Order in which things unlock, etc.


Jan 10, 2021
Sautéed Mushrooms
Hello! I have just restarted my island and am cloudy on some information. I have a few questions I couldn't find in the FAQ and I would so appreciate multiple people answering as the information I'm getting off Google is all over the place, so if you know, please feel free to respond with your experience.

  1. I would like to keep Nook's Cranny in original form. I've already read that Nook's will automatically upgrade once 30 days pass & 200k bells have been bought/sold in the store, so that's already in mind. Here is my question: If I build Nook's Cranny and never step foot in the store, will it remain that way forever? Basically, would this by-pass the "in 30 days, it will automatically upgrade"? (if I don't buy or sell in there and also don't overhear Mabel talking to Timmy and Tommy in the store about opening her own shop, that would mean 2 of the supposed requirements wouldn't be met for it to automatically upgraded, correct?) Can someone verify this for me.
  2. I know Mabel can visit the island even before Nook's shop opens. So my question is, if she visits my island, is the only requirement for Able Sister's to open is to spend 5k bells from her + her visiting 3 days? I'm confused if unlocking Able's has more to do with purchasing from her or from visiting Nook's once it's established to find Timmy & Tommy talking to Mable & overhearing that they want her to visit the island and sell her wares. Can someone please clarify if I basically ignore Mabel on my island, is the worst thing that can happen is not having Able's on my island? Any other ties or drawbacks from ignoring Mabel?
  3. Terraforming. From what I've read, to unlock this, all you need is the 3 star-rating and KK Slider performing. Does this mean there is no ties between Nook's Cranny & Terraforming? (Similarly how you can keep Blather's tent and still unlock terraforming- is this the same with Nook's?) Meaning, I can still unlock terraforming without upgrading Nook's Cranny? I couldn't find the answer to this.
  4. Custom's portal. So, I know with the update, you eventually can download the custom designs portal on your nook phone by purchase it in the upgraded RS through the Nookshop. Is this still possible without having Able's Sister's shop on your island? Are there any ties here?
  5. If I sell to Tommy and Timmy before Nook's opens, that doesn't count toward the 200k bells needed to unlock the upgrade for Nook's correct?
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Okay... bear with me because I and the others here have never considered keeping Blathers's tent and the shack version of Nook’s Cranny in our islands before. Also, to be frank, your questions are very specific. I wonder what you plan on using those two for…

Now, I cannot answer your question about Nook’s Cranny (or even the rest of your questions…) but I might be able to answer the one you have about Mabel. It says in Nookipedia that you need to have bought at least 5 items and over 5,000 bells worth of them during at least two of her pop-up shop appearances and built the museum, Nook’s Cranny, and the upgraded Residental Services building to unlock the Able Sisters shop. To unlock Mabel’s shop, you need to see her in Nook’s Cranny. So I’m assuming from here that opening the Able Sisters does have to do with seeing Mabel in Nook’s Cranny.

It's hard for me to wrap my head around the other questions you have and I kept thinking to myself, who would do such a thing? I'd like to test out your questions through another Switch and see how it goes but that other Switch belongs to my sister and she doesn't want me using her's, so there's that.
Okay... bear with me because I and the others here have never considered keeping Blathers's tent and the shack version of Nook’s Cranny in our islands before. Also, to be frank, your questions are very specific. I wonder what you plan on using those two for…

Now, I cannot answer your question about Nook’s Cranny (or even the rest of your questions…) but I might be able to answer the one you have about Mabel. It says in Nookipedia that you need to have bought at least 5 items and over 5,000 bells worth of them during at least two of her pop-up shop appearances and built the museum, Nook’s Cranny, and the upgraded Residental Services building to unlock the Able Sisters shop. To unlock Mabel’s shop, you need to see her in Nook’s Cranny. So I’m assuming from here that opening the Able Sisters does have to do with seeing Mabel in Nook’s Cranny.

It's hard for me to wrap my head around the other questions you have and I kept thinking to myself, who would do such a thing? I'd like to test out your questions through another Switch and see how it goes but that other Switch belongs to my sister and she doesn't want me using her's, so there's that.
Thank you for responding.
- So, I want to write this down so I don't forget. If Able Sisters has to do with Mabel in Nook's Cranny and that event is part of the requirements for upgrading Nook's, my hypotheses are:

1. Never stepping foot in Nook's Cranny means the store will remain the shack indefinitely.
2. Never fulfilling buying 5 items worth 5,000 bells from her pop-up shop means never unlocking Able's.

