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Overwatch General Thread

Yes you can... I played with mine today.. lol..

Yeah I was wrong about that. Someone informed me you couldn't and I took that at face value.

Regardless, I tried it out and I despise the scoring system. It should go by time taken to capture a payload rather than # of points capped with payload. On some maps, such as Volskaya, the sudden death system can feel more like a death sentence considering how hard it is to defend the first point on that map

On the plus side I got matched with 50s-60s, and still popped off, so that's pretty good.

Until they change it to something closer to what they use in professional games, I likely won't be touching it.
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Those Golden weapons are tacky as hell...Do Blizzard have a 12 year old CoD fan working for them?

(I usually find CoD related insults tacky themselves, but my lord, that is definitely the demographic for those ugly as sin things)

I hate the ranking system. I was doing good in nearly all of my games and people would leave the game I was in on my team. It said I wouldn't get penalized for leaving, but I clearly did. I had to do this 2-3 times because my team left.

Edit: Alright, this mode sucks as it is right now. If people leave your team it's pretty much over. You get penalized with a loss if you leave when it says you can "without penalty" or stay and be outmatched by the other team. Nobody fills in your empty team slots. Matches take a very long time. Completely dependent on how well your new random team does every time you find a match.

People who keep leaving will get banned until next season, so in theory the problem should sort itself out as 'those people' get banned...But yea, even assuming the 'in theory' works, it's gonna suck until they've all gotten themselves banned...

But nobody filling the slots is pretty much there to stop other players from entering a losing game and unfairly harming their rank, which would be just as unfair for them (or undeservedly gaining rank I suppose). That's pretty much the standard thing that happens in the ranked mode for most games. The only real way around it has always been to play with friends/a group.

Though if somebody leaves, there's at least like a 30-60 second window to account for unintentional disconnections giving them a chance to come back into the match, which is at least better than other games tend to do in ranked if somebody leaves.

[edit] It's also usually like that so people can't boost ranks by joining winning games at the end, as well as to stop pre-formed groups harassing 'a randomer' into leaving either so they an leave a losing game themselves without a penelty once the random has been made to leave or harassing them to leave so their friend can join and get a win.

Regardless, I tried it out and I despise the scoring system. It should go by time taken to capture a payload rather than # of points capped with payload. On some maps, such as Volskaya, the sudden death system can feel more like a death sentence considering how hard it is to defend the first point on that map

So far I don't mind the scoring system for the matches themselves, but I've only been getting the same two maps that are the same damn match type...So I can't really judge it properly.

The sudden deaths are utter bullcrap though. I don't see why at the very least they can't just shove you on a 'king of the hill' map for those. Sure, it's probably a totally different match type to what you've just played, but at least there isn't an instant handicap against one team.

They say they're gonna change that after the first season...But that just makes me question why they've done it in the first place if they evidently know it's a crap system.
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People who keep leaving will get banned until next season, so in theory the problem should sort itself out as 'those people' get banned...But yea, even assuming the 'in theory' works, it's gonna suck until they've all gotten themselves banned...

But nobody filling the slots is pretty much there to stop other players from entering a losing game and unfairly harming their rank, which would be just as unfair for them (or undeservedly gaining rank I suppose). That's pretty much the standard thing that happens in the ranked mode for most games. The only real way around it has always been to play with friends/a group.

Though if somebody leaves, there's at least like a 30-60 second window to account for unintentional disconnections giving them a chance to come back into the match, which is at least better than other games tend to do in ranked if somebody leaves.

My problem with the banning is if someone has a bad internet day or whatever and gets disconnected frequently unintentionally, they'll be wrongfully banned. I've heard some people have been disconnected from competitive play during a match for no reason at all.

I understand the slots thing for sure. I liked someone else's idea about adding bots for replacing the empty slots. It's better than nothing. The thing is the matches are so long and things can happen that can disconnect people during them. I don't like how the game tricked me though saying I wouldn't get penalized for leaving after a teammate left. They should go into detail as to whether that applies to EXP only or your rank because your rank does drop still for leaving.

On a side note, I've encountered some glitches from this update. When I was in quick play earlier, after 2 eliminations the rest stopped being counted. It would show I did no damage and not add it to my elimination count. Killcams have also been very weird. Sometimes the screen will start out black for a few seconds and only show part of the replay and not the actual kill.
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Well this happened

The chat was the best part, the team chat was debating if there was too much justice or not enough justice, and the game chat had one of the Pharah's complaining about my Lucio. :p We also won at the first point, they didn't have enough justice to give.

Earlier today we were a team full of McCrees. You know that feeling when you see two of one character on your team and then you are like, I must join. Well I joined the two McCrees and I made a joke. Now there's McThree. Literally everyone at that moment switched to McCree and some guy said, how about McSix? Basically the whole battle consisted of us making McPuns while getting McKills.

