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People who live at home with their parents, what’s something you want to do if/when you move out?


Senior Member
Jul 26, 2019
Orange (Fruit)
New Horizons Token
I’m 17 and I’m going to be a high school senior this year. I don’t know which college I’m attending yet, but I’ve narrowed it down to two or three. My first choice school is in another state and my parents have considered moving into an apartment two hours away from this college in that state so my family can pay in state tuition for the years after my freshman year of college (you must live in this state for a full year to qualify for in state tuition).

Two hours might not seem like a lot, but to me and to them it is. If I do get to go to this college, I will miss my parents, but I will also use the distance as an opportunity to do a few things that they don’t allow me to do right now.

One thing I’ve wanted to do for a very long time is dye my hair light pink. Of course, I’d get this done professionally at a salon because I’ve seen enough Brad Mondo videos to know that bleaching hair at home doesn’t end well most of the time. I naturally have wavy medium brown hair cut just above my shoulders and I think that the pink would look good on me. My parents, especially my mom, would never let me dye it while I’m living in their house. My maternal grandmother would probably scream if she saw me with dyed hair. My mom and grandma always tell me how pretty it is, and I believe them, but I want a change. I haven’t even brought it up just because I know it will be shot down immediately.

What’s something you want to do when you move out? If you’ve already moved out, what’s something you’ve done that your parents wouldn’t like/didn’t allow in their house?
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I'm 17 as well and currently I have to move out when I'm 18 so I'm going through a lot of stress that I don't need as of right now on-top of me deciding to stay in school (Senior as well this year) instead of dropping out is really hard so I have no idea what's going to happen with me because October is right around the corner (when I turn 18) and I work about 25 hours a week saving up every little bit I can...
i turned 18 a few months ago and i have absolutely no clue when i’ll be able to move out - i’m a year behind in graduating high school and with my anxiety disorder, moving out seems almost impossible. i guess my main goal is to go to college? i sincerely doubt my family has the money to pay for it and my grades aren’t good enough for a scholarship so this goal is probably off the table aha.

as for a simpler thing i’m looking forward to,,, my grandmother is a very judgmental person towards me and so is my father. i’m looking forward to moving out and cutting them both off so i can begin to properly heal from the pain they’ve caused me lmao
Lol at implying people over 18 still don’t live at home, especially in the middle of a global pandemic when it’s hard to get a job.
I don't think this was OP's intention at all. They're just asking what other people's plans are after high school/turning 18.

@ra_mry , I cut my hair short my hair and dyed it really bright colors after I turned 18. Even if dying your hair pink doesn't look good, I think it's fun to experiment with your sense of style and personal expression. Hair can always grow back, so it's much better than getting tattoos or piercings which can be permanent.
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I was a sheltered kid, so I went a little party crazy when I left the home. I calmed down a few years ago though c:
The first thing I did was go get a sailor moon stylized moon outline tattoo on the back of my neck (which I almost successfully hid before leaving for college except my little brother noticed and spilled the beans, of course). My parents were pretty "disappointed", but once I got my enormous side piece of flowers they stopped caring about the tiny neck tattoo!
That was all fun, but honestly, the best part of moving out is being able to remove yourself from toxic family dynamics if they exist for you :/ My family just has a way of making me hate life when I'm around them too much, but I still love them <3 Good luck to all of you about to leave home for the first time. My advice is to take it slow, and enjoy the ride :)
I don't think this was OP's intention at all. They're just asking what other people's plans are after high school/turning 18.

@ra_mry , I cut my hair short my hair and dyed it really bright colors after I turned 18. Even if dying your hair pink doesn't look good, I think it's fun to experiment with your sense of style and personal expression. Hair can always grow back, so it's much better than getting tattoos or piercings which can be permanent.

I totally agree! I’m too indecisive and afraid of needles for tattoos. As for piercings, I only have one on each earlobe and I’m not sure if I would like more because of cost, pain, and possible complications. Like you said, hair dye is not permanent at all in the grand scheme of things.
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Lol at implying people over 18 still don’t live at home, especially in the middle of a global pandemic when it’s hard to get a job.