Follow-up questions pertaining to this are:
- Can you still unlock terraforming without Able's ever being built? (I don't see it in the requirements so far)
- Can you set foot in Nook's Cranny shack and overhear Mabel, but because you don't spend the amount of bells in Nook's or from Mabel, it means you can still go inside the store to look around without ever triggering Nook's to upgrade? Additionally, still not being able to build Able Sisters since you didn't spend the required 5,000 bells for that?---> personally, I didn't restart just to do some research/experimentation, so, I will not be entering Nook's for a long time to test out the first hypothesis. If someone else restarts and wants to test this, be my guest. Would love to hear the results.

(Leaving it here for me or someone else to uncover/answer if they like)

To answer your questions, I can understand why people may question my preference. I just like the aesthetic more. I've played animal crossing since it came out and this time around, I wanted to focus more on decoration. I've learnt a lot from other people with how to keep blathers in his tent instead of upgrading to the museum. I think for this island, having his tent being a lot smaller will fit my forest & country theme a lot better.

In terms of Nook's and Able's, I know from my past experience, you end up getting the apps on your Nookphone anyway. Obviously since I played it how it should be played, I was given the options. However, I can't remember if there was an amount of bells needed before those options appeared in the NookShop to buy with miles. So, I'm uncertain if it's even possible to buy those apps if I don't have the upgraded Nooks or have Ables on my island. (if anyone has recently "downloaded" the apps on your nook phones, how did that go about? It's been so long, I can't remember if the option just appears or if Tom talks about it...)

Towards the end of me playing with my last island, I would hardly step foot in my stores when it was conviniently in my phone. I know the limitations with visitors, but I just wanted to post in case anyone has already done this before. I'm going to explore my questions more in time and will post updates, in case others are curious as well. So, if anyone wants to test these out, please feel free! A part of me was hoping someone can answer some of these questions so that I don't need to restart again, but I can see that it isn't done often.

Speaking of visitors, I wonder:
1. Can someone visiting your island go into Nook's before you have got the chance to?
2. If that person can, then does that mean you can go inside Nook's when someone is on your island without triggering overhearing Mabel talk to Tommy & Timmy? Hmmm....even more questions.

Keeping Blather's tent inspired and motivated me to see what exactly the rules were of this game, and to test out what can be done without it affecting other components. From the internet, it's so easy to ask how to unlock this or that, but there's little information if this affects that that hasn't got to do with requirements. I know without Able's, I won't get her free patterns, but I don't see anywhere so far that you have to have Able Sisters on your island at all for anything. Like you said, there's steps to unlocking it, but it's not like you need it to unlock the ability to terraform.

Right now, I'm currently testing Q#5, I've already sold maybe 2,000 bells worth of weeds to Timmy and Tommy. I don't have Nooks yet on my island because still trying to get the last remaining iron. Hopefully tomorrow, I can get it going so that by Monday, I get Nook's shack. From there, I plan on not touching it, unless I need to move it. We'll see if it stays that way.
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To be honest, I don't know the answer to these questions since I'd want to test them out to confirm it. But, looking at other people's islands, it is definitely possible and people do prefer it because of the aesthetic! (I would keep Nook's Cranny without upgrading cause I like that building better..)

I googled some of these things and looked up some Youtube videos.. and.. from what I found:

1) I believe you can still have the Able sisters while having Nook' Cranny being in it's first form. and vice versa.
As long as you don't spend or sell to accumulate the 200K, I don't think Nook's will upgrade.
Now, I'm not sure if buying from other people's Nook's Cranny affects this... it sounds like it doesn't? But take that with a giant grain of salt!

2) I would think that it's only that the Able sisters won't be able to being able to build their shop- even without their store on your island, I believe you can unlock terraforming!

3)Also googling a bit, it looks like you don't need to upgrade Nook's Cranny to get terraforming either.

4) I couldn't find anything for this question but this sounds very interesting to try out! I'd want to know if you can do that..! I wish I had another switch to try this !

