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Serious Talk on Sex -Keep It Mature! description about a manga now added

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When does one usually start to... pleasure themself? Is there a normal age range?

This may sound really really weird to you guys, but I started exploring myself very young of age, about 4 years old. As a child, you're curious so before anyone thinks I'm messed up, not really o.o
It was by accident when I realized what causes pleasure down there, I think I slid out of my bed a wrong way and the bed side slid up on me, and after that I would always touch myself there. I didn't think of it sexual, but I did it a lot for the feeling, so being ignorant to the whole idea, I was masturbating without even knowing it.

I think I came to the whole idea that I was masturbating this whole time at around the age 12. I finally received my first orgasm from masturbation at 16 though. Very late!

A lot of girls don't like to talk about masturbating in real life though. I asked my one friend if she ever does it and she got very defensive saying "Ew no! I never once touched myself there." It's nothing to be ashamed of, I think! In fact it's healthy lol.

There's no right or wrong time to start masturbating I believe. You do it when you want to.
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A lot of girls don't like to talk about masturbating in real life though. I asked my one friend if she ever does it and she got very defensive saying "Ew no! I never once touched myself there." It's nothing to be ashamed of, I think! In fact it's healthy lol.

There's no right or wrong time to start masturbating I believe. You do it when you want to.

Yea I get this a lot too. Me and my friends always talk about it (well not always, but it gets brought up in convo every now and then), and every time they are like "eww gross" but once I talk to them one-on-one they are like 'yea i do it' and they just dont want to admit it in front of other girls, when in fact they're doing the exact same thing.

this is why i am v open about anything and everything, because sexuality is not something to be ashamed about. It's completely normal.
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This may sound really really weird to you guys, but I started exploring myself very young of age,

It was by accident when I realized what causes pleasure down there, I think I slid out of my bed a wrong way and the bed side slid up on me,

Haaa, I thought I was the only one..

I thought something was wrong with me because I felt something down there, so I was like, "NO!!!!! I can never do that again wh AT IF I DIE? am I SICK??"

i was an odd little child
This may sound really really weird to you guys, but I started exploring myself very young of age, about 4 years old. As a child, you're curious so before anyone thinks I'm messed up, not really o.o
It was by accident when I realized what causes pleasure down there, I think I slid out of my bed a wrong way and the bed side slid up on me, and after that I would always touch myself there. I didn't think of it sexual, but I did it a lot for the feeling, so being ignorant to the whole idea, I was masturbating without even knowing it.

I think I came to the whole idea that I was masturbating this whole time at around the age 12. I finally received my first orgasm from masturbation at 16 though. Very late!

A lot of girls don't like to talk about masturbating in real life though. I asked my one friend if she ever does it and she got very defensive saying "Ew no! I never once touched myself there." It's nothing to be ashamed of, I think! In fact it's healthy lol.

There's no right or wrong time to start masturbating I believe. You do it when you want to.

As a mother myself and hearing things about this topic from other parents this isn't actually surprising to me. This is such a common thing, especially in young boys. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you so don't worry about that. :) It's just a thing young children start doing because like you said, they don't understand it and they're just curious. I'm sure if you look it up there would be a bunch of parents on forums discussing this topic. . . . Although I'd be VERY careful with searching this thing for obvious reasons. Lol

I too started at a young age. Can't remember how you I was but I do remember being young and didn't understand it either. Hey! There was a friend I had that would do it too. We would touch ourselves in front of each other but that was just because we didn't understand it back then.
I'd say I was probably about 11 or 12 (can't remember) when I realised what I was doing and made myself orgasm. Speaking of that too, you said that 16 was late but nah, some women spend half their life failing to achieve orgasm. Everyone is different with that too.

So basically what I'm trying to say here is that you weren't a messed up child. You were normal. :)
As a mother myself and hearing things about this topic from other parents this isn't actually surprising to me. This is such a common thing, especially in young boys. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you so don't worry about that. :) It's just a thing young children start doing because like you said, they don't understand it and they're just curious. I'm sure if you look it up there would be a bunch of parents on forums discussing this topic. . . . Although I'd be VERY careful with searching this thing for obvious reasons. Lol

I too started at a young age. Can't remember how you I was but I do remember being young and didn't understand it either. Hey! There was a friend I had that would do it too. We would touch ourselves in front of each other but that was just because we didn't understand it back then.
I'd say I was probably about 11 or 12 (can't remember) when I realised what I was doing and made myself orgasm. Speaking of that too, you said that 16 was late but nah, some women spend half their life failing to achieve orgasm. Everyone is different with that too.