I'm McSorry
Earlier today we were a team full of McCrees. You know that feeling when you see two of one character on your team and then you are like, I must join. Well I joined the two McCrees and I made a joke. Now there's McThree. Literally everyone at that moment switched to McCree and some guy said, how about McSix? Basically the whole battle consisted of us making McPuns while getting McKills.

I'm McSorry

Let's McFreakin' lose it
My problem with the banning is if someone has a bad internet day or whatever and gets disconnected frequently unintentionally, they'll be wrongfully banned. I've heard some people have been disconnected from competitive play during a match for no reason at all.

I don't know how it works, but I'm guessing the amount of times needed to get banned will be 'enough' that somebody just having a bad internet day shouldn't get banned.

Though if you're having a bad internet day, just play it safe and stick with quick play I guess. I would, but that's more because I don't see the point in joining games if I'm probably gonna disconnect/lag like hell rather than trying to avoid a ban.

Sometimes the screen will start out black for a few seconds and only show part of the replay and not the actual kill.

I've had that a few times. I thought I was going to disconnect or something...
I cannot fault Blizzard right now. It is only the first season and they are still learning. They are listening though!
Had a match on Lijiang Tower with one of those 'destined to fail' teams...So I picked Lucio and spent the entire match wall riding on the inside of the tower above the capture point so the other team couldn't win.

Sure, my team had to come inside the tower to get heals and I couldn't 'drop the beat' without coming down so I wasn't exactly an optimal healer, but after the other team finally realized where I was and why they couldn't finish capturing the point they struggled (and failed) to actually get me down...Was like a cat in an awkwardly high tree.

It was a cheap as hell win but it amused me. Surprisingly I didn't get any messages from the other team calling me a cheating ****.
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I just had an amazing match. It's one of those "DON'T GIVE UP!" moments.

We were on Ilios and we lost the first round...badly. No one could get to the point. I looked at our team which had two level 40 Pharah's, our highest lvl 64 a Genji, and a lvl 10 Lucio. Our other guy kept switching from Zarya to Roadhog to Winston. I was about to call it quits but I had never left a game before. The other team had a lvl 100 for some reason and a Hanzo who for some reason just hit EVERYTHING.

Our second round something changed in my team. We...won. It was beautiful. Our entire team was on the point and MURDERING THAT PIECE OF **** HANZO I HATE YOU SO MUCH. It was great.

Third round I thought that we'd lose just cause...I didn't think we'd coordinate like that again...BUT WE DID! We actually seriously won.

In short, don't give up just yet :)
I tried liking the competitive mode, but I just can't. It has too many flaws. I can't even voice my problem with it on the official forum because you need a key code to go from a trial to a premium member which is for PC only. More people leave when they get that message saying you can leave the match without receiving a penalty because they think it won't count as a loss. If you decide to stay after the countdown ends THEN it will say "You can leave safely, but will receive a loss." Matches where I have a team that does really good and wins faster I barely go up. Matches where we put up a fight and we lose, I drop a rank. The rewards don't seem worth the effort either. I might play some matches every now and then, but I'm sticking to quick play.
Competitive was alright. For my placement matches I lost 7/10 matches but somehow I still got placed at 45? I was happy with it but I've been losing every match so far because of uncoordinated teams. I've had a few matches where it's been like pick on the support (me) because everyone keeps dying.
Competitive was alright. For my placement matches I lost 7/10 matches but somehow I still got placed at 45?I was happy with it but I've been losing every match so far because of uncoordinated teams. I've had a few matches where it's been like pick on the support (me) because everyone keeps dying.

The coordination between teams seems to actually be worse in ranked than it is in quick play, at least with the teams I'm getting paired with. I mean that in both how the team 'works together' (or more accurately, doesn't work together) to get the objective and in the characters everybody picks.

It's rather strange really since quick play is where I expect everybody to be running around like an idiot doing their own thing with 3 Hanzos, two Trojborns and a Bastion on an attack map, and that's kinda okay for quick play...But that rarely actually happens, there's actually some sort of teamwork in quick play, whilst meanwhile in ranked everybody seems to be doing their own little thing like it's *generic military FPS* seemingly ignoring there's even an objective to complete.

I think I'll stick to playing with friends rather than taking my chances with PUG's.

That just puts me off ranked more, especially playing with a healer. If you win, you win, that's all that should matter.

Nobody should get more or less points for the same outcome, especially since their actual contribution to the team can't be accurately calculated, so they shouldn't be trying to calculate it, it's unfair. A Reaper who got a good amount of eliminations shouldn't be 'valued' higher than, say, a Mei who didn't do very well offensively but still managed to singlehandedly stop the enemy from capping the objective with ice blocks/walls. They've both still contributed to this metaphorical win, so why would the Reaper be rewarded more?

It's basically encouraging people to pick **** combinations of characters based on the praise/punishment they could get rather than whether they'll overall contribute to a win, which is the exact opposite of what the game is supposed to be.
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I'm a filthy weaboo

Kinda curious though, what do you guys play? (Search up "Master Overwatch" for the same website as the screenshot)

I'm actually really surprised I only have 4 hours with Soldier 76.

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