5) I dooooo believe selling counts. Again, I'm not 100% sure since I .. can't test this out myself, but reading people's comments about how they had to have a trashcan to avoid selling to their Nook's Cranny has me speculating.
To be honest, I don't know the answer to these questions since I'd want to test them out to confirm it. But, looking at other people's islands, it is definitely possible and people do prefer it because of the aesthetic! (I would keep Nook's Cranny without upgrading cause I like that building better..)

I googled some of these things and looked up some Youtube videos.. and.. from what I found:

1) I believe you can still have the Able sisters while having Nook' Cranny being in it's first form. and vice versa.
As long as you don't spend or sell to accumulate the 200K, I don't think Nook's will upgrade.
Now, I'm not sure if buying from other people's Nook's Cranny affects this... it sounds like it doesn't? But take that with a giant grain of salt!

2) I would think that it's only that the Able sisters won't be able to being able to build their shop- even without their store on your island, I believe you can unlock terraforming!

3)Also googling a bit, it looks like you don't need to upgrade Nook's Cranny to get terraforming either.

4) I couldn't find anything for this question but this sounds very interesting to try out! I'd want to know if you can do that..! I wish I had another switch to try this !

5) I dooooo believe selling counts. Again, I'm not 100% sure since I .. can't test this out myself, but reading people's comments about how they had to have a trashcan to avoid selling to their Nook's Cranny has me speculating.
Thank you Mr. Bob!

1. I hope this is true. This is why I wanted more people to verify this because I also saw this on YouTube, but other people were saying even if you don't buy/sell the 200k, then Nook's Cranny will upgrade regardless after 30 days have passed. So, I don't know what to believe when it comes to that. Im going to see what happens if I don't ever go into Nook's first, but you're telling me my ideal preference. I would like Able's & Nook's shack on my island without Nook's ever upgrading, that's ideal for me.

4. Okay, so from a different post: https://www.belltreeforums.com/threads/help-custom-design-portal.618335/
I guess you need Able's to go to the custom portal, before it allows you to download the app. So, based on that person's experience, Able's is necessary for the phone app, which means also necessary for online portal to get other people's designs. That's a huge drawback for me. So, I am hoping you're right for the Q#1 & more people can verify this. Custom content is a necessary for me in this game.

However! Follow-up question:

- for those of you who transfer your representative to a new island and you come to your new island with your items, does it already have your online custom portal on your NookPhone at the beginning of the game? Or do you still need to unlock Able's to be able to purchase it in the Nookshop?

5. Youre talking about selling in Nook's Cranny once it's built (and so has all the other references I've seen- it talks about selling and buying in shop). However, my Nook's hasn't even been built yet. I've just been selling weeds to Timmy and Tommy before I have built the store because I needed more nook miles. So, I'm hoping it doesn't count for the 200k bells needed to upgrade since it's prior to it even existing on my island.
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Thank you Mr. Bob!

1. I hope this is true. This is why I wanted more people to verify this because I also saw this on YouTube, but other people were saying even if you don't buy/sell the 200k, then Nook's Cranny will upgrade regardless after 30 days have passed. So, I don't know what to believe when it comes to that. Im going to see what happens if I don't ever go into Nook's first, but you're telling me my ideal preference. I would like Able's & Nook's shack on my island without Nook's ever upgrading, that's ideal for me.

4. Okay, so from a different post: https://www.belltreeforums.com/threads/help-custom-design-portal.618335/
I guess you need Able's to go to the custom portal, before it allows you to download the app. So, based on that person's experience, Able's is necessary for the phone app, which means also necessary for online portal to get other people's designs. That's a huge drawback for me. So, I am hoping you're right for the Q#1 & more people can verify this. Custom content is a necessary for me in this game.

5. Selling currently is before the shop is open. My current RS has the tent and the dusty floors. Im just selling weeds to Timmy and Tommy before I have even built Nook's Cranny.

Hm, I don't think that is true- Nook's Cranny upgrading regardless after 30 days having been passed. Only because there's a lot of people who have had troubles Nook's Cranny to upgrade.. just in general? And have had it for months before? But! Again, I'm not sure since I am not actually testing it out..!!

Hmmm yes, I wouldn't be able to say anything more than what I said before since I'm not testing it out but I do hope everything turns out in your favor!