So basically what I'm trying to say here is that you weren't a messed up child. You were normal. :)

Thank you! :) I was actually hesitant to post what I posted because I felt it was very uncommon and odd for a child to do that, but I wanted to be honest on this topic and share in case anyone might feel the same way.
I'm glad we shared similar experiences!
Thank you! :) I was actually hesitant to post what I posted because I felt it was very uncommon and odd for a child to do that, but I wanted to be honest on this topic and share in case anyone might feel the same way.
I'm glad we shared similar experiences!

it feels good there even at the age of 4??
it do. but i didnt regard it as sexual, i just saw it as "wow what a funny feelin."

i mean being 4 dont mean you missing female anatomy parts. so yea.

right but those parts rnt fully developed at that point, and they rnt ready for their intended purpose. by extension, it doesnt make much sense that it would feel good when there is no physiological incentive to stimulate that area
right but those parts rnt fully developed at that point, and they rnt ready for their intended purpose. by extension, it doesnt make much sense that it would feel good when there is no physiological incentive to stimulate that area

Uhm...I wasn't penetrating or inserting anything in the vaginal area, it was simply clitoris stimulation, sorry I didn't make that clear, I didn't really want to go into much detail of how I touched myself at 4 lol.
And you have nerves and sensitivity all your life in the clitoris, never a point where it's just numb there. So yeah, it felt good when I would put pressure there.

POINT OF MY COMMENT WAS how people masturbate at very different times in their life, and there's no specific age for it, of course there are common ages though. For me as a child, it was pure curiosity and of course it felt good, but it never clicked in my mind what I was doing was sexual until the age of 12.
i also started at around 4. It still felt good even though i didn't have any sexual feelings at the time. i don't know how i knew how to do it, i think it was just instinctive
Uhm...I wasn't penetrating or inserting anything in the vaginal area, it was simply clitoris stimulation, sorry I didn't make that clear, I didn't really want to go into much detail of how I touched myself at 4 lol.
And you have nerves and sensitivity all your life in the clitoris, never a point where it's just numb there. So yeah, it felt good when I would put pressure there.

POINT OF MY COMMENT WAS how people masturbate at very different times in their life, and there's no specific age for it, of course there are common ages though. For me as a child, it was pure curiosity and of course it felt good, but it never clicked in my mind what I was doing was sexual until the age of 12.

i wasnt judging u or anything, i was just surprised that u cud actually derive stimulation there at such a young age before those those have developed (read: puberty)
I was molested when I was 5 and still can't tell my parents about it. What do I do?

Serious answers please, I don't want any drama.

Edit: my parents are actively freaked out about sex.
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I'm fourteen and a bit.
This is a serious thing. You should tell your parents even though they might get mad at you for not telling them sooner you should not keep the secret because it will haunt you for the rest of your life. I'm sure they will comfort you and give you advice on what to do.
I was molested when I was 5 and still can't tell my parents about it. What do I do?

Serious answers please, I don't want any drama.

Edit: my parents are actively freaked out about sex.

Have you talked to anyone about it? Get advice from someone you are close to who knows your family. Not saying you shouldn't tell your parents, because you absolutely should, but talking to someone who knows your situation would probably be able to give better advice as to how to go about it. Since your parents are "freaked out" about sex.

Do not keep this inside you forever. I was raped around that age by a babysitter (and again by a stranger this past April). If you feel like you are too scared to do anything, think of the other potential victims and do it for them.

This is an extremely painful thing to go through and then have to deal with. I understand ignoring it, because that seems to be easy, but it's not. If you need anything, please feel free to PM me. I'm still struggling a lot with my issues, but will do anything I can to help you through yours.
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I was molested when I was 5 and still can't tell my parents about it. What do I do?

Serious answers please, I don't want any drama.

Edit: my parents are actively freaked out about sex.

You sure you can't talk to your parents? They might get 'freaked out' by sex, but they should be able to talk to you about such a serious situation.

If not, maybe another close family member or a certain teacher at school? I know that some/most schools have some sort of 'person' that is specifically employed to deal with student problems (though I've not been in school for about 7-8 years and have forgotten the job title).

It's not exactly something you should have to live with (though it's not your fault) and telling somebody could lead to the person getting what they deserve, as well as stop it from happening again or to anybody else.
I was molested when I was 5 and still can't tell my parents about it. What do I do?

Serious answers please, I don't want any drama.

Edit: my parents are actively freaked out about sex.

Talk to your parents. This is a serious issue. It wasn't your fault so they shouldn't be upset. The only reason they'd get mad is because you didn't tell them sooner.
Well this is a very...interesting thread, I'll leave it at that. The only advice I can give to people who are just learning is: masturbation is totally 100% okay. There's nothing wrong with you for doing it. Just...do it in private. :p
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