I didn’t mean that at all. I suppose I meant to direct this towards people who do not live with their parents. I’ll edit my title.
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I was a sheltered kid, so I went a little party crazy when I left the home. I calmed down a few years ago though c:
The first thing I did was go get a sailor moon stylized moon outline tattoo on the back of my neck (which I almost successfully hid before leaving for college except my little brother noticed and spilled the beans, of course). My parents were pretty "disappointed", but once I got my enormous side piece of flowers they stopped caring about the tiny neck tattoo!
That was all fun, but honestly, the best part of moving out is being able to remove yourself from toxic family dynamics if they exist for you :/ My family just has a way of making me hate life when I'm around them too much, but I still love them <3 Good luck to all of you about to leave home for the first time. My advice is to take it slow, and enjoy the ride :)

That’s good advice! I think my parents will react similarly if I dye my hair, which is why I haven’t bothered to ask about getting done now (also because I don’t feel comfortable enough to go to a salon because of covid). Good on you for expressing yourself!
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i turned 18 a few months ago and i have absolutely no clue when i’ll be able to move out - i’m a year behind in graduating high school and with my anxiety disorder, moving out seems almost impossible. i guess my main goal is to go to college? i sincerely doubt my family has the money to pay for it and my grades aren’t good enough for a scholarship so this goal is probably off the table aha.

as for a simpler thing i’m looking forward to,,, my grandmother is a very judgmental person towards me and so is my father. i’m looking forward to moving out and cutting them both off so i can begin to properly heal from the pain they’ve caused me lmao

Hey, this might not mean a lot because I’m just a stranger on the Internet, but I think you can do it! Healing and change are both possible.
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I moved out a few years ago. I'm not sure what I'd do that my parents don't like me doing. All I'll say is that if you're living with your parents and you have a job that's still giving you income during these times, save it up. Don't go around blowing your money on things you know you don't need. And if you have a friend, brother and/or sister, someone you know you can trust to help you out, move out with them when that time comes.
i'm 25 and i still live with my parents, my 26 year old brother does too. money makes it real hard to get & maintain a place by yourself these days even before pandemic season

i can't wait for some actual peace and quiet though like i really wanna just be able to relax and make the whole place my own with no interference
I'm 21 and still living with parent's, but honestly i'm in no rush to move out just yet because it makes much more sense finance wise to stay here for a while. My older 24 year old brother is also about to move back in, and I think it's fine to live with your parents as long as you do your own chores/laundry etc. Although i'm not gonna lie I would love to just get some more living space, because my current room is technically too small to even be considered an adult's bedroom :x.
I’m 19 and live on my own now. Some of the things that were the biggest for me were:

- being able to decorate how I wanted. I own so many plants now.
-dying my hair pink (subtle using Overtone, but still a big one for me)
- sleepovers 😳
- cleaning my own place. It gives me a lot of peace and satisfaction.
- making plans spontaneously. Since I don’t have to coordinate with 4 other people, I can have people over or go out whenever.
- eating healthy foods. My family lives on junk food tbh.
im going into my sophomore year in college and im planning on getting a lip tat with some friends lol. it's nice bc it's not visible unless I purposely show someone it and it will fade after some time so I don't got to worry about it sticking around forever.

I also want to get my cartilage pierced (not that my parents, or at least my mom would mind) but it's something additional compared to the standard first hole piercings that I already have
I’m eighteen and about to go to college. As much as I’d love to have my own place, a lack of a job or personal income makes it impossible.

Personally I would move near a campus with my cat and bearded dragon. Preferably in an apartment with thick walls and flooring. I’d also purchase some bookshelves to put throughout the living room. That way there would be plenty of room to store my books, records, blu-rays, and games.
Bruh I'm 21 and I still live w my parents jdjdhejd
But that's cause I'm about to be a senior in college and right now I can't afford to move into my own place. I stay in the dorms during the school year and on breaks I come back to my parents house.

I want to move out so bad though. I already have ideas of what kinda house I'm looking for (I really want a ranch-style house, or possibly a small two-story) and Ive been collecting home supplies and some furniture to use when I move out. I'm pretty sure I'll have to start out in an apartment so I can get a job and get money to put toward a house but even an apartment is better than living with my parents.

There's not really anything in particular that I want to do that I can't do at home since I'm technically an adult (plus when it comes to my interests and personal preferences on appearance and blah blah they don't care) but one nice thing about being on campus is that I can go whatever I want, whenever I want. I don't have to have my mom worrying about me cause unless she's stalking me or somethin she won't know that I'm even gone.

The only thing that's still holding me back rn is the fact that I don't have my license, so I can't go anywhere unless another licensed driver goes with me (aka my parents). But I have my driving test scheduled for a few weeks from now so I should have my license before I go back to school. Then I'll never have to ask them to take me somewhere just for fun ever again :)
21 college grad living at home with the 'rents, lol. sometimes i feel bad because i have friends younger than me who already have their own apartments / live in an apartment with their significant others of which i have none, but i just have to remember i'll get there one day. i'm really looking forward to just literally having alone time. i try not to be home as much as i can because i really get irritated by my parents so easily.

plus, decorating my own space (no matter how small of a place it'll be) is going to be really exciting.