I want to comment though:
Speaking of visitors, I wonder:
1. Can someone visiting your island go into Nook's before you have got the chance to?
2. If that person can, then does that mean you can go inside Nook's when someone is on your island without triggering overhearing Mabel talk to Tommy & Timmy? Hmmm....even more questions.
These are very interesting! I would want to know the answer to these.
More specifically- if someone is visiting your island and the visitor spends/sells the bells, will that contribute to your Nook's Cranny upgrading?
And I imagine for number 2 that it would not trigger the event... 🤔
More specifically- if someone is visiting your island and the visitor spends/sells the bells, will that contribute to your Nook's Cranny upgrading?
It should, shouln't it? They're still using their bells the same way the Residentative (Resident Rep.) would in the store, after all... right? Haven't tested this either so I'm uncertain about that too
These are very interesting! I would want to know the answer to these.
More specifically- if someone is visiting your island and the visitor spends/sells the bells, will that contribute to your Nook's Cranny upgrading?
And I imagine for number 2 that it would not trigger the event... 🤔

I won't be able to test this out until the end of May due to internet, but I'll have my Nooks Cranny soon. If by then you want to come to my empty island, maybe we can work something out to test it. But I mean, in terms of seeing if it contributes to the 200k bells, the only way that's possible is for either 1 person continuously or multiple people to come to your island and tell you exactly how much they spent so that it adds up to that 200k. Then, I would have to check the next day to see if Nooks has upgraded. I also hypothesize it wouldn't contribute to it, but I don't know what would happen if I went to your Nook's instead of you coming to mine. If I spend 200k at someone else's- I wonder if there's even coding for that in the game for it to contribute :ROFLMAO:
Update: Visited my island with my friend's switch. She was able to go into my Nook's before I ever stepped foot in mine. I used her villager to purchase some things for myself and then dropped them outside for me to take. I didn't step foot in it yet because I was nervous about it. I then visited her island to see if I can go to her Nook's & I could! So far I purchased the DIY for beginners (480 bells), Test your DIY skills (2,680 bells), pitfall DIY (900 bells). I'm not sure if it added to my Nook's 200k buying/selling.
What will you do if it upgrades? Will you reset your island? Or will you continue with the island you have now?
So, I just triggered the "first time buyer" Nook Miles accomplishment, even though it wasn't on my island. Also, my purchases counted towards my Nook Miles+ Spend 5,000 for 200 Nook Miles x2. So, it makes me think it possibly counts even though it's from a Nook's Cranny on a different island? Not sure.

So far, I've sold: 25,190 bells (prior to building Nook's. But not sure if that really matters)
Bought at friend's Nook's: 8,690 bells
Total: 33,880 bells
So, I think now I will stop purchasing unless it's necessary for those DIY sets.

What will you do if it upgrades? Will you reset your island? Or will you continue with the island you have now?

Good question. Depends how far I am in the game. Right now, my intention wasn't really to explore my questions - I was seeking for some answers in case others already tested it out. So, for the time being, will do my best to not go over the 200k or visit my Nook's Cranny, at least for 31-40 days to see what happens. Then, I might visit my Nook's.

If it should upgrade, I think I'll probably make the decision in the moment. I really like my map and I'm happy with Blather's tent. I may end up disguising Nook's for the time being and continue the game until I want to restart again. However, if I'm not too deep into the game, I may reset because I'm not too crazy about my airport being yellow (but I made peace with it because my island fruit is apples and my flowers are roses).

Currently, I just unlocked Nook's today and put down my three plots & decorated them. Hopefully tomorrow, the villagers will move in (they're all marked with sold, so that's a good sign). So, I'll probably just continue with the narrative. I'll avoid Mabel for the 31-40 days as well. My goal is to just get to accessing terraforming for now and then will spend some time terraforming my island. So, I guess I need to get my island to 3 stars soon.
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Ok question: I'm going to Ables Sisters on my friend's island. Since I don't have it built on mine, purchasing from Ables doesn't do anything, right?

Purchased a few items. Not sure if that's bad.

Total: 6,510 at Able's. Keep in mind, not at her kiosk, so not sure if that technicality is important to that 5,000 total.


- I can't access the digital custom portal on her island
- talking to Sable, she says she's busy. I'm not sure if I can develop a friendship with her on someone else's island or not. I remember she always said she was busy at the beginning on my own island before, so that's something worth exploring.
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I had to step foot in Nook's to get custom portal because it's the only way :( bummer! I really didn't mind not having Able's on my island. I wish I could just access it through my phone app without ties to the tailor shop.