are we waiting for? Let's follow Soup as they run over to Aurora's house.

Soup smiles at Aurora's gift

With a loud knock, Soup excuses themselves as they walk in. They're really excited to join the party!

Soup in front of Aurora's house
Soup enters Aurora's house

Aurora greets Soup with a smile on her face. Oh, and it looks like Raddle is here to celebrate Aurora too! Soup and Raddle exchange a brief chat about the party.

Aurora greets Soup
Raddle speaks to Soup

What do you mean by sixth birthday, Raddle? Actually, you know what? Let's talk about that a bit later...
After enjoying some cake and birthday dancing, Soup pulls out their birthday gift for Aurora.

Aurora asks Soup about a birthday gift
Soup gives Aurora a gift

Feel free to open your present now! I spent a long time looking for the perfect gift!

Aurora opens the present and it's a bowler hat with ribbon

It was a red bowler hat with ribbon! Soup had spent the last couple of days finding out what Aurora's favorite color and fashion style was. It looks like the gift was well received and highly appreciated. How nice! Let's continue dancing!

Soup dancing at Aurora's party

Five more rounds of K.K. Birthday and airplane dancing later, it's time for Soup to head back out. It looks like Aurora really appreciated Soup's gift. Soup leaves with a huge grin on their face. It's nice to appreciate others and be appreciated in response.


Until the next adventure, so long, Soup!
Soup wiping their sweat

"If only I could scoop up all the flowers at once..."

#endless-digging #farm-prep #terraforming

It's back to the planned farm area today, for some more digging up of flowers and building up ground for elevated tiers for the terrace farm. Soup shows off their simple outfit, which is green in celebration of all the green plants they'll be moving.

Soup's green outfit

Soup takes out their phone to contact the local authorities — they wouldn't want to do any unauthorized construction (Safety what? First. Always.). With a brief chat and a nod of the head, Soup pulls out their hard hat and gets to work!

Soup gets permission to build
Soup gets ready to wear a hard hat

Time to dig... a LOT!

Soup digging up purple hyacinths

Just one of many, many flowers to dig up...

After digging up a considerable number of flowers, Soup realizes that they would need to make several trips to their storage box to get new shovels. Luckily, Soup has a solution: they drag over a storage shed to the construction site! This will make it way easier to get new shovels! Great thinking! I'm also time and time again surprised by Soup's strength, but perhaps that's a thought best left in the back of my head.

Soup is happy about the storage shed

Once enough of the flowers are moved, it's time to build up some elevation.

Soup builds up some cliffs
Soup builds up more cliffs

*sklush sklush sklush, tap!*
*sklush sklush sklush, tap!*

Mhm, that's a lot of ground built up. Soup wipes away their sweat and strikes a pose. They're ready to start building up the second level of elevation on top of this cliff now!

Soup strikes a pose next to their cliff

With more sklushes and taps, Soup begins to slam more and more dirt together. The clouds drift by. The ocean roars quietly in the distance. The cosmos shifts ever so slightly.


After an hour of slamming, climbing, and shoveling, a sizeable second level is created. It looks like Soup has climbed to the top to take a look at their handywork!

Soup stands on the second level

Yes, this is exactly what I was imagining! I might be ready to move the crops over soon!

Excellent job! Looks like a considerable amount of ground was built up here, which means it will be much easier to move over the crops and orchard. Soup climbs down and lays down a picnic sheet, removing their hard hat. From their backpack, they pull out a small lunchbox. And in a brief moment of peace and relaxation, Soup eats a small lunch of onigiri accompanied by a hot cup of miso soup.

Soup eats lunch

After lunch, Soup surveys the land once again...

Soup sighs in a bed of flowers

... and it looks like there's still a lot to be done. Soup takes one giant leap closer to creating their farm, but there's still much to get done. Luckily, there's no rush and a lot of time to work with! Don't give up, Soup!
Soup's bucket list
Soup flexing

"I get stronger every day because of it!"

#plant-the-crops #back-at-it #terraforming

After a restful couple of days, Soup grabs a sporty but warm outfit and heads back out to the farm spot.

Soup's red and sporty outfit

They climb to the top of the terrace and notice a slightly oddly-shaped visitor.

Soup looks at snowman

How did they get up here without a ladder?
Soup shrugs before plopping their hard hat onto their head. Today, they'll be planting crops and organizing the farm supplies. Let's take a look at what they do!

Soup gets ready to plant
Soup drags their bag of seed
Soup looks at their wheat field

Spread some seeds here and there... This'll be where the wheat field is!

A wheat field on the top-most level! Satisfied with their crop placement, Soup calls upon their Ultimate Soup powers to haul large farming equipment and supplies to the top-most level.

Soup smiles at their windmills, tank, and winnowing machine
Soup smiles at their silo, storage shed, and work bench

Windmills, a tank, a silo too?? Those are some heavy pieces of equipment!


It looks like they've also set up some dry straw to hang. This is looking really farm-like now!

But wait! Soup was planning on including the orchard up here... Soup takes a look at the very edge of the cliff. It looks like they'll need to move more flowers and build up some more elevation before they can do that.

Soup looks at the edge

Climbing down one level, Soup plants more crops. They also add some fencing for safety!


The sweetness of sugarcanes and the sweetness of tomatoes... I think it's a match made in heaven!
On the ground floor, Soup calls upon their machinery to prepare the land for crops. It looks like they need some more space here for all the crops... I see some more flower digging coming up!

Soup surveys the land

It looks like this is the perfect spot for some carrots.

Soup plants carrots

And after a long while digging up flowers...

Soup digs up flowers
Soup looks at all the holes of removed flowers

... they make enough room to plant more crops in the farm!

Soup razes more ground
Soup plants potatoes

Soup double checks their farm plans. It looks like they'll need to expand the top level of elevation for their orchard, and expand the first level of elevation to make a garden of flowers.

Soup's farm plans

This is a lot of good work! With some more equipment ordered and a lot of dirt to still move, Soup is ready to call it a day today. Let's check back with Soup again later!

soup's bucket list
Soup smells some flowers

"I picked these for you!"

#flower-moving #terraforming #orchards

Soup pulls their arms into their jacket and drapes their bag around their body. They're ready for another day at the farm site!

Soup's green outfit

While we were gone, Soup has successfully earned licenses to operate more machinery. They'll now be able to use the excavator and bulldozer to make terraforming go faster. Hard hat strapped on their head, Soup uses their new machines to move flowers and build up ground at unprecedented speeds!

Soup uses the excavator
Soup uses the bulldozer

*grrrrr SHLUNK! grrrrrrr SHLUNK! drdrdrdrdr...*

Soup clears away all the flowers

So many flowers cleared away! With more shlunks and drdrdrs, Soup expands the tiers to make room for an orchard and garden. It looks like they've just wrapped up expansion of the highest level of elevation!


Next, they lay down soil for the trees.

Soup poses with the tilled land

It's time to dig up the orchard and transplant it here. Today, Soup decides to eat some pumpkins. It looks like they got tired of coconuts...

Soup digs up orchard

With a scurry and a hurry and an installation of fencing and hedges, Soup's orchard is complete! it looks very nice, good job!

Soup smiles at their orchard

Some of my most favorite fruits are growing here, and that makes me happy!

Soup's favorite fruits

Aww, that's so sweet. Apples are one of my favorite fruits too!

It looks like Soup's final task for the day will be to install a ramp going up from the first tier to the top tier. They discuss their options with Tom Nook...

Tom Nook asks about inclines
Tom confirms that Soup wants a natural ramp

... and Soup has a good idea of where they want to place it!

Soup imagines where to place the ramp

Here looks good!

Looks like once again, Soup must empty out their wallet to help fund this new ramp. Let's hope that the island residents will pitch in too.

The ramp costs 98,000 bells

No garden work today, but lots of digging and an orchard made! Very impressive progress. It looks like Soup is almost done with creating their farm!

Soup's checklist
Soup driving

"Look ma, I can drive! (And use power tools too!)"

#gardener-soup #farm-life #tools-rule

Soup is absolutely raring to go today: let's take a glimpse at what they're up to!

First things first: an outfit change.

Soup's casual blue outfit

Casual, blue, and warm! I think it matches well with my blue bear hood!

Next: A cup of joe at The Roost.


My day wouldn't be complete without a hot cup of coffee!
And then: A trip to Katrina. It looks like Soup wants to make sure they'll have good luck working on their farm.

Katrina will tell Soup their luck

Katrina greets Soup with a nod, and the two gather around her crystal ball...

Katrina chants


Soup looks into the crystal ball

Soup stares at the crystal ball as if stuck in a trance. Through the thick covering of their blue bear hood, they hear Katrina decipher the crystal ball's message:

Katrina announces that Soup's luck with health will improve

It sounds like luck will be on Soup's side!

Back on the island, Soup rushes over to the farm to finish paying for the ramp. Tomorrow, they'll be able to install another ramp going from the ground level to the first level.

Soup reaches the ramp donation goal

They whip out their hard hat and maneuver the excavator to help them stack up some more ground to expand the first level of elevation. They'll be adding a garden here!

Soup uses the excavator to build more ground

Dig, dig, dig! Soup lays down some high-quality soil for their flowers. They paint their fences and begin to tap them into the ground. Though it's the middle of the winter, it looks like the soil is soft enough to work with! Great going! However, as they plant, they realize they're missing some hybrids.

Soup realizes they're missing some hybrids.

Soup quickly whips up a sign for the missing hybrids. Hopefully, they'll come across these flowers later!

Soup places a sign for missing hybrids

Several hours of planting later, with many hours fumbling with stray bushes and more missing hybrids, it looks like Soup has wrapped up garden planting. Neat rows of flowers of all sorts of rare colors, and some lilies of the valley too! The garden is looking pretty spruced up!


I'm missing Orange Tulips, Blue Roses, Golden Roses, and Orange Lilies (which I... sold all of. Oops!).
Happy with their garden, Soup decides to make some adjustments to the rest of the farm. They climb up to the wheat field to install a safety fence around the windmills...

Soup poses with the windmills

... and then, they adjust the cliff next to the garden. This is where they plan on putting the next ramp!

Soup poses next to the next ramp spot

Another day of good work complete, Soup walks back home, patting themselves on the back the whole way. They seem to be very proud of all they've accomplished — and I'm proud of them too! Until next time, stay safe and rested, Soup!

Soup's bucket